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COMICS! |OT| June 2015. Alright fanboys, it's time to pick a side once and for all.


Just watched it--that was a fun ass presentation. Those puppets were fucking hilarious and Yoshi's Woolly World is the cutest thing I've ever fucking seen.

Did you play the Kirby Yarn game? It was by the same team and just overflowed with charm.

Plus it gave us this:



Am I the only one on GAF not pissed off at Nintendo? We knew there wasn't going to be anything too major this year, are people honestly this shocked?

My take away at this point is that they had a kind of eh conference, but their line-up of upcoming stuff looks fine. To some degree they "took away" from the actual conference with the Sunday announcements, not to mention the mini-direct shortly before E3. Definitely interested in the Zelda and the Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam thing, and Starfox looks good to me for "announcements". The Animal Crossing and Metroid are kind of... questionable, though. Still willing to keep an eye on them and hope they turn out better than expected.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Did you play the Kirby Yarn game? It was by the same team and just overflowed with charm.

Plus it gave us this:

Haven't played that one (yet!) but cute and charming Nintendo games are my weakness, and my wii has been untouched for a while.


Haven't played that one (yet!) but cute and charming Nintendo games are my weakness, and my wii has been untouched for a while.

It's totally worth picking up on the cheap, it's not super hard, but was a lot of fun and had some really cool game play ideas and themed levels.


Kingdom Hearts III


no sarcasm

the story though....I'm still looking forward to it, i like donald and goofy being my battle bros.

Witcher 3 with suspend/resume on ps4 is soooooooooo good. Hop in, play a quest, watch the cavs, play another quest at halftime, turn back to the cavs to see them lose.

Cavs do not got this.


the story though....I'm still looking forward to it, i like donald and goofy being my battle bros.

Witcher 3 with suspend/resume on ps4 is soooooooooo good. Hop in, play a quest, watch the cavs, play another quest at halftime, turn back to the cavs to see them lose.

Cavs do not got this.

Who plays Kh for story?


the story though....I'm still looking forward to it, i like donald and goofy being my battle bros.

Witcher 3 with suspend/resume on ps4 is soooooooooo good. Hop in, play a quest, watch the cavs, play another quest at halftime, turn back to the cavs to see them lose.

Cavs do not got this.

Cavs got this. Refs will ensure game 7.
Most that that data is, sadly, not surprising.

Random things I note. Also, I think I overdid it:
I'm a bit confused why the sample size is referred to as not being statistically significant without any sort of p-value or the like being given. Not talking about how this is a non-random sample (as it clearly is not) is something else I think is missing and I'm being way too serious about this probably.

Using my basic math skills, it appears that 2 people didn't answer for gender and 15 people decided, unhelpfully, that their gender was "cis". I have no idea how the question was set up. but with 32/184 (17.4%) of the responses to gender falling into a space other than male/female I would have liked to have seen an attempt to split this into cis/trans along with male/female plus (a) non-binary and/or other option(s). This is especially true since the follow up piece on gender has a very awkward male/female/trans split that honestly makes no sense

as a result, it's unclear if everyone in the male and female categories are cis and the trans category is completely useless. Very small sample sizes especially make much of the gender evaluation on the next page questionable.

It's weird how they talk about Valiant supposedly valuing their creators so much and them enjoying the experience there when Valiant is firmly in the middle of the pack in the ratings of experience with publishers, finding themselves slightly behind Marvel and IDW and only above the mediocre ratings of Boom and Dynamite.

The lack of any real crosstab data outside the problematic gender-based follow up is disappointing as well.

Yeah, its pretty clear the writer is not a statician haha You don't just get to throw around 'statistically insignificant' willy nilly

Yes, some of the actual analysis has issues but this is such a positive step. Rarrely do get insight into how much artists are paid much less how many hours they actually put in and how they feel the industry and specific publishers treat them. People really need to be more open about how much they make. It's really not an issue in many cultures/subcultures and I'd argue it only serves to keep wages low.


Is Quorra in Kingdom Hearts?
True, very true

Lot of drama queens, yeah, but that Direct was bad. Mostly hilariously bad, but bad.
Nah. Sure it showed us a lot old stuff along with a couple of new stuff. Ain't no one to blame but your expectations. No one can blame Sony or MS either. It's like if some one watched any other conference and didn't see their most anticipated game of all time in that conference, they have no excuse to say that the conference was awful. The only thing that was truly awful about the Nintendo presentation was the FE: Fates trailer. It was an existing trailer that now has English subbing. Other than that, we got dates for upcoming games.
I'm so sorry for you.

KH story is bad. That KH3 trailer was pretty emblematic of the series. Bad dialogue and plot set up followed by some amazing gameplay.

Who the hell wrote/designed the story? Nomura? I enjoy the games but Square Enix has not had good writing in ages. I really enjoyed the story in ff7, ff8, and fx. No clue if those stand up to the fact Im not 14 anymore but I enjoyed them whereas I could always tell KH was thin story wise.


I did okay with following Kingdom Hearts story (which is not to say I found it great, but I wasn't offended by it either) until the end of DDD. Which just went insane. Still, really liked the gameplay of BBS and DDD, and liked what I saw from III, and the way the game plays is far more important to me. So I'm excited.

Edit: Kingdom Hearts does various (largely) Disney based worlds with their own subplots, usually running through a rough equivalent of the movie/whatever plot with the KH stuff mixing in, and then all part of an overall plot. I actually found the Tron Legacy world pretty well done in DDD myself. Though I'm not sure I'd recommend jumping right in there (though I guess DDD at least has those text synopsis things to help, which is something).
Yeah, its pretty clear the writer is not a statician haha You don't just get to throw around 'statistically insignificant' willy nilly

Yes, some of the actual analysis has issues but this is such a positive step. Rarrely do get insight into how much artists are paid much less how many hours they actually put in and how they feel the industry and specific publishers treat them. People really need to be more open about how much they make. It's really not an issue in many cultures/subcultures and I'd argue it only serves to keep wages low.

Oh, that's exactly the reason the idea of keeping compensation secret is pushed. Because then you can screw people over and they won't be the wiser. It's a clever game.
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