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COMICS! |OT| June 2015. Alright fanboys, it's time to pick a side once and for all.

Yep. And this is why I've basically ignore purchasing anything on Steam the last couple of years except a few very specific exceptions.

Oh I don't know; Humble Bundle has proven an excellent way to pull a Kipp and get tons and tons of games for nothing so that you can never play them. One penny for 10 games, sounds like a plan. 20 issues of digital comics for a penny? Overpriced but I'm feeling generous.

I don't actually pull Kipps.
Nah, we still got some Ultimate Marvel fans sticking around.


u got a point tho


I have 143 Steam games and i think i played about 7 of them. I spent the most time on Monaco with a friend, very little on Frozen Synapse, and then a lot of Civ 4 awhile ago. The only games i actually might play out of those 136 are Baldur's Gate EE 1 and 2. The rest are pretty much going to live forever in my list unplayed, and i'm done buying pc games as i have no intention of playing them.

Divinity Original Sin and Wasteland 2 are coming to PS4, so that helps.


Thanks, that's what ended up happening, however...

I'm an idiot, looks like. Didn't realize however paying invoices on ebay worked, and clicking the pay now button on it from my email on my phone took me to one of the items. I was stupid and did my math wrong (thought I had bought 6 games instead of 8 like I actually did thanks to my brain being scrambled from it being early in the morning or something, I don't know, and I thought the seller had given me no discount, when he actually gave me a $7 one).

And... I paid for half the items. Guessing invoices just don't work on their mobile site and I need to use a computer or something? And I'm guessing eBay's system isn't smart enough to balance things out so I can still use the invoice and it'll give me the proper rate with the consideration that I already paid for half the items.

So I'm guessing my best option is going to be contacting the guy and hoping he's willing to do a new invoice for the remaining items with the same discount. Feel bad though since I'm already getting a great deal and this was my fault...
It would seem that the invoice system is indeed no longer helpful once you've ordered stuff from it (it has the remaining items cost+the total shipping quoted, and since that was more than the total for the remaining items it just did nothing). But yeah, messaged the guy and apologized and asked if he could make a new invoice for the remaining items with the same amount deducted from the shipping so the total balances out, since I figure that's easiest. (Only other way I can think of would be a refund for the amount he discounted shipping).

So yeah, the ball is in his court now, so hopefully he'll be helpful. Can't believe mobile ebay doesn't show invoices for whatever reason, and that I was too dumb to notice. Bleh.

Oh yeah, and comics! I've been reading Waid FF. Holding off my thoughts till I finish though (probably tonight).
You can never have too much Dick Grayson Batman. It's just not possible.

It's all good unless it's Dick written as Bruce. I think we're in for a different Batman, more lighthearted and maybe some cues from Wildcat. 8 page previews aren't enough :(.

No rich background or toys, no fighting background, no Robin/Batfam, no traditional rogue's gallery, this should be good.
It's all good unless it's Dick written as Bruce. I think we're in for a different Batman, more lighthearted and maybe some cues from Wildcat. 8 page previews aren't enough :(.

No rich background or toys, no fighting background, no Robin/Batfam, no traditional rogue's gallery, this should be good.

Just a dead wife and a missing son.
Any recommended reading for Earth 2 if I'm just planning to jump on for DickBats?

At the very least Convergence, which leads directly into this new series. Otherwise the monthly Earth 2 and the weekly series will flesh out some of the characters more and explain what happens to Earf-2.
Any recommended reading for Earth 2 if I'm just planning to jump on for DickBats?

Nothing that wouldn't require reading through Earth 2: Worlds' End which only vaguely deals with it. All you really need to know is:

Earth 2 is under attack (for the second time) by the forces of Darkseid and this time they're losing. Dick is married to Barbara and has a kid with her. She ends up getting killed and he is separated from his son when he makes sure he gets onboard one of the escape ships fleeing the planet. He spends some time with an Earth 2 version of Old Wildcat I believe and then is there when Thomas Wayne dies at the hands of Batman villains on the world out of time in Convergence. After the events of the event the world is given life by Green Lantern and returns back to their dimension where they find the refugee ships that had escaped the destruction of Earth. They now have a new world for the survivors to rebuild on.

There is the Earth 2: Society preview you can read up on Comixology and then just hope onboard with the new book.


I think I might be back out on Earth 2. I just wanted Pee Gee. This doesn't seem like a good jumping on point. Shame.
I think I might be back out on Earth 2. I just wanted Pee Gee. This doesn't seem like a good jumping on point. Shame.

I mean she's a main character. It'd be like backing out of Avengers because you only wanted Captain America and why are there all these other stupid people. She has featured prominently in all of the Earth 2 stuff she has been in.


I mean she's a main character. It'd be like backing out of Avengers because you only wanted Captain America and why are there all these other stupid people. She has featured prominently in all of the Earth 2 stuff she has been in.

No not just that. It just feels like I would be jumping into the middle of a story.
Alright, sounds good. I've read the preview already, which looks great. I don't think I'm really all that interested in reading about the stuff that lead up to it as long as it's not required.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
i haven't read Netxwave yet (i know, i know....)

should have pulled the trigger on that paperback when i first wanted it, now it's tough to find

anyone think it's required reading before this week's Marvel Zombies Secret Wars tie-in?

Sorry if this has been posted already, but Michel Fiffe of COPRA fame is writing/drawing/coloring a story that will be in Secret Wars Secret Love #1! According to Marvel.com, it's a "take on Daredevil and Typhoid Mary from Karen Page’s perspective"...

No not just that. It just feels like I would be jumping into the middle of a story.

As someone who has read everything Earth 2 related; you're not. It's the beginning of a new chapter that doesn't really seem dependent on what came before.

There have been basically two arcs to the story so far. The first was the world building they were doing under Robinson, about the "Wonders" i.e. Superheroes, where you learned about Earth 2, it's first war against Apokolips and the threat posed by the remnants of those forces still on the planet. Then the creative team change happened and it started down the "Earth 2 Worlds End" run, which detailed the 2nd invasion and the fall of Earth 2 to the forces of Apokolips. The world is literally destroyed at the end of it.

This new series is them on a new world. Rebuilding a society out of the ashes of what is left. I can't imagine much that is going to carry over besides the occasional reference to something that came before.


i haven't read Netxwave yet (i know, i know....)

should have pulled the trigger on that paperback when i first wanted it, now it's tough to find

anyone think it's required reading before this week's Marvel Zombies Secret Wars tie-in?


They are rereleasing the complete nextwave tpb, i think August-ish.

Baron Von Postfirstenstein.

edit: I got an actual book or something close to it from the library, The Last Apprentice volume 2. I don't need comics or their stupid pictures, i can create worlds in my mind where every character has a beard and talks like Ian McKellen.
Any recommended reading for Earth 2 if I'm just planning to jump on for DickBats?

Personally I thought the whole series going back to the start of the New 52 when it launched, all the way up through World's End, and Convergence was good. I'm not really a multiverse fan, I liked that COIE got rid of it, and I loved what they've been doing with Earth 2. Its been unique and fresh, with great art and solid writing. There is a dip in the middle after the original team left, but I still think it was good.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Lol. One of my two coworkers I'm close with just quit. Hopefully I'm next...
People are droppin' like flies right now. My boss is going to start getting even crazier.
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