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COMICS! |OT| June 2016. The Manhattan Project



Why am I not surprised to see Moore is a fan of Richard Brautigan's In Watermelon Sugar . That makes absolutely perfect sense.

Unsurprisingly, he has great taste in punk albums as well.

A special place, obviously, has to go to the Sex Pistols, with “God Save the Queen” being the first punk 45 that I acquired, with (I think) the French issue of “Anarchy (in the U.K.)” following a week or two later. NEVER MIND THE BOLLOCKS was a terrific album, and as an erstwhile Monkees admirer I was particularly fond of “Stepping Stone”. The first Clash album was equally wonderful, with “Janie Jones” as the standout selection. Among the American stuff I was picking up at the time there was “Little Johnny Jewel”, which I think was the first Television single, and “Love Goes To Building On Fire”, which was the first from the Talking Heads. horses-coverIn a way I think I should list Patti Smith’s HORSES, even though I picked it up in 1975, as a definite and monumental punk precursor. I recall buying “Rip Her To Shreds” by Blondie, and a lot of records by bands who perhaps aren’t so well remembered today, like Mink De Ville with “Spanish Stroll”, or the excellent Handsome Dick Manitoba and The Dictators, just for the haunting B-side of their “Search and Destroy” Iggy cover, which was called “Sleeping With The TV On”. The Only Ones’ “Lovers of Today” was another treasured discovery, and I would eagerly consume anything that Stiff Records put out: that first Elvis Costello single, “Alison/My Aim is True”, was an ear-opener, and the same goes for his Stiff stable-mates: most famously Ian Dury with “Sex & Drugs & Rock ’n’ Roll” and the NEW BOOTS AND PANTIES album, but I was always a big fan of Wreckless Eric with “Whole Wide World” and “Semaphore Signals”, and was equally struck by Larry Wallis with his threateningly anthropomorphic “Police Car”. I was, of course, very taken with John Cooper Clarke from his first (I think) Beggars’ Banquet E.P, PSYCLE SLUTS. Stuff from the more outré end of the punk spectrum always found an easy berth, so Devo’s “Jocko Homo” was very welcome, and especially the sublime DUCK STAB EP by The Residents, Meet the Residentswhich led me to their equally startling albums like MEET THE RESIDENTS and THIRD REICH AND ROLL. Honestly, this list could probably go on forever, and I haven’t even mentioned The Adverts, or X-Ray Spex, or The Ramones, or Public Image, Ltd., or Metal Urbain, or Patrick…I’ve forgotten his second name…who did “Safety Pin Stuck in My Heart” [Patrik Fitzgerald — Ed.], or Wire, or The Gang of Four, or The Slits, or Penetration, or Teenage Jesus and the Jerks, or, or…
dude gives a really fun interview when people aren't asking him the same 3 questions about superhero comics and Grant Morrison all the time

I feel like that should be a international ban. If you get the rare opportunity to talk to Alan Moore at length, you are forbidden from asking him about the current state of superhero fiction, Watchmen, or Grant Morrision. He's soooooooo much interesting to read when you're not tying him down to questions you already have answers to.


Unconfirmed Member
Here's a pretty sweet poster/infographic about when different people joined the Avengers from Mondo/Matt Tyalor

I feel like that should be a international ban. If you get the rare opportunity to talk to Alan Moore at length, you are forbidden from asking him about the current state of superhero fiction, Watchmen, or Grant Morrision. He's soooooooo much interesting to read when you're not tying him down to questions you already have answers to.
Maybe we should ask him how he feels about The Killing Joke. I think that would be really fresh.


Detective Comics #935: Really good. I like the characterizations, I think Tynion is doing a good job balancing the "airtime" of each character. Dialog is solidly written. Really FEELS like a proper team book. And, as such, it's going to take a little time before we really learn the depths of these characters. Art for the most part is pretty great. I love the coloring especially. That's the high point, IMO. This is better than the King Batman series so far.

Aquaman #1: I didn't read the rebirth issue, but I enjoyed this a lot! Art was... sort of meh (good in parts, though), writing was good. The story they're setting up seems interesting and the villain seems sufficiently imposing. This was good enough that I will buy the next issue, which I didn't really have any intention of doing.



A+++ reporting by the Outhousers. I lol'd at

As we pointed out to Rich, Matt Fraction hasn't been on Twitter in over a year, so @mentioning him for brownie points is pretty pointless. Is Matt Fraction going to return to Twitter one day, look through all his past mentions, and be like, "That Rich Johnston guy is solid. Nice shout out. Thanks bro?"


