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COMICS! |OT| June 2015. Alright fanboys, it's time to pick a side once and for all.


I wanted a new metroid, but not like this


My initial impression was that the conference was a steaming pile of shit. But let's not forget what we did receive:

Day 1 Smash DLC
Mother 1
Mario Maker
Fire Emblem confirmed for 2016
Shin Megami x Fire Emblem for 2016
Yokai Watch in the US
Yoshi Wooly World (or whatever it's called) in the fall for the U.S.

The spin offs are fucking weak, but I would say they offered a lot of positivity. Far less parlor tricks and diversion than Sony's mess.

kiss the blackest part of my ass Nintendo

Which part is that?

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Nintendo really dropped the ball, with 2 of their most promising games being overshadowed (Horizon over XCX, Persona 5 over that SMTxAnime.) Animal Crossing U looks like a disaster. Woof.

My poor Wii U & 3DS :/

At least Mario Maker should provide some solid 2D platforming.


Seriously guys. That Hitman gameplay trailer and the reddit impressions. I need to calm down because this sounds like and looks like Blood Money 2. If it is true I was be so damn happy. Now that I am this invested if it isnt that good I will be crushed. As crushed as I was when Ann Nocenti decided to leave Catwoman.


Nintendo doesn't have enough games to support two systems by themselves. This is the same reason i didn't buy a Wii U at launch, Wii's last couple years were pitiful and now Wii U's final years are going to be pitiful...so buy an NX!

I'll rent Mario Maker, Paper Mario 3ds, and I hope Mario Tennis Wii U isn't barebones. Xenoblade Chronicles X will get a rental but after playing the first game to completion i'm not really interested in more of that. It's basically a massive wait until Zelda Wii U.


My initial impression was that the conference was a steaming pile of shit. But let's not forget what we did receive:

Day 1 Smash DLC
Mother 1
Mario Maker
Fire Emblem confirmed for 2016
Shin Megami x Fire Emblem for 2016
Yokai Watch in the US
Yoshi Wooly World (or whatever it's called) in the fall for the U.S.

The spin offs are fucking weak, but I would say they offered a lot of positivity. Far less parlor tricks and diversion than Sony's mess.

Which part is that?

Plus a Platinum codeveloped Star Fox and a release date for Xenoblade


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Finished first volume of Trees, brilliant. Great buildup to that #8. Want to see where this goes next, but it's going to take a while til the next trade. You can feed me dystopian sf-tales like this every day, loved every issue of it.

This book reminds me I should read more Warren Ellis. I dropped Transmetropolitan around the 3rd volume for no reason, and Planetary because I'll admit... I didn't get what was going on.


Am I the only one on GAF not pissed off at Nintendo? We knew there wasn't going to be anything too major this year, are people honestly this shocked?


Seriously guys. That Hitman gameplay trailer and the reddit impressions. I need to calm down because this sounds like and looks like Blood Money 2. If it is true I was be so damn happy. Now that I am this invested if it isnt that good I will be crushed. As crushed as I was when Ann Nocenti decided to leave Catwoman.

Man if it's Blood Money 2 good old Derrick01 will start partying on Steam. Of course, we have to be able to turn off all of that handholding stuff first.

Absolution was like when I first started reading Ales Kot's Winter Soldier: initial excitement over a new adventure and then being left wondering how it could possibly appeal to long-time fans. I played on console and have it on PC untouched.

Am I the only one on GAF not pissed off at Nintendo? We knew there wasn't going to be anything too major this year, are people honestly this shocked?

Nope, I'm 100% with you. We already knew what to expect and they have some pretty good games still on the way. I just hope NX has a really good launch lineup whenever the possible two platforms release.


Am I the only one on GAF not pissed off at Nintendo? We knew there wasn't going to be anything too major this year, are people honestly this shocked?

I think if people saw a man kick a dog, GAF would forgive that man quicker than they would forgive Nintendo for this direct.

It's not funny using shitty hyperbole.

But no, you're not the only one.


Am I the only one on GAF not pissed off at Nintendo? We knew there wasn't going to be anything too major this year, are people honestly this shocked?

Nope, they announced stuff I'm looking forward to and gave release dates for Mario Maker, Yoshi, and Xenoblade.
Fire Emblem confirmed for 2016
Shin Megami x Fire Emblem for 2016

I'm not exactly a long-time fan of the series or nothing, but the more anime direction that Fire Emblem is heading is turning me off from the games. No, Intelligent Systems, I don't want Waifu-Amie in my tactical strategy game.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Am I the only one on GAF not pissed off at Nintendo? We knew there wasn't going to be anything too major this year, are people honestly this shocked?

Just watched it--that was a fun ass presentation. Those puppets were fucking hilarious and Yoshi's Woolly World is the cutest thing I've ever fucking seen.
"Ancient hive king, born of darkness, come to this system for revenge." I mean, perfectly serviceable writing for a game in the "the princess is in another castle" mode. But it feels a bit funny when he tries to inject gravitas and "epicness" into that statement.

That's what you got out of that?
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