I picked a good day to work today and miss all the nukes that went off.
Speaking of nukes. Doom! Fallout 4. Love this E3. love it!I picked a good day to work today and miss all the nukes that went off.
And yea only buy PG 1-12. Skip the rest
Don't even trip, brah. The Judd Winick run had some great artwork in its own right. And how can you say no to PeeGee's?sexy evil clone
I only lasted a couple issues after the change. Just not the same magicDon't even trip, brah. The Judd Winick run had some great artwork in its own right. And how can you say no to PeeGee's?sexy evil clone
I only lasted a couple issues after the change. Just not the same magic
So has Johns left Superman? Shame, it was getting good.
Man what an amazing e3. The one e3 I wasn't excited about shows up and blows everything away. Battlefront, track mania (aka my wipeout replacement) ratchet, Mario maker, metal gear, uncharted 4, NMS, TLG, FF7 R, horizon, unraveled, etc. just great great stuff.
Yep. 39 was his last issue.
im reading #39 and its on about avatars and hes just drank a green pint from Constantine
i dunno what im reading#
its 6:20am ffs
Ah, so she's meant to be like that?
Since it says Nextwave had heroes out of character
Is GAF gone offline this night?
Man, even when I dont care about it... Fucking Shenmue 3 and FF7 Remake.
Based Sony, my god.
I don't get how they were jumping up and down for a remake that won't be out for five years.
I don't get how they were jumping up and down for a remake that won't be out for five years. I'm on team giantbomb for tempered enthusiasm towards the Sony conference
Its the holy grail of videogames.
FF7 might be a touch overrated.
I'd be eradicated if I said this anywhere else right now.
It's true tho.
I'd mch rather Legend of Dragoon 2
such a FF7 cloneI liked rose though
But it's a remake...I get wanting another installment of something like Shenmue even if the series isn't for me,but not a prettier version of something you've already played. Its rare that I ever replay a game though, unlike a movie, games are just too long and sometimes tedious to go through again.this surprises no one
Can someone explain Swamp Thing like I'm 5?
Go read Alan Moore's Swamp Thing run and don't question us til you finish reading it.
You'd give Alan Moore's Swamp Thing to a 5 year old?
Written by BILL FINGER, GARDNER FOX and others
Art by BOB KANE, JERRY ROBINSON and others
On sale NOVEMBER 4 • 784 pg, FC, $75.00 US
The stories that catapulted Batman to legendary status are collected here in a single, massive volume. These original stories from DETECTIVE COMICS #27-56 and BATMAN #1-7 include the origin of the Dark Knight, as well as the debuts of Robin, Commissioner Gordon, Professor Hugo Strange, The Joker, Catwoman and more!
My hype games are kotor ps4 rpg, a new Dino crisis that's not terrible, or legend of dragoon 2. I'll keep waiting. I don't think I'd even rent a remake of dragoon.
The Last Guardian looks average. But I never cared about those games. Don't think I've ever killed more than 2 collassi in SotC and Ico interested me even less.
I've never understood the Shenmue love. It's not going to be the second life experience people want it to be; "omg I can't wait to get home from my job so I can play Shenmue and drive forklifts for a few hours". Also lol Kickstarter?
FF7 remake: The game I wanted 5 years ago that I'll get 5 years from now.
Sonys conference just left me asking "where's the games *now*?" Pretty silly that MS blew them out of the water on that front.
Yo that's pretty cool.
SOTC is excellent. I only played it last year but it's great.
Shenmue is... I understand Shenmue is some people's Earthbound so I'll allow it.
FF7 Remake is just hype and I want to see how Nomura can delay every single game Square ever tries.
I felt like most of MS' stuff that wasn't remasters/ports was 2016 as well, though. TR being the big actually-this-year game.
Is George RR Martin secretly Hickman?
Everything dies
Haha. I guess. I've just come away so far wanting to finally get an Xbone and wondering why I bought into the PS4 so early. I think the stuff like backwards compatibility and more synergy with PC is pushing my nod towards MS. That mod stuff blew my mind.
Now everyone can experience the era of Batman with guns and stone cold killer Batman.
Now everyone can experience the era of Batman with guns and stone cold killer Batman.
Whats going on with Detective Comics guys !?!
Sooo Francis Manapul is no longer doing art or what....Good reason to be dropped,, also hate when there no heads up about changes like that.
Maannn really getting under my skin, I had no idea Manapul want not doing 'Tec art....
No where near that much angst. Golden Age Batman would throw a dude out a window to his death, consider it case closed, and continue on his merry way.
Oh I know. I've read a bunch of it. Mobsters get got.
Everything you said being true I am still excited for it to become a Bullock/Montoya book.
Maybe we get a Pre-Crisis-Universebook like Earth 2.
As interesting as that would be, I can't see DC publishing a book where Batman regularly kills the baddies instead of apprehending them