Oh right, my mind immediately jumped to the newest issue.
What were you thinking of in the newest issue?
Oh right, my mind immediately jumped to the newest issue.
What were you thinking of in the newest issue?
What were you thinking of in the newest issue?
That was my favorite sound effect joke so far.
Such a good series.
For anyone still on the fence, I'd say it's similar in tone to The Fix or Superior Foes, but with kids.
Why is DC being brought up when they are winning it atm. the marvel jokes are warranted the same way DC jokes were warranted. Marvel better take some notes real quick because "Divided" is not a good logo to start off a soft god damn at all the Marvel bashing. So I take it you guys don't like the Divided We Stand teaser, or something? Is that a good guess?
My own feelings are somewhat mixed.
I don't mind the frequent relaunches at all, especially because they're going to go back to just relaunching some books rather than the whole line, which is what they've been doing for years now. They've already indicated this isn't a ANAD situation. I'll almost always go back and check out a book when it gets a new #1, just to see if it's transformed into something I might enjoy. And I love getting new books to try out...especially when those books are trying something new with characters I might not otherwise have spared a thought for, in fact. Sometimes a creator comes in with a terrible take and the series turns out to be garbage (Hyperion). Other times, a creator comes in with an awesome take and the series becomes a favorite (Nighthawk). I appreciate their continuing willingness to experiment with B-listers, even C-listers. It stands in stark contrast to DC's extremely conservative Rebirth slate.
There are a lot of characters missing from this pic, and I assume that's because those books are in good shape and will go on as they have been (or in some cases will be unceremoniously canceled). Of course an image designed to promote a new slate of books is going to feature some strange character choices when this is the state of play. Why feature their hottest properties if those books don't need a relaunch boost (granted, working against this argument are a handful of characters with low issue counts in their current series, like Gwenpool or Steve-Cap, and characters doing fantastic sales numbers, like Black Panther, but I'd guess their presence here is to promote new team books rather than solos)?
And there are still several characters here worth getting excited about. The possibility of Odinson getting his own series is incredibly exciting to me. He's one of my favorite Marvel characters and while I love Jane Thor he has been missed. I think he can easily hold down a book on his own without the moniker or the hammer. Elektra and Gamora books? Hell yes, give me those right now. Kate-Hawkeye in the spotlight? That would be fantastic, All-New Hawkeye was a waste of her character. Iron Doom could turn out to be really cool. Glad Jessica Jones is getting some love. And I am dying to know what they are planning to do with Fin Fang Foom, if that is indeed him. Finally, a Ms. America solo would be AMAZING (though I'm not holding out too much hope that will actually come to pass). They're obviously doing some kind of Young Avengers (Defenders? Runaways?) thing here and that could turn out really cool. There are a lot of characters present here that would be perfect for that team (conveniently all stacked on the same side of the dividing line), and it could turn out to be a great book.
I can't, won't, defend their choice to put the spotlight on all of these characters. The death of Rhodey is still bullshit and I can't say I'm happy they are trotting out a new War Machine so quickly. Rhodey's death was a cynical move and the choice of his replacement seems no different to me. Deadpool's mercs are terrible and to have three of them featured here (without even sticking Deadpool himself in there!) seems like a massive overestimation of the power of his brand. Indeed, if any of these characters got a solo book I probably wouldn't even try it, and I try almost everything. I don't expect them to actually get solo books, but I'm unhappy to see them featured so prominently nonetheless. I'm still not excited at all about Synapse, and Prowler has always been a fucking terrible character (though that would be a prime example of an ongoing I'd be willing to try anyway just to see if the writer can prove me wrong). The near-complete lack of X-characters is a bummer, they really don't feel like they're part of the same universe anymore. And the fact that the Fantastic Four is still in deep hibernation is saddening, if not unexpected.
I'm super unhappy that this image seems to basically give away the ending of CWII. If Marvel had any respect at all for the story Bendis is telling, Iron Doom and Captain Marvel would not be featured in this image. As a reader I find that really shitty. The event isn't even half over yet. No, we don't know exactly how things will go down yet, but we know Carol comes out of it okay and Tony probably doesn't. That really sucks, and it's especially upsetting that they did it as part of a teaser people hated anyway.
