Baron von Loathsome
I can't wait for "Storm" by Jack Chick.
This Marvel "relaunch" is probably the worst I've ever witnessed. Happy to be getting Ant-Man still going, but everything else is confusing fucking trash.
Time-slopped X-teens still around, Old Man Logan for... no reason, and then just this absolute mess of trash books. Oh and Avengers in Babysitting (well done to whomever coined that in this here thread!).
Marvel has just been getting progressively fucking worse for what feels like a decade, the movies being the only good aspect to the company anymore. Never thought I'd be saying that!
we still dont know who All New Ironman is right?
we still dont know who All New Ironman is right?
we still dont know who All New Ironman is right?
Pie and beans do always complain this much? How about you wait till these books come out and then determined their quality.This Marvel "relaunch" is probably the worst I've ever witnessed. Happy to be getting Ant-Man still going, but everything else is confusing fucking trash.
Time-slopped X-teens still around, Old Man Logan for... no reason, and then just this absolute mess of trash books. Oh and Avengers in Babysitting (well done to whomever coined that in this here thread!).
Marvel has just been getting progressively fucking worse for what feels like a decade, the movies being the only good aspect to the company anymore. Never thought I'd be saying that!
Soule and garney on daredevil
Pie and beans do always complain this much?
wheres my Doom lead Fantastic Four tho?
A Bendis written Tony Stark that follows the thrilling story of his "real" parents because he was adopted is about as far away from what I'd want as it can get. Then again, he has Kieron "Worst ever Iron Man run" Gillen to beat there.
A Bendis written Tony Stark that follows the thrilling story of his "real" parents because he was adopted is about as far away from what I'd want as it can get. Then again, he has Kieron "Worst ever Iron Man run" Gillen to beat there.
Marvel needs to announce a Sterling Gates, Scott Lobdell, and an Ann Nocenti book now to complete the day.
This Marvel "relaunch" is probably the worst I've ever witnessed. Happy to be getting Ant-Man still going, but everything else is confusing fucking trash.
Time-slopped X-teens still around, Old Man Logan for... no reason, and then just this absolute mess of trash books. Oh and Avengers in Babysitting (well done to whomever coined that in this here thread!).
Marvel has just been getting progressively fucking worse for what feels like a decade, the movies being the only good aspect to the company anymore. Never thought I'd be saying that!
Dude. There's an Orson Scott Card Ultimate Iron Man run that wants to have words with you. Extremely poorly-written words.
Here come the web warriors
Not a single mention of Kaine
Not a single mention of Kaine
Dan Slott on Amazing Spider-Man....FOREVER (No really, this is happening though)
This is not the Yost written Spider-Family I wanted Marvel
Why do you want to hurt me so much?
Not a single mention of Kaine
There is still old comics guys.
Vision looks good
Adding yet another solo series for the movie Avengers characters. Seems Marvel has a very strong Vision for us all…..
I agree with first sentence but would use more tact for the second.Loving lots of these announcements. Fuck the haters.
Cullen Bunn And Greg Land Relaunch Uncanny X-Men
Rafa is inconsolable
Somebody keep a running tally of these All-New Marvel books before BC leaks em all
edit: Dennis Hopeless And Mark Bagley Relaunch All-New X-Men
Lemire and Ramos on Extraordinary X-Men
Hopeless and Bagley on All-New X-Men
Bunn and Land on Uncanny X-Men
Lemire and Sorrentino on Old Man Logan
Taylor and Lopez on Wolverine
Duggan and Hawthorne on Deadpool
yeah, that's like the most predictably bland team ev-Daredevil by Soule and Garney... .
Featuring Gambit
Where is remender?
Still on cap right?Where is remender?
Where is remender?
Where is remender?
You guys are all wrong:"Careful with those things, old man. You'll have somebody's eye out if you ain't payin' attention. Them's claws sharp as a wolverine's."
Warren Ellis And Gerardo Zaffino Launch Karnak #1
He's not dead though. Wasn't even dead by the time Secret Wars hit. Hasn't been dead for awhile, actually.Dead Inhuman
I'm interested