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COMICS! |OT| June 2016. The Manhattan Project


More Astro City fans! One of the GOAT comics. (Easily in my top 5).

The Tarnished Angel arc is so beautifully paced. It captured the weariness and resignation and resentment of SteelJack so well.

The first trade is a bit of a difficult introduction if one is coming in expecting a more regular arc and storytelling structure. I keep finding so many thing on rereads. It might be my most re-read trade ever.

Astro City is one of my all time favorites as well, although I haven't the 2013 or newer run yet.

Busiek and Waid seem to both have the gift of being able to cut straight to the core of what people like in superhero comics. Astro City almost seems like the history of superhero comics distilled into its purest form.
The second Hellboy LE was all short stories, which was cool. It seems like vol.3 is going into traditional full story arcs, yes?

I don't have a preference one way or the other, I'm just curious as to whether this is the format going forward.


The second Hellboy LE was all short stories, which was cool. It seems like vol.3 is going into traditional full story arcs, yes?

I don't have a preference one way or the other, I'm just curious as to whether this is the format going forward.

Oh my friend, every short story ties into the bigger picture. Mignola is the king of small details. The main story arcs are the ones names on the front of the hc.

volume 4 is basically short stories, volume 5/6 is full on hory shit this is the greatest comic all time firing on full cylinders.

I am looking forward to you coming in here having your mind blown


Such a shame DC fucked with Walkers Cyborg run.

Marvel is in a weird place where individual books are great, but overall I'm not excited about much their doing right now.

Blame Marvel sticking with WWE swerves and twists but they are varied and the majority of books are really good.
you should watch it again after you finish so it really sinks in. I still haven't seen BvS once, that or Civil War :/

This is the single worst characterization of Batman I've seen on TV or cinema. They got every single thing wrong.

I'm looking forward to Civil War based on good word of mouth.


This is the single worst characterization of Batman I've seen on TV or cinema. They got every single thing wrong.


that's kinda the point

the movie knows that this is not supposed to be how Batman operates

it makes a case as to why he'd be that way, but, by the end of the film, it's repeated multiple times that it's wrong and terrible and shitty


This is the single worst characterization of Batman I've seen on TV or cinema. They got every single thing wrong.

I'm looking forward to Civil War based on good word of mouth.

I mean, I get that, but I also understand that this is SUPPOSED to be Batman at his lowest/darkest and the events of the movie change him.


Unconfirmed Member
I got an IST order in today. The amount of care that goes into the packaging still delights me.


Also got something comics-adjacent from Ryan North. I've heard good things.


I marathoned through the new Orange is the New Black season instead of reading comics or overwatching, it was prettttttty good in parts but i'm still not convinced i wanted more of this series.


Gonna watch the Ultimate Cut tomorrow. I remember when I went to see the theatrical release.

I was exhausted after getting out of the theater, body and mind.
How is Spider-man by Stern? I would like to get into the Stan Lee stuff, but honestly, I don't know if I could do that early writing style. I respect what Stan Lee has done, but his writing style is very outdated.

Stern/Romita ASM is one of the peak eras for the character. Great characterization, fun subplots, good Romita Jr art(even though he has a different inker like every issue???). Its the only time the Hobgoblin has ever seemed threatening, the last time Black Cat seemed like a great companion for Spidey, and the only run where you'll see Spider-Man admit what Jonah's thought all alike: he's a menace!

Just finished Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - Ultimate Edition, Deluxe Extended Master Cut.

Everything about this was a travesty. Cartoonish fight scenes, horrific pacing, and laughable dialogue. There are like three red herring stories going on at once, and none of them end up having any bearing on where things end up. At least they managed to squeeze in completely unrelated promos for upcoming DC movies in this three hour film. Don't know how they managed but they did.

So instead of focusing on all the negatives, which to be fair is almost everything, here's what I liked. Very light spoilers, nothing you haven't seen in the previews.

1) Wonder Woman. The actress is as wooden as they come and I have no idea how they're going to do a full film with her, but she tears up the action sequences. It's 90% CGI but I geeked out for her. Then she'd deliver a line and I'd hate myself.

2) Questioning the role of "godlike" beings living amongst us. They tripped all over this as the film progressed, but the early imagery was decent.

3) Batman doing Crossfit.

Li Kao

That feel when for evident budget reason you had to cancel your Master of Kung-Fu Omnibus variant and can't see it anywhere anymore.
I mean, the budget issue is still here, but it burns.

