I recommended it for a reason. It's all sorts of dope spy shit.
Damn I gotta get in on that
I recommended it for a reason. It's all sorts of dope spy shit.
I remember when Freeza played overwatch, now she just reads comics. Don't let this happen to the rest of comicsgaf!
DJ Tea Lizard, character find of the year
This.......Valiant book looks pretty cool to me. I feel ill. I'm going back to bed.
Britannia by Peter Milligan, Juan José Ryp and Jordie Bellaire
I cant believe it, but my Floppies finally arrived
This.......Valiant book looks pretty cool to me. I feel ill. I'm going back to bed.
Britannia by Peter Milligan, Juan José Ryp and Jordie Bellaire
You dont have to, The Flash is in the next drop.I'm sorry.
I'm enjoying it
Plus, it's Ellis. Like you need to ask.
I recommended it for a reason. It's all sorts of dope spy shit.
I think i'll buy Tokyo Ghost 6-10 in the next digital sale than in trade, how's this series been? I liked the first trade but as i said then the series felt kinda over.
I think i'll buy Tokyo Ghost 6-10 in the next digital sale than in trade, how's this series been? I liked the first trade but as i said then the series felt kinda over.
You enjoyed something? Alas I had thought that I had seen anythingI think i'll buy Tokyo Ghost 6-10 in the next digital sale than in trade, how's this series been? I liked the first trade but as i said then the series felt kinda over.
I think i'll buy Tokyo Ghost 6-10 in the next digital sale than in trade, how's this series been? I liked the first trade but as i said then the series felt kinda over.
I thought Gwenpool was shit tbh
Just childish humour
I thought the new Detective Comics was just okay. Not nearly as good as Action Comics or Aquaman. The last couple of pages were really hype but everything that came before didn't do much for me. I found theto be generic, uninspired and too obvious. Tim Drake is my least favorite Robin so I'm hoping for less focus on his character going sequence/danger room sequence
It was like 2 pages at the beginning of the issue? It's not like it was meant to be some huge suspenseful moment. It's basically a cold open.
Probably only plays Reaper.
No idea what that is
It was four pages! I know it wasn't a huge part of the issue just wasn't a great way to open things for me.zzzzzzOh they have a Danger Room and they filled it with Jokers
I just thought it was a funny thing to stick on. I'd honestly rather have this kind of open than the opening's Action and Flash had though, they seemed like just more rehash or continuation from their rebirth issues.
I mean, I could go on about how I thought most of the rest of the issue was justbut nobody wants to read that. Theone boring conversation after anothermay have been a comparatively small part of the issue but it was also one of two major set pieces featured in the issue, and the other one (Danger Room) was actually quite good.Batman under attack in the Batmobile
Matt Wilson posted a cool step by step for the coloring of a panel from this week's Thor.
I'll leave it in a link in case of spoilers.
HHH was the best wrestler of his generation. No question. Staying power too.
HHH was the best wrestler of his generation. No question. Staying power too.
Layer masks are a fucking godsendMatt Wilson posted a cool step by step for the coloring of a panel from this week's Thor.
I'll leave it in a link in case of spoilers.
Layer masks are a fucking godsend
Digital production future
Backstage politics aside, and just speaking in terms of pure ability, I would have to agree. That motherfucker tore his quad clean off and still finished the match.
Detective Comics was basically "hey, here's how each member of the cast is kinda broken, which is why they're gonna have to rely on each other" and, as far as that necessary evil goes, it was done well, I thought?
I'm tired of posting the DIVIDE Promos but today, everyone assumes Prowler is getting a book.
I'm tired of posting the DIVIDE Promos but today, everyone assumes Prowler is getting a book.
please don't be tired
i can never find a link and no sites post them
I'm tired of posting the DIVIDE Promos but today, everyone assumes Prowler is getting a book.
I thought Gwenpool was shit tbh
Just childish humour
The pairings are so strange. Black Panther and Prowler, what?
T'Challa gets kicked out of Wakanda and goes back to street level again, only this time he decides to take on a different identity.