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COMICS! |OT| June 2015. Alright fanboys, it's time to pick a side once and for all.

Marvel integrating MCU stuff isn't all that heinous. If it helps brings more popularity for Quake, then more power to them.

I honestly wouldn't have cared if the dialogue didn't feel so wooden and the reasoning wasn't so stupid. Even the bond between Quake and Coulson feels artificial. Seems poorly done.


I read the most recent Batman issue. It didn't click with me at all :/. I did laugh at the twix ad page and the dialogue plus the Black Canary posters on the signposts. But the rest is the first meh issue for me on a while. I'll keep reading though.

That corporate synergy. But I'm sure the comics aren't beholden to their movie overlords. This is just something they choose to add because of the great story and

Also we call her Skye, with an e, because she goes to space. Instead of Quake because she can create gottam effin' earthquakes. It just makes more sense.


I read the most recent Batman issue. It didn't click with me at all :/. I did laugh at the twix ad page and the dialogue plus the Black Canary posters on the signposts. But the rest is the first meh issue for me on a while. I'll keep reading though.

The prodigal child has returned~

You should ditch current Snyder Bats and look into older series, some great stuff in there.


Daisy's origin was already kinda silly, so saying she's an Inhuman rather than a mutate isn't that big a deal.

But holy hell, that "Skye" explanation is baaaaad. The show has already established her name is Daisy, why even bother if you can't come up with a better explanation than that? Could have used the page space to make her relationship with Coulson less forced.


Remember all the Zero Year doubters and all the crow they had to eat?

Cause I do.

I believed.

Those final few pages tho. Leaving me like

What is Francavilla even working in now? Is Black Beetle still a thing that exists?
:-/ *deep sigh*

I randomly put this in a DCBS order, like .50 cents lol.

I'd skip Hush, and probably grab Batman Year 100. If you like Paul Pope even slightly, it's damn good.
Art looks friggin cool,, I'll put it on the list.

Chris Samnee for Amazing Spider-Man.

I guess that's one way to get me to come back to ASM
I didn't care for Year Zero. Heck all I remember from Year Zero is how Ridderl was drawn as if he was stoned.
I don't thinK i remmber much of Year Zero...


Zero Year was kinda cool. I think it's harder for Snypullo (I'm trying to hard) to please those of us who have been reading for years etc but obvs you can't please everyone anyway so sometimes it works out. I thought ZY was...8/10, maybe 9...but I loved the deliberately gaudy coloring (by FCO i believe). It gave it such character and life.

Anyhoo...why do CMX have to do an Uncanny Avengers sale that lasts one day, the day that I bought Arkham Knight on PS4? Why do you do this CMX. Omnibus it is.
I didn't care for Year Zero. Heck all I remember from Year Zero is how Ridderl was drawn as if he was stoned.
I don't thinK i remmber much of Year Zero...

Nope, that's him all right. Sitting in his house, masturbating to how clever he was.

Also the government dropping a space ninja spec ops team on gotham to try to pay him off. Because.

Tbh after Red hood, the only decent bits of zero year were wayne, alfred or gordon interactions.

Bones dude was boring af
Snyder actually did a pretty solid job with Riddler, IMO. Decent riddles, borderline believable plan and execution. One of the few good Riddler stories with him as a serious antagonist.

I mean, the Red Hood arc was stronger, but that doesn't necessarily speak to the quality of the Riddler half, just that the Red Hood stuff was fucking brilliant.


Finally got the full trade of The Wake. Really enjoying it so far, about halfway into it. I know I am pretty late to the party on this one but I waited for the trade for like 6 months.


Has anyone else read Jeff Parker's Meteor Men OGN that Oni released last year? I finished it this morning and really enjoyed it.
Southern Bastards 9

Damn, Southern Bastards might have just jumped to my number 1 spot for current series' with this latest issue. I can't wait to spend more time in this characters head.
That family reveal at the end of the issue... god damn. SB is so good at wringing pathos out of a character then ripping the rug right out from under you, violently.

Gonna need to start getting more obnoxious about recommending this series.
Southern Bastards 9

Damn, Southern Bastards might have just jumped to my number 1 spot for current series' with this latest issue. I can't wait to spend more time in this characters head.
That family reveal at the end of the issue... god damn. SB is so good at wringing pathos out of a character then ripping the rug right out from under you, violently.

Gonna need to start getting more obnoxious about recommending this series.
Definitely one of the best series right now. It needed like all of 3 issues to get there too


...I don't know about this but I do enjoy capes with space in them.

Seconded. Loved it in Avengers too. Such a cool look.

Shouldn't have read that article. Git spoiled on black vortex right as I was about to start reading it. Fuck sake


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Aaaaahhhh. My neighbor needs to get back to me already about when I'm going to have the meeting with the owners of the frozen yogurt place... She said it would be sometime this week. I want to quit this job already...

Also, I want to be out in the mountains right now so badly that it hurts. But instead I'm sitting at a desk in an office by myself bored out of my mind.

I swear one day I'll post about comics again.


...I don't know about this but I do enjoy capes with space in them.

Same. On the one hand it feels like a waste putting Ewing on a video game tie-in book, but on the other maybe it'll be good because Ewing?

Sort of like how people were pleasantly surprised by Injustice being not entirely terrible.


Aaaaahhhh. My neighbor needs to get back to me already about when I'm going to have the meeting with the owners of the frozen yogurt place... She said it would be sometime this week. I want to quit this job already...

Also, I want to be out in the mountains right now so badly that it hurts. But instead I'm sitting at a desk in an office by myself bored out of my mind.

I swear one day I'll post about comics again.

Get some glue, some newspaper and some pipecleaners and make your own toy mountains

Then buy toy cars and race them
BC is saying that new Wolverine book (X-23) will be by Injustice's Tom Taylor and David Lopez.
How was his Superior Iron Man? I never got to read beyond the first issue.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Get some glue, some newspaper and some pipecleaners and make your own toy mountains

Then buy toy cars and race them

Oh, actually, instead of newspapers I could make good use of all of these comic books I have on my shelf at home.
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