Oh and by the way, don't read comics when you're sleepy, or you risk having to reread a good half of an issue for nothing. When it happens reading Spider-Gwen (2015) #05, seeing the quality of the book, you can be legit depressed.
Fuck this shallow book.


Just finished Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - Ultimate Edition, Deluxe Extended Master Cut.

Everything about this was a travesty. Cartoonish fight scenes, horrific pacing, and laughable dialogue. There are like three red herring stories going on at once, and none of them end up having any bearing on where things end up. At least they managed to squeeze in completely unrelated promos for upcoming DC movies in this three hour film. Don't know how they managed but they did.

Agreed about the DC cinematic "promos," although his knowledge in this area likely shows how he knows the identities of Superman and Batman. Pacing complaint I can understand, since the first 2/3rds of the movie were just set-up, but that didn't bother me much; my issue was more that those 2/3rds took forever since the movie is 3 hours long.

What do you mean by "cartoonish fight scenes"? I have a hard time seeing the fight scenes as a negative, but I'm interested in hearing your thoughts in a more comprehensive mannor.

About the red herrings, are you talking about all of the plot elements showing Luthor's tinkering with everything to lead towards Batman and Superman's confrontation? Cause I mean, those make complete sense and they aren't even really portrayed as red herrings. But maybe you're talking about something else.
Agreed about the DC cinematic "promos," although his knowledge in this area likely shows how he knows the identities of Superman and Batman. Pacing complaint I can understand, since the first 2/3rds of the movie were just set-up, but that didn't bother me much; my issue was more that those 2/3rds took forever since the movie is 3 hours long.

What do you mean by "cartoonish fight scenes"? I have a hard time seeing the fight scenes as a negative, but I'm interested in hearing your thoughts in a more comprehensive mannor.

About the red herrings, are you talking about all of the plot elements showing Luthor's tinkering with everything to lead towards Batman and Superman's confrontation? Cause I mean, those make complete sense and they aren't even really portrayed as red herrings. But maybe you're talking about something else.

Interestingly enough, the first two-thirds were better for me then the final act. I thought the major fight scenes were technically impressive but completely hollow CGI zaniness. There's no weight to anything, and no feeling of impact to any punches. Just superheroes flying through styrofoam walls.

Red herrings as in the multiple different convenient plot devices to lead to a fight, yes. They lay out the groundwork for several different directions and end up closing shop in all of them.
Lex himself is a smoke screen you're supposed to think is the big bad guy, but he's just a catalyst. You're thinking this movie intends to examine Superman's compatibility in a democratic society, right down to Congressional testimony, but Snyder just likes to blow everything up. The African terror organization feels like a nod to Supes combating terrorism, just like the crashing towers in the beginning a la 9/11. But that theme is hamstrung by the whole thing being staged. The entire marketing of the movie portrayed this as a war between two heroes (it's the damn title), but that's just a tiny and ultimately pointless preamble.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Oh and by the way, don't read comics when you're sleepy, or you risk having to reread a good half of an issue for nothing. When it happens reading Spider-Gwen (2015) #05, seeing the quality of the book, you can be legit depressed.
Fuck this shallow book.

Yeah that happens to me a lot and with an issue of Spider-Gwen recently lol.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
is Gaf super slow for everyone since yesterday or is it on my end?
I can't wait to watch the Ultimate Cut of BvS.

I can't wait 'til San Diego Comic Con either when we'll hopefully get more info and maybe even a trailer for Wonder Woman's solo movie.




I'm looking at making my next IST order for July and after reading some X-Men AoA i'm in the mood for more X-men and building my collection. 2 of the Uncanny X-men Omnibuses are available now and the 2nd one is getting a reprint in Oct. so i'm assuming that is the best place to start. For some reason i'm really wanting to read Inferno though. I think its because I got into comics as a kid as that whole thing was just ending in Marvel so I missed out on it but I remember it looking cool. I see that Inferno Prologue book is still available and that is basically omnibus size but the Inferno HC is oop. I'd like to keep my collection HC so would it be a good idea to pick up that Inferno Prologue book and then wait for a reprint of that Inferno HC or should I just wait completely for the main X-men omnibuses to catch up?