I'm not going to try and take a stab at exactly what "Divided We Stand" means or how it is going to play out in the books. I think a lot of you are jumping the gun on this. We know literally nothing beyond "there is a division, these characters are on the one side and those characters are on the other side." Historically, the results and impact of these kinds of "fallout events" are pretty mixed. Dark Reign had a huge impact on many books and was actually much cooler than the event that preceded it. The Heroic Age had little impact on any books and went out like a wet fart. Marvel Now revitalized many books and concepts and kicked off one of the best Avengers runs of all time. Perhaps we shouldn't jump to conclusions about how this is going to play out, how much impact it will have or how interesting it will be? Just saying.
I think Marvel's biggest problem right now is a lack of a cohesive vision for their universe. Yes, as others have noted, the absence of Hickman and Remender is still deeply felt across the entire line. They have plenty of talent but nobody at the wheel. The thing is, with Johns gone I think DC is in the same place. I've read almost all of the Rebirth books that have launched thus far, and there is clearly no mandate or vision for how the Rebirth event is going to actually impact these characters. Some books, like Green Arrow and Aquaman, are proceeding as though absolutely nothing has happened. Other books, like Titans, are dealing with the Rebirth stuff more directly. The potential ramifications for everyone getting their memories back don't seem particularly well thought out, and that is reflected in some of the books simply enjoying their fresh #1s and ignoring what happened in Rebirth for as long as they possibly can.
In both cases, though, I think it goes without saying that a lack of line-wide cohesive vision does not mean that individual books cannot flourish on their own, perhaps even better than they would be otherwise. Marvel is putting out a BUNCH of incredible books right now, and there are lot of bright spots in CWII thus far (though obviously some shit as well and some crappy derails of otherwise good books). I've been pleasantly surprised by many of the Rebirth books I've read, and I'm looking forward to reading more of them. In Marvel's case, specifically, I honestly don't even think we need some driving force at the center of the line like Hickman's Avengers/New Avengers for a long, long time. Like...let's take a moment to take a few breaths. Those books and the events they spawned were incredibly epic, so epic in fact that they sucked every single book into their vortex eventually, and perhaps what's best for the line right now is smaller stories and more compartmentalization for awhile. That's what they seemed to be aiming for with ANAD and what they seem to be continuing with this new line of Marvel Now books.
Consider me cautiously optimistic.
But we know nothing about the soft relaunch.Why is DC being brought up when they are winning it atm. the marvel jokes are warranted the same way DC jokes were warranted. Marvel better take some notes real quick because "Divided" is not a good logo to start off a soft relaunch.
echo is right, an image says little about what's coming. When we saw the DC Rebirth image, some people thought Gotham Academy and Prez were out.
I say DC needs to light a fire under Marvel's ass which might happen unless Panther sells more than Batman.
I find it funny Rebirth is about hope and getting together to fight back while Marvel is doing EVERYONE IS DIVIDED.
Dc is already lighting a fire under that ass.
marvel just keeps doing the same heroes against heroes bit.
We dont know yetDoom is Iron Man now?
I dont pay attention to comics for one month and this happens
Though I agree with you in the broad sense, I do feel your garbage comment is unfair to a lot of Marvel's solo book, especially those under Wil Moss. David Walker, Ryan North, Chelsea Cain and Hopeless (on Spider-woman, I don't read them filthy mutants) are putting in the work. I do agree a line wide marketing hook would benefit a book like Spider-Woman, but "Divided" doesn't seem to be it.
That said, I'm not sure what the line wide hook of DC is outside of calling a mulligan. It's strange to praise the strong editorial hand of Johns when a) he was also the strong editorial hand back when the new 52 started b) is leaving to help with the DCCU. That's not to say I'm looking forward to diving into Rebirth. Prez made me a huge fan of Benjamin Percy, but I'm worried DC might be leaning too hard on him. He's got like 4 books in the line.
Also in other news, this last two parter in Unbeatable Squirrel Girl may be the funniest comics ever. Straight up.
