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COMICS! |OT| June 2016. The Manhattan Project



The King has returned to Comic Gaf.

this is for launchpad

had to put that one clown on my ignore list, and lol at some the bs thrown around
while I was gone

yes I caved and bought Overwath(PS4) it is fun, PSN: Blackhawk2914 and no I am not a blackhawk fan go Lightning!

Now that is out of the way I used the free time to finish a lot of stuff of reading list. I currently reading 3 omnibus and I am about to finish Planetary/X-static/I-zombie with mini reviews before the weekend is over.

The hellboy library editions put the volumes in the best order to read . so after volume 6 it skips to volume 10 which is a collection of short stories.

Hellboy volume 10: the crooked man and others
now this was a very interesting read because:
1. the art was drastically different
2. we got a lengthy story in the good ole USA
3. this was the first story to legit "scare/give me the creeps"
4. overall the crooked man is one of those stories I will remember because sometimes the wrong power can be used for a good cause.

Hellboy volume 7: the troll witch and others
Another collection of stories that were pretty fucking awesome

The troll witch was a cool story because it showed hellboy not every problem needs to be solved with your fist

Makoma was another story that was fucking amazing because it is an African story story that is similar to hellboy's current problems.
Can't remember which volume of the two this story is featured in but Hellboy beats a vampire in a game poker which is fucking Amazing! and he also fights Blackbeard. like damn. Hellboy is the all time greatest story teller

Hellboy volume 8: Darkness calls
One hell of a revenge story that spans chapters. now this is how you return to the main story after all those side stories. Also we learned that Hellboy has been gone from the BRPD for 6 years. damnnn imagine the mulan snow/hun army scene and this is that.

Hellboy volume 9: The wild hunt
This is in my top 5 hellboy volumes. It is is so fucking good. Hellboy goes beast mode, and truthbombs are dropped everywhere. This is the volume that changes everything. Highlight would be Hellboy taking on 6 giants to the death
A old character is brought back but the first time we saw her she was a baby stolen by fairies.

Hellboy volume 12:he Storm and The Fury

It was this volume that made me say "hellboy is now in my top 5 runs" yes it was that good. I can't really write much about the later volumes because they spoil a lot of the mystery of the first half.Also Duncan Fegredo makes hellboy so much more detailed and alive than mike.

Hellboy volume 11:The Bride of hell and others
honestly this had two great stories and the rest were meh.

TheFlow is back

in all srs the past is mostly the past so let's talk about some comics k :p

I haven't read a single issue from CMX in the past 2 weeks because I was catching up on my backlog. I am sure a lot of you guys finished your goals from way back. I don't really have much interest in getting back to single issue atm because I am falling in love all over again with HC books.

So what has everyone been reading/enjoying since I have been gone?


Why does he wear the mask!?
Place needed some excitement. Thanks, feels good to be back XD

Oh man it was so good. I plan to pick up plague of frogs next

Do it! It was so good, make sure to read the BPRD books too from that multiversity reading order


Yea got that reading order bookmarked^.

anyway I did a bunch of summaries of hc books that I read. this is one of them

Asterios Polyp impressions TheFlow

Took me a couple of years from purchase to finally get to reading this book and I am glad I waited. The themes touched on by David Mazzucchell along with his artistic talent makes this a complex read. Every page can be dissected as if there hidden meanings. The writing is top notch but what makes this book a masterpiece is the art. The use of colors, lines, and sound effects come together to deliver an experience that can't be recreated or beat. Asterios Polyp is what I truly consider a modern masterpiece that can be revisited time and time again to learn from.

one of the greatest books of the 21st century/5


Picked up X-Statix Omnibus for a great price of 54 bucks. Love the look of the book but I wish page numbers were included, but it is still my biggest marvel omnibus with more than 1100 pages. The Faux leather feel and clean look of the book without dust jacket is gorgeous. Also Darwyn cooke's Wolverine&Doop is included which is awesome.

I am currently half way through the book and it is fucking amazing. I read the first 14 x force issues that is hands down some of the best I have read from a marvel book and about 6 issues of the rebranding to X-static. I need to talk to people who have read this because it is so good. one of my favorite moments is when the real pros like Boom-Boom and Cannonball show up and tell them they can't use the x-force name.

Cooke did a lot of issues in this book

I want a poster of this in my room

Li Kao

One month down in the great catch-up war of our time. I'm "just" one year late now... please kill me.


Secret Wars (2015) #2-4
You know what, I'm still very much not a big cataclysmic event fan. But hey, it's a solid effort. A little slow and light on fights, but such I suppose is the price of setting up a whole new setting, so... I could see this being totally readable and gasp, quite enjoyable, in collected form.
I have my doubts about the whole thing though. It's surely linked to my ocd and the fans of elseworlds surely won't agree with me here, but I don't know, I can't really click with this jumbled up world because of its very 'everything goes' nature. If everything is permitted I have more difficulty to relate, I guess.