Captain America

Very much looking forward to Wolf Blitzer trying to explain Standoff to a nation of angry Americans.

no one actually cares about Captain America being a nazi

we're all just pretending, it's just, some of us (like, say, Marvel Editorial and Nick Spencer) are way worse at it and act in such a way that becomes harmful to others, which is really what the big fuss is about.

e: well it's three hours later, I bought and read the damn comic, and, turns out, I gave Nick Spencer way too much credit, and Steve Rogers: Captain America #2 is kinda shit
Captain America: Steve Rogers #2 lays all the facts out on the table and confirms that Spencer was never trying to hide them in the first place. If you've been reading Captain America: Sam Wilson from the beginning, including Avengers Standoff, then you already know what's going on with all this Hydra Cap stuff, and this issue just cements it as fact. Which honestly doesn't make for the best read, when you're spending $3.99 to be told "yes, the story you read is as it seems" without moving it forward. This issue would work better if Spencer had been more secretive about this stuff in the first place, but I knew what I was getting, because Spencer said this issue would be all explanation and that #3 would pick up from where #1 ended.
Captain America: Steve Rogers #2 lays all the facts out on the table and confirms that Spencer was never trying to hide them in the first place. If you've been reading Captain America: Sam Wilson from the beginning, including Avengers Standoff, then you already know what's going on with all this Hydra Cap stuff, and this issue just cements it as fact. Which honestly doesn't make for the best read, when you're spending $3.99 to be told "yes, the story you read is as it seems" without moving it forward. This issue would work better if Spencer had been more secretive about this stuff in the first place, but I knew what I was getting, because Spencer said this issue would be all explanation and that #3 would pick up from where #1 ended.

I didn't know that and I was still fine with it. It's like LOST 101. You end with a shock reveal. Next episode goes back and explains it. Hurley eats some Ranch, baby.


The explanation was always gonna be disappointing, but, man, Spencer dropped the ball HARDCORE, I thought. It's like he could've had something big, complex, thematic and relevant, and then instead he tried fitting the Big Ideas of Captain America in his "Superior Foes/The Fix" mode, which doesn't work because I don't want wacky Nazis who love to throw quips as much as they love the purity of the white race. It's jarring and kinda inappropriate.
The explanation was always gonna be disappointing, but, man, Spencer dropped the ball HARDCORE, I thought. It's like he could've had something big, complex, thematic and relevant, and then instead he tried fitting the Big Ideas of Captain America in his "Superior Foes/The Fix" mode, which doesn't work because I don't want wacky Nazis who love to throw quips as much as they love the purity of the white race. It's jarring and kinda inappropriate.

I don't see how this explanation was Fixy, honestly. Seemed like something the guy would do given the opportunity. And seemed in keeping with his grandiosity.



I don't see how this explanation was Fixy, honestly. Seemed like something the guy would do given the opportunity. And seemed in keeping with his grandiosity.


The explanation itself isn't Fixy, it's the tone employed to tell it. Tone has kinda been a problem in Spencer books before, and, in that context, with that character and these ideas at this time, it looks even worse.

Plus, just saying
"the sentient cosmic cube was secretly friend with the Red Skull"
makes any sort of thematic point kinda moot. Like, it reads like a refusal to go into something deeper about the nature of fascism itself, and, in those times, with the news happening lately, it would've been a conversation that I feel was worth having.
The thing is, though, this issue isn't an explanation so much as a confirmation. It was very easy to see what had happened right after the reveal of Captain America: Steve Rogers #1. Not in a "look at me, I'm so clever" kind of way, but in a kind of way that shows that Spencer had no interest in the explanation being a mystery in the first place. So I don't know if it can really be called disappointing, even if you don't like it, because you have to expect something different to be disappointed, and the explanation was already there.

Now if you don't like it, that's your prerogative. Spencer has done a lot so far with addressing the politics of the day in his run, but every single thing that happens doesn't need to be along those lines. It's a political book, but it's also a superhero comic, so you're going to have times when it's both of those things at once, and you're going to have times when it's more one than the other.

And it's jumping the gun a bit to say the explanation is a missed opportunity when Spencer has stated that this will be a lengthy status quo and that he wanted to have the explanation out of the way early because the explanation is not the story, the story is what comes next. Do you really think, based on all his other work with Cap so far, that he's not going to use this to comment on real-world issues? That's not a conclusion I see much basis for.

As for the quipping fascists, I don't see the issue. In fact, I would argue that it's a mistake to only ever show those types as being these grand figures that communicate exclusively via supervillain speeches, because the truth is that a lot of the evil in the world comes from people who might otherwise be totally charasmatic and likable.


Man if Vanwrinkle receives his package before me :mad: it is on. It was supposed to be here yesterday.

Jessica jones in the spotlight
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