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COMICS! |OT| June 2016. The Manhattan Project

Li Kao

So yesterday I read comics, yeah for comics !


Spider-Man 2099 (2014) #12
So yeah, I left regularly reading comics some 10 years ago and then Peter David was sort of the underdog sales-wise that you could count on to have absolutely solid writing.
These days ? Meh. The issue is it's still the same Peter David, it's still relatively solid and you could certainly do worse but it very much feels like he is on auto-pilot, just writing good enough to earn a check and that's it.
You can sense that if only he would TRY, the book could be so much more.
I like it, though.

Thor (2014) #5-6
Not willing to enter some debate about gender in comic books. I would just say that the book would be a lot more enjoyable if it didn't revel in its polemism (is that a word ?) at every fucking opportunity.
I mean I'm ok to have a female Thor, really it's cool. Now if every character and his mother could stop being obsessed, angry, sad, happy, about that fact, it would be even cooler.
Pretty good book overall, I can see why Aaron is respected about his stint on Thor. I'm not blown away yet but that could change.

Thor Annual (2015) #1
It's an annual, so it's shit. Funny and nice looking story drawn by Rob Guillory.

Operation S.I.N. (2015) #1-3
What the fuck is this shit ? The penciller is not up to the task, Kathryn Immonen plot is uninteresting, dialogs are bland... we heard you liked comic book so here it is. Quality you say ? Uh...

Old Man Logan (2008) [first half]
I have no sympathy for Millar or McNiven. There are blunders in the storytelling at times, but man, I must admit it's quite an enjoyable trip.

Hey kids, Comics: Old Man Logan (2008)
Hey kids, Scimoc: Operation S.I.N. (2015) #1-3


Casefile 1 seems like the thing I want, but its oop... :/

It's expensive, but it's not OOP



I have volumes 1-3 of the Complete Casefiles, mainly because I didn't know not to start from the beginning, as suggested in the links. CC01 really leans hard on police procedural and Authoritarian state satire, and it's even before Thatcher and Reagan came to power in reality, so it's incredibly amusing to see that kind of world represented before it had begun to actually occur.


Huh...I don't think I've ever seen a TV commercial for a comic book before

TBS is running an ad touting DC Rebirth #1 issues.


It's tough to post more examples, because I won't use anything that could be a spoiler. Here are two other very generic scenes that hopefully convey how ugly and plain stuff looks. I think both these were available in the previews. I'm using my phone's screen shot function, so they might be tiny.



Ehh I've seen worse. It's clearly going for a cartoony style and it's not terrible IMO.


New Avengers and Extraordinary X-men are my two most " we're just writing this shit until the next relaunch" books. Uncanny Inhumans #3 was interesting enough to push it out of that category.
Flash #1

Just... really boring. Barry sucks. The art doesn't do anything for me. The entire issue feels both a waste of time and yet extremely rushed.


Oh hey, a new issue of Bitch Planet is out, a great read as always. I wish the release schedule was a little more regular, but in the end it's always worth the wait.


Flash was okay, likely setting up the current arc. Weird considering I thought the Rebirth issue kinda already set everything up.

Ms. Marvel and Sam Cap are already playing the moral of CW 2 better than Bendis as both deal with profiling.

Uncanny Avengers has recovered greatly, Janet is one big chessmaster and Deadpool makes a Half Life 3 joke.


Young Avengers redux?


Whats so bad about CW II #2?
I didn't like how the Inhumans were portrayed as being the shittiest at the everything. Yes, I know I'm apparently the only one who gives a fuck about the Inhumans, but at least get Crystal's power right
(unless she's thrown lightning before, in which case I'll back down)
. I still can't get behind Tony at all, and this issue doesn't help me..


You could have done anything after Secret Wars and you chose to do another Civil War, this is my Marvel equivalent of Before Watchmen.
Flash was okay, likely setting up the current arc. Weird considering I thought the Rebirth issue kinda already set everything up.

Ms. Marvel and Sam Cap are already playing the moral of CW 2 better than Bendis as both deal with profiling.

Uncanny Avengers has recovered greatly, Janet is one big chessmaster and Deadpool makes a Half Life 3 joke.


Young Avengers redux?


That character is great in the current Iron Man storyline. Psyched to see her take up the mantle.

And yeah, Pepe Larazz's Uncanny Avengers issues have been fucking spectacular. Dude is a superstar in progress.
Aquaman #1

I disliked Aquaman Rebirth but this issue actually ended up being my favorite Rebirth title this week. It was pretty solid and manages to set up an interesting arc without being boring like Flash #1.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Uncanny Avengers is doing a lot better now with Hank coming back. Cable shits on him hard, I loved it.

wait Cable stays on the book? He's in the story im reading now on MU (issue 2 or 3 whatever it was, think 3) but I assumed it was a one off thing

Sou Da

You could have done anything after Secret Wars and you chose to do another Civil War, this is my Marvel equivalent of Before Watchmen.

I honestly find the main civil war title more or less inoffensive at worst. Got me to buy Nova and I'm glad I did. Even if the book seems to be SUFFERING from here on in.

@Rhak, yeah he's there forever. That tattoo of his is stupidly great.

I really don't get why this book gets much better art than ANAD Avengers though. Like, is ANAD not supposed to be the main Avengers?
Black Widow #1 (2016 by Waid)

Wow! This issue caught me off guard with how different it was then what I was expecting it to be. Simply fantastic. This is probably one of my favorite opening issues to a title. I'm hooked.


Does anyone in Comics gaf have any opinions on the return of Dave Sim's Cerebus?

I guess what I'm really asking here is if anyone else here has read Cerebus?
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