Secret Wars Battleworld (2015) #1
Secret Wars Journal (2015) #1
Spider-Verse (2015) #1

So a bunch of Marvel writers and an intern walk into a bar. The writers all make a pre-first draft of their Secret Wars story but the dumb drunk intern thinks its the final version and sends it to HQ.
Don't argue, it's the most probable explanation and you know it. Occam's razor and all that.


Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars (2015) #1
Hey, I have a problem with this one. Is this me not being a native English speaker not getting the full extent of the jokes ? Are the jokes bad ? I can't say it was horrible to read but it was certainly a waste of time. Deadpool makes fun with Secret Wars 1984 and the Contest of Champions, it looks fun on paper. Well, it wasn't really fun nor interesting in reality, no.
I liked the art style and the retro costumes though. I'm an old man and you should get off my lawn. Man, if I wasn't stupidly trying to read so much modern comics I should totally give the original Secret Wars a spin. It would surely lead to severe disappointment though.

Old Man Logan (2015) #1
Uh, it's... slow ? I mean I couldn't really say anything about that one, the plot has barely begun to move forward. It's not a bad read but I really have to see where the thing goes after issue 0... oh sorry I meant the first issue. A little at odd with the faster storytelling of the original mini.


A-Force (2015) #1
Nice art, light but enjoyable plot, I couldn't have asked for more to clean my palate after the shit-tier anthologies. Excited to see where it goes from there, even if due to the temporary nature of Secret Wars and probable limited impact on ANAD MU, the interest is still relative.

The Infinity Gauntlet (2015) #1
Cool. The setting is cool. The art is cool. The plot is... bland but not uncool. I thing you could say it was... cool.
The major downside is that when you read comics at least semi regularly you can get a feeling of fucking deja vu when you are served with the "the X corp has been annihilated, yo random new character, it's up to you to reform it and avenge your fallen comrades". Maybe it's not even what will unfold, but yeah, I couldn't help but feel a little too much at home here.
Nice invasion story though.

Ultimate End (2015) #1
Bagley's art is always nice to look at, it's funny at times and the pace is good... Now if you fuckers that write my funny books could think about the slower people here, it would be appreciated. It took the entire issue for me to understand when the fuck was "3 weeks ago" and who the fuck was this Spider-Man (which killed a nice joke). Okay okay, I understand you shouldn't have to explain and dumb down everything, but man this was a little vague 20 pages for me.

Where Monsters Dwell (2015) #1
Hmm, the beginning of the issue was quite funny in a dark way but after that the plot advance through a rather uninteresting plane ride that drags on. Quality comics though, can't say my interest is piqued but you could certainly do worse and there is certainly an opportunity for the second issue to confirm the good vibes.

Hey kids, Comics: A-Force (2015) #1 / Secret Wars (2015) #2-4
Hey kids, Scimoc: If you like 15 pages what ifs, man do I got some comic books for you man !


Variant by Veronica Fish. I like her art <3

Batman Beyond Rebirth #1. The cover of this alone is enough to make me buy the book
Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars (2015) #1
Hey, I have a problem with this one. Is this me not being a native English speaker not getting the full extent of the jokes ? Are the jokes bad ? I can't say it was horrible to read but it was certainly a waste of time. Deadpool makes fun with Secret Wars 1984 and the Contest of Champions, it looks fun on paper. Well, it wasn't really fun nor interesting in reality, no.
I liked the art style and the retro costumes though. I'm an old man and you should get off my lawn. Man, if I wasn't stupidly trying to read so much modern comics I should totally give the original Secret Wars a spin. It would surely lead to severe disappointment though.

I think I just posted about this yesterday too. It was just plain unfunny. Nothing you are missing. (I am assuming you've read the original Secret Wars?)


Old Man Logan (2015) #1
Uh, it's... slow ? I mean I couldn't really say anything about that one, the plot has barely begun to move forward. It's not a bad read but I really have to see where the thing goes after issue 0... oh sorry I meant the first issue. A little at odd with the faster storytelling of the original mini.

It doesn't go anywhere.

Li Kao

I think I just posted about this yesterday too. It was just plain unfunny. Nothing you are missing. (I am assuming you've read the original Secret Wars?)

Uh, not... really ? I mean I definitely read comic books at the time but I must have been what ? 6 years old ?
So did I read parts of it, yeah, but surely not in a comprehensive manner.


thanks to CMX sale, I have all the lazarus books. read some


volume 1:
Imagine if the USA took a feudal japan approach where each major territory was governed by a ruling family but with Game of throne levels of fuckery. I liked the first volume, action and writing was on point.

volume 2: life
Story got a whole lot better because we got more insight on Father Caryle's treatment of Forever through Flashbacks. Before the age of 10 she was trained to be a weapon. The breakthrough plot that hit me the most was the journey of the family to the lift. We saw them lose everything just so they could have a chance of a future. Very bittersweet ending.
Uh, not... really ? I mean I definitely read comic books at the time but I must have been what ? 6 years old ?
So did I read parts of it, yeah, but surely not in a comprehensive manner.

