Good god I just read some Secret Wars tie ins and I'm seriously considering skipping the majority of that shit. So secret wars offers me the wonderful opportunity to read 15 pages abyssmally written what ifs ? Secret Wars Battleworld, Journal, Spider-Verse, undercooked shit everywhere, just sad little embryos of stories.
Robin Hood with Kate Bishop ? The uncanny Egyptian X-Men ?
Good god I just read some Secret Wars tie ins and I'm seriously considering skipping the majority of that shit. So secret wars offers me the wonderful opportunity to read 15 pages abyssmally written what ifs ? Secret Wars Battleworld, Journal, Spider-Verse, undercooked shit everywhere, just sad little embryos of stories.
Robin Hood with Kate Bishop ? The uncanny Egyptian X-Men ?
Good god I just read some Secret Wars tie ins and I'm seriously considering skipping the majority of that shit. So secret wars offers me the wonderful opportunity to read 15 pages abyssmally written what ifs ? Secret Wars Battleworld, Journal, Spider-Verse, undercooked shit everywhere, just sad little embryos of stories.
Robin Hood with Kate Bishop ? The uncanny Egyptian X-Men ?
Good god I just read some Secret Wars tie ins and I'm seriously considering skipping the majority of that shit. So secret wars offers me the wonderful opportunity to read 15 pages abyssmally written what ifs ? Secret Wars Battleworld, Journal, Spider-Verse, undercooked shit everywhere, just sad little embryos of stories.
Robin Hood with Kate Bishop ? The uncanny Egyptian X-Men ?
I was not disappointed by any of them by any means, I'm enjoying what each is doing.
I'm not gonna lie, I'm surprised by how DC has just knocked this all out of the park. I was expecting the line to range from great to ok, but for the first month at least, the whole Rebirth line has been consistently great. From what I've seen on Twitter and heard in interviews, the sales numbers have been great, and deservedly so. Here's hoping they can keep it up.
Nu52 was disappointing overall as there were quite a few misses mixed in with the few gems. With Rebirth I haven't read anything that I've truly disliked and have read some that I quite liked (Detective, Green Arrow, Batman, Aquaman). July looks like it should add some good titles as well. I'm hopeful that the new Birds of Prey will turn out well as the Dixon/Simone runs of that before Nu52 were some of my favorite comics. It sounds like the sales are good as well, so DC might be in the midst of a much needed turnaround.
You've got a point. And I'm fully prepared to admit that I played with fire and wanted to read the possible worst first. But my point is that I had no idea this was this bad.
Ok I have A Force, Infinity Gauntlet and Old Man Logan to read, let's hope for the best.
You've got a point. And I'm fully prepared to admit that I played with fire and wanted to read the possible worst first. But my point is that I had no idea this was this bad.
Ok I have A Force, Infinity Gauntlet and Old Man Logan to read, let's hope for the best.
We're talking comics. Sales of everything other than Batman will be in the toilet five issues in. DC is enjoying dual #1s hype for most of their line.
Quality has been fairly decent overall. I've only dumped one book so far (Green Lanterns), and am on the fence with two others. But I can see myself purchasing 4-5 titles per month, which is 4-5 more than I was buying before Rebirth.
I read Deadpool's Secret Wars and thought that was not worth my time. Still plan to read all tie-ins.
Read the first issue of 52! Montoya is in it! And Plastic Man (who is creeping on someone dressed in a flamenco type dress)!
I am a bit confused with the timing though. It is clearly after Indentity Crisis because of what Ralph Dibny is going through (-_-) . But Barry Allen (?) is talking about Wally West, so this is before whenever Wally disappeared?
Read the first issue of 52! Montoya is in it! And Plastic Man (who is creeping on someone dressed in a flamenco type dress)!
I am a bit confused with the timing though. It is clearly after Indentity Crisis because of what Ralph Dibny is going through (-_-) . But Barry Allen (?) is talking about Wally West, so this is before whenever Wally disappeared?
It's true that it's all relative, but I do think that they might come out of this in better shape than they have been in for the last few years, particularly if the quality stays high as that should partially limit the inevitable drop from issue 1 to issue 2.
Finished Batman Earth One Vol 2. I really like this series and volume 2 felt very Nolanverse-inspired in many ways. It's a really cool take on retelling Batman's early career with neat and interesting twists on certain characters and their relationships.
One big similarity it has to the Nolan movies I noticed was that Batman really isn't "peak" Batman and he feels very grounded. He kind of sucks and makes mistakes but is still very smart and can hold his own in hand-to-hand combat,
except when fighting beings like Croc, who I thought was a decent addition to the story.
The "twist" towards the end regarding
the Dent siblings
was super cool and knowing what this Earth One series is, it felt like a fitting twist yet was still a genuine surprise I did not see coming.
It's sort of disappointing that this is a series where each volume is few and far between, especially since Johns is taking a break from comics right now. I guess that just makes each new book feel significant and not just like an ongoing comic that comes out every few months. I'll be really excited when a volume 3 is announced. What makes the wait worse for me is the HCs come out first and I have these first two in TPB. :/
Finished Batman Earth One Vol 2. I really like this series and volume 2 felt very Nolanverse-inspired in many ways. It's a really cool take on retelling Batman's early career with neat and interesting twists on certain characters and their relationships.
One big similarity it has to the Nolan movies I noticed was that Batman really isn't "peak" Batman and he feels very grounded. He kind of sucks and makes mistakes but is still very smart and can hold his own in hand-to-hand combat,
except when fighting beings like Croc, who I thought was a decent addition to the story.
The "twist" towards the end regarding
the Dent siblings
was super cool and knowing what this Earth One series is, it felt like a fitting twist yet was still a genuine surprise I did not see coming.
It's sort of disappointing that this is a series where each volume is few and far between, especially since Johns is taking a break from comics right now. I guess that just makes each new book feel significant and not just like an ongoing comic that comes out every few months. I'll be really excited when a volume 3 is announced. What makes the wait worse for me is the HCs come out first and I have these first two in TPB. :/
New Comixology sales going up. Millarworld (Jupiters Legacy Vol 1 will be free), LGBTQ , She Hulk.
Can someone please tell me what issues of the Slott She Hulk run I should buy. It seems him and David were sharing the series at one point? Should I just buy it all?
You've got a point. And I'm fully prepared to admit that I played with fire and wanted to read the possible worst first. But my point is that I had no idea this was this bad.
Ok I have A Force, Infinity Gauntlet and Old Man Logan to read, let's hope for the best.
Does this Brexit thing involve comics in any way? I feel like whoever votes to leave is also leaving comics-gaf but then i remember it's not America so i don't care.