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COMICS! |OT| June 2016. The Manhattan Project

Does anyone in Comics gaf have any opinions on the return of Dave Sim's Cerebus?

I guess what I'm really asking here is if anyone else here has read Cerebus?

I read the first volume very recently. It seemed fun but I didn't really have the urge to immediately track down the second volume. Definitely haven't gotten to the more controversial parts of the run.

I thought he couldn't work any more due to an injury?


He's using digital lettering.

That's not my Cerebus.

Fuck that forever.


I read the first volume very recently. It seemed fun but didn't really have the urge to immediately track down the second volume. Definitely haven't gotten to the more controversial parts of the run.

I thought he couldn't work any more due to an injury?

The first volume is just a straight Conan ripoff but immediately afterwards Dave beings his descent into madness. Definitely give High Society a chance, it's where I fell in love with the book.

I don't think it'll take that much out of Sim since it's only a 4 issue mini.


Just picked up Gwenpool #3, The Flash #1, and Detective Comics #935.

Most excited to read Gwenpool.
Originally picked up #1 when it came out with no interest but a "Well, I need to see this..." attitude, and fell in love with the character because of just how normal (power wise, not thought process wise, lol) she actually is.

Also I love the cover for #3 so much (though they all have great covers)

Sou Da

Ideas for making Spawn not suck: Remove Todd from any position of power, get someone who knows what short form storytelling is.
Yeah but its the best you're going to get in 2016. Is it going to stop you from reading the thing?

Most likely. Going Home was the last great Cerebus story anyway. I can't imagine this will be a return to form with the strongest weapon in his arsenal missing.

(Also, is Gerhard on board?)


Two observations on WW #1

1) God that comic is dense. You can totally see how it's a comic from the guy who writes Lazarus, because, wow, it's good at worldbuilding, at putting together the picture of a place, a time and a situation. And that's all kinds of dope.
2) I'm totally down with this form of decompressed storytelling because of the bi-monthly thing. The fact that the next issue is not literally a month away means you get to see the full picture faster, and that makes the whole thing feel more satisfying.

DC is doin' it right, I says.
Two observations on WW #1

1) God that comic is dense. You can totally see how it's a comic from the guy who writes Lazarus, because, wow, it's good at worldbuilding, at putting together the picture of a place, a time and a situation. And that's all kinds of dope.
2) I'm totally down with this form of decompressed storytelling because of the bi-monthly thing. The fact that the next issue is not literally a month away means you get to see the full picture faster, and that makes the whole thing feel more satisfying.

DC is doin' it right, I says.

Actually, bad news. The story continues next month. It switches off with a Year One origin story.
Young Avengers redux?


WAAAAAAT? Is this All-New All-Different Marvel NOW?

Between the Inhumans/X-men and Divided stuff, the Marvel universe looks so dull right now.

It really does. And the $3.99/$4.99 pricing certainly isn't helping them. DC is more interesting to me right now.

You could have done anything after Secret Wars and you chose to do another Civil War, this is my Marvel equivalent of Before Watchmen.

Marvel just jumps from one thing to another.

Also I haven't been in here in forever, any of you jerks reading I hate Fairyland?

I've really been meaning to.

Yes. It wasn't on the rebirth titles. It was very carefully announced. Its 4.99 for 40 pages.

What book was this?

God I'm so sick today. I finally understand Snotgirl, I just don't give a fuck anymore. I am Snotguy.

Enjoy that image.

That's funny. How can robots produce snot?



Okay, one for Daredevil

2nd half of Thor: God of Thunder's Godbomb > or = Winter Soldier > Waid daredevil with Khoi pham fill-ins and that Omega Effect crossover

You dont need to read Inhuman

One for Winter Soldier (already read the Godbomb story arc in the first OHC)

Thor has been pretty boss. I'm 11 issues in. Daredevil's good too, but really picks up when the art stabilizes.

Mostly agreed. It was real rough and not in the good way.