Oh, ok. This might have been a little more interesting if you had, but not by much.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars (2015) #1
Hey, I have a problem with this one. Is this me not being a native English speaker not getting the full extent of the jokes ? Are the jokes bad ? I can't say it was horrible to read but it was certainly a waste of time. Deadpool makes fun with Secret Wars 1984 and the Contest of Champions, it looks fun on paper. Well, it wasn't really fun nor interesting in reality, no.
I liked the art style and the retro costumes though. I'm an old man and you should get off my lawn. Man, if I wasn't stupidly trying to read so much modern comics I should totally give the original Secret Wars a spin. It would surely lead to severe disappointment though.

I didn't think it was that funny either. Was not one of my favorite tie-ins at all and I am a Deadpool fan.

A-Force (2015) #1
Nice art, light but enjoyable plot, I couldn't have asked for more to clean my palate after the shit-tier anthologies. Excited to see where it goes from there, even if due to the temporary nature of Secret Wars and probable limited impact on ANAD MU, the interest is still relative.

This one introduces one of my favorite new characters in Marvel.

Ultimate End (2015) #1
Bagley's art is always nice to look at, it's funny at times and the pace is good... Now if you fuckers that write my funny books could think about the slower people here, it would be appreciated. It took the entire issue for me to understand when the fuck was "3 weeks ago" and who the fuck was this Spider-Man (which killed a nice joke). Okay okay, I understand you shouldn't have to explain and dumb down everything, but man this was a little vague 20 pages for me.

Many people seemed to have a similar problem figuring out just what was going on. I didn't read this one though.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
thanks to CMX sale, I have all the lazarus books. read some


volume 1:
Imagine if the USA took a feudal japan approach where each major territory was governed by a ruling family but with Game of throne levels of fuckery. I liked the first volume, action and writing was on point.

volume 2: life
Story got a whole lot better because we got more insight on Father Caryle's treatment of Forever through Flashbacks. Before the age of 10 she was trained to be a weapon. The breakthrough plot that hit me the most was the journey of the family to the lift. We saw them lose everything just so they could have a chance of a future. Very bittersweet ending.

The next arc (Conclave) takes shit to the next level too.

Li Kao

This one introduces one of my favorite new characters in Marvel.

Is it America Chavez ? I'm not sure I ever encountered her before and, yeah, nice character.
Fake edit - Scratch that, wikipedia says she was introduced before that.

Oh maybe you mean the
blue girl
at the end of the first issue ?

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Is it America Chavez ? I'm not sure I ever encountered her before and, yeah, nice character.
Fake edit - Scratch that, wikipedia says she was introduced before that.

Oh maybe you mean the
blue girl
at the end of the first issue ?

It's definitely one of those two. :)


I'm still not enjoying Doctor Strange but I haven't dropped it yet, i like Bachalo's art but there's nothing for me in this book, it just seems like generic big threat everything is terrible books and Aaron's already done a better version of this in Thor, it's like big threat recycling. Also, the cover to #6 was the best part of the issue which in no way matched the mood.


I'm still not enjoying Doctor Strange but I haven't dropped it yet, i like Bachalo's art but there's nothing for me in this book, it just seems like generic big threat everything is terrible books and Aaron's already done a better version of this in Thor, it's like big threat recycling. Also, the cover to #6 was the best part of the issue which in no way matched the mood.

top tier book. the next arc based on previews is going to be hype


I'm still not enjoying Doctor Strange but I haven't dropped it yet, i like Bachalo's art but there's nothing for me in this book, it just seems like generic big threat everything is terrible books and Aaron's already done a better version of this in Thor, it's like big threat recycling. Also, the cover to #6 was the best part of the issue which in no way matched the mood.

I think they should have kept Last Days of Magic as a event but I assume Arron doesn't want another event so he just crammed everything into his Strange book. For a book about magic, there's more about tech killing magic and Strange with a car and a bow than actual magic.


I think they should have kept Last Days of Magic as a event but I assume Arron doesn't want another event so he just crammed everything into his Strange book. For a book about magic, there's more about tech killing magic and Strange with a car and a bow than actual magic.
Well he did
use up all his magic power like 3 issue ago
so of course he has to revert to other means.

The magic is definitely there, There is also a last days of magic #1 that is lovely.


I can't do another batgirl statue. I already have two of them on preorder.


And by batgirl I mean Spider-Gwen &#127866;
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