Zdarsky writing not arting. Interesting he really seems to be moving away from doing art. Wu is amazing though so I will support it.



This really should've been 1 big issue because those 20 pages didn't cut it.
This issue hurt so much...


Welp, I made a terrible mistake. Not only did I back Mighty No 9, but I also picked the WiiU version, which it turns out is heavily busted. I'm officially done with kickstarter after this crap, if only because of the idea of needing to pick a platform before you have any idea how each version will turn out.

Oh well, back to whittling down my comic backlog...


Remember that show Luck on HBO and how it only got like 3 episodes because all the horses died and they realized it was a bad idea? That's kind of like what happened when we all read Strange Fruit and died a little bit inside.


Who is Gwenpool by the way? Like, the whole thing is waaay beyond my Marvel knowledge. Is it Gwen Stacy, the Spiderman character? If so, what in the world is going on there?


Before anyone asks...yeah that Sonic comic bundle is good but it's not from the start of Ian Flynn's run, though to be fair the first dozens of issues were him just cleaning up after the previous writer's stuff (Such as getting rid of Eggman's 2 AIs that he built to help him out in his conquest).

If Guruhiru leave Gwenpool, I will lose it.

Wait Guruhiru has been drawing the recent issues of Gwenpool?

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Remember that show Luck on HBO and how it only got like 3 episodes because all the horses died and they realized it was a bad idea? That's kind of like what happened when we all read Strange Fruit and died a little bit inside.

Yeah I remember how boring pilot was. Not that I didn't see that coming considering it was directed by Michael Mann.
I feel like that should be a international ban. If you get the rare opportunity to talk to Alan Moore at length, you are forbidden from asking him about the current state of superhero fiction, Watchmen, or Grant Morrision. He's soooooooo much interesting to read when you're not tying him down to questions you already have answers to.
I've never seen/read an interview with him until that one. He talks like he writes. Amazing.

What's up with asking him about Morrison though? The other two I get, but I have no idea why anyone would ask him about Morrison and now I feel like I should
Here's a pretty sweet poster/infographic about when different people joined the Avengers from Mondo/Matt Tyalor
That's pretty fucking cool


Welp, I made a terrible mistake. Not only did I back Mighty No 9, but I also picked the WiiU version, which it turns out is heavily busted. I'm officially done with kickstarter after this crap, if only because of the idea of needing to pick a platform before you have any idea how each version will turn out.

Oh well, back to whittling down my comic backlog...

Can you not fire off an email to someone involved with the kickstarter and get your copy changed to one for a different platform? I'd have thought it's something they could do even at this late stage especially if it's a digital copy.


That new War Machine Girl has promise assuming Bendis or whoever properly develops her. Of course she is already receiving the Jane treatment though from random people though.
More Rebirth!

Aquaman #1 - ★★★★ - Pretty much the opposite of the Rebirth issue in every conceivable way, I actually found Aquaman interesting here. Great build up here that works up to the last three pages being phenomenal. The art is wonderful, colorful, and fits so well with the writing. Really liked this book.

Wonder Woman #1 - ★★★★ - Still the least friendly Rebirth book for new readers (I don't know who any of the supporting cast is), but I'll be damned if this wasn't a fun comic. Incredible art, Wonder Woman being a bad ass, and some other interactions between random people I don't know! I've never seen the protagonist look so damn good. Like all Rebirth books so far except Action, the pace is glacial, but I'm growing to expect these will all be slow burns.
The latest episode of This American Life was super disappointing. I should have just stuck with comics.

Now that all four trades are in my hands, will start on 52 tonight.

The first volume is just a straight Conan ripoff but immediately afterwards Dave beings his descent into madness. Definitely give High Society a chance, it's where I fell in love with the book.

I don't think it'll take that much out of Sim since it's only a 4 issue mini.

It took me a while to figure out whether the first volume was playing it straight of whether it was a parody or whether it was satire. The later arc with Marx* was good fun. I think I'll give High Society a shot later in the year.

Like all Rebirth books so far except Action, the pace is glacial, but I'm growing to expect these will all be slow burns.

I wonder if this is a limitation of shipping twice a month. We know artists struggle with multiple books a month, but it must be difficult for writers too.

At least my trades will be published more frequently.
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