One for Thor

I really enjoyed Inhuman a lot.

And one for Inhuman


Guys, I had four books to choose from and you each made a different choice , lol. I am right back to where I started. At least I know that they're all worthy.

I will choose Daredevil.
Aquaman #1

I disliked Aquaman Rebirth but this issue actually ended up being my favorite Rebirth title this week. It was pretty solid and manages to set up an interesting arc without being boring like Flash #1.

Hmmm, I might give it a shot. I didn't care much for Flash #1, and like you I found the first Aquaman book to be disappointing.

Interesting that the two books I war most hyped about (Flash and WW) are the ones I've liked the least.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Drifter has picked up with the second arc IMO. The expanded cast has helped alot since the main protagonist isn't exactly the most exciting character in the world. Plus this arc seems to have an actual purpose. The first arc just felt aimless and I'm still not sure what it was trying to accomplish other than introduce us to this weird world.

I went ahead and picked up 11, 12, and a subscription to the series.


I remember dropping Kick Ass 2 right before the final issue because i didn't want to give the series another dollar, there's no going back.


Flash was okay, likely setting up the current arc. Weird considering I thought the Rebirth issue kinda already set everything up.

Ms. Marvel and Sam Cap are already playing the moral of CW 2 better than Bendis as both deal with profiling.

Uncanny Avengers has recovered greatly, Janet is one big chessmaster and Deadpool makes a Half Life 3 joke.


Young Avengers redux?

I'm really interested in seeing the new preview book and finding out what "Divided" actually means for the books.

Uncanny has been good since Pym came back.

best parts were the shots at Frank Miller

Alan Moore: Speaking purely for myself, while I’ve greatly enjoyed Kieron’s company on those too-few occasions when we’ve been able to meet up (he’s one of the only people I’ve ever met whose conversation contains – and needs – its own footnotes), and while I have an obvious fondness for a working class chancer who’s probably much too clever for his own good, regarding his work I think the most distinctive things about it are its relentless progressive momentum and the sense of effervescent colour – probably hot pink – that Kieron brings from his gaming and his music journalism background. There’s a lot of deceptively light-footed complexity in much of Kieron’s writing – I’m thinking now primarily of his weirdly symbiotic and merged collaborations with the excellent Jamie McKelvie, like PHONOGRAM and THE WICKED + THE DIVINE – where you can see a dance-like or musical sensibility creeping into the storytelling, a kind of fluorescence that he brings to his work from a dance culture that he’s grown up with and that I’m largely unfamiliar with in first-hand terms. I recall Brian Eno talking once about how despite his usage of it, he didn’t really like computer technology, because in his words there wasn’t “enough Africa” in the technology, by which I think he meant that it didn’t involve enough physical rhythm or ecstatic sway, something which I think Kieron’s best writing aspires to and reaches. He’s also possessed of an admirable range in his storytelling sensibilities, and effortlessly avoids using the same special effect twice or continually banging away thematically on a single note of the piano, for that way lies Frank Miller. Speaking of whom, Kieron’s breadth is such that he can move from an insightful riposte to the inane 300 in his splendid 3, through some perfectly-pitched YOUNG AVENGERS space-dust and some fit-inducing PHONOGRAM strobe effects, to the remarkable and probably gaming-influenced complexities of ÜBER, currently one of my very favourite comics, and a series to which I hope I have made a tiny but significant contribution that may be apparent in the long-awaited next arc. Anyway, I better stop now: Kieron has such a reticent, retiring and self-effacing personality that I’m sure he’ll be getting uncomfortable about all this well-deserved praise. Seriously, if you tell him you like his shoes he’ll more than likely blush, giggle, and run away to hide in the washroom until everybody’s gone. I just wish he could be more confident and outgoing. And not so fat.


Unconfirmed Member
Ms. Marvel had a hell of an issue this week. The art is still perfect of the character and it just proves that almost everyone is better at writing about the themes of Civil War II than Bendis is.
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