Old Man Logan (2008) TPB
Finished the second half of the TPB. Really enjoyable for what it's worth, a popcorn comic book filled with violence set in a dystopian MU. Made me want to finally read the complete Earth / Universe / Paradise X.
The Amazing Spider-Man (2014) #16-18
You know it's funny how I adore Spidey and never have been able to love a Spidey story for years. Maybe it's called getting old and nostalgic (in my case 80's Spidey).
Not bad, just uninteresting.
Thor (2014) #7-8
Still very solid, still gender-waring in full force. Yawn.
Angela (2015) #6
That, boys, is some quality comic book. Take a look Aaron, a brilliant comic book, very much feminist, that don't go for the low hanging fruit.
Operation S.I.N. (2015) #4-5
Flaming pile of shit. Impressive. I don't know if I will have it in me to read the Shield 50th anniversary specials.
All-New All-Different Avengers FCBD 2015 One-Shot
I'm so excited by this glimpse into the new Avengers. Nice looking, fun, no grim & gritty, enjoyable new members. Don't fuck this up please !
Secret Wars (2015) 0-1
Having not read the lead up titles the tension is a little attenuated, but that's ok as this kind of event always becomes sort of ridiculous in its over-the-topness. Be that a ridiculous body count, torn limbs, senseless killings, huge events are not my thing.
That being said, it was really enjoyable, the art is very good and the thing didn't make me cringe my teeth out, take note Infinite Crisis. Nice read.
Hey kids, Comics: Angela (2015) #6 / All-New All-Different Avengers FCBD 2015
Hey kids, Scimoc: Operation S.I.N. (2015) #4-5