My problem with Marvel is how formulaic their structure feels lately. Their books can be great and fresh and full of stuff we love but it all ends up frustrating and annoying when you know there is just a crossover or an event around the corner to bring the books to a grinding halt or at least lose momentum as they have tie-ins or forced shake-ups. They just don't seem to let stuff breathe because they have found this magic formula and they don't show any sign of coming off of it for a while. We're at most 10 issues in to some of ANAD? I don't want to look forward to big shake up or change in status-quo.
My problem with Marvel is how formulaic their structure feels lately. Their books can be great and fresh and full of stuff we love but it all ends up frustrating and annoying when you know there is just a crossover or an event around the corner to bring the books to a grinding halt or at least lose momentum as they have tie-ins or forced shake-ups. They just don't seem to let stuff breathe because they have found this magic formula and they don't show any sign of coming off of it for a while. We're at most 10 issues in to some of ANAD? I don't want to look forward to big shake up or change in status-quo.
Kelly Sue DeConnick Confirmed this. The writers can skip Tie-Ins if they want. It just sounded like nobody really knows this when she told this last year.It depends on the writer. Waid only sidetracked when DD had a tie in to Sin. Arron is just flat out ignoring CW2. Squirrel Girl and Howard had to wait after Secret Wars to finish their books.
Basically, it's the writer who has a say. Leth could ignore CW2 but opted to tie in with Hellcat while stuff like Punisher, Moon Knight and Soule Daredevil are just ignoring it.
My problem with Marvel is how formulaic their structure feels lately. Their books can be great and fresh and full of stuff we love but it all ends up frustrating and annoying when you know there is just a crossover or an event around the corner to bring the books to a grinding halt or at least lose momentum as they have tie-ins or forced shake-ups. They just don't seem to let stuff breathe because they have found this magic formula and they don't show any sign of coming off of it for a while. We're at most 10 issues in to some of ANAD? I don't want to look forward to big shake up or change in status-quo.
Basically, it's the writer who has a say. Leth could ignore CW2 but opted to tie in with Hellcat while stuff like Punisher, Moon Knight and Soule Daredevil are just ignoring it.
I don't think Marvel's been "cohesive" since Dark Reign going into Siege really, so I don't totally buy the idea that that's their problem right now
My problem with Marvel is how formulaic their structure feels lately. Their books can be great and fresh and full of stuff we love but it all ends up frustrating and annoying when you know there is just a crossover or an event around the corner to bring the books to a grinding halt or at least lose momentum as they have tie-ins or forced shake-ups. They just don't seem to let stuff breathe because they have found this magic formula and they don't show any sign of coming off of it for a while. We're at most 10 issues in to some of ANAD? I don't want to look forward to big shake up or change in status-quo.
I mean, how is that different from the numerous DC events/crossovers that pissed me off during my New 52 read? Both companies are guilty of the same thing.
They seem to be going at the same rate since 2010.
Most of the soft relaunches between Marvel Now and ANAD werenr that big shake ups for every book every time either.
I mean, how is that different from the numerous DC events/crossovers that pissed me off during my New 52 read? Both companies are guilty of the same thing.
They seem to be going at the same rate since 2010.
Has the May sales figures come out? Marvel is just ignorant of what fans want...HOLY SHIT, IT'S THE WWE.
I mean, how is that different from the numerous DC events/crossovers that pissed me off during my New 52 read? Both companies are guilty of the same thing.
They seem to be going at the same rate since 2010.
Punisher at #3? WowsaHere's the chart for May.
Here's the chart for May.
Here's the chart for May.
DC will triumph next month. There is no way this wont happen.Definitely some surprises in that list. Can't believe how well Punisher did, and the Scooby Doo book almost cracked the top 10? Wow. Kind of a big drop for Black Panther, I hope it stabilizes.
Marvel stays winning overall, but everything could change with the June numbers. Really excited to see those.
edit: Moon Knight at 281, jesus![]()
Definitely some surprises in that list. Can't believe how well Punisher did, and the Scooby Doo book almost cracked the top 10? Wow. Kind of a big drop for Black Panther, I hope it stabilizes.
Marvel stays winning overall, but everything could change with the June numbers. Really excited to see those.
edit: Moon Knight at 281, jesusThat's really a shame.
That's 1 which was in April, #2 is in the 30s.
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I should clarify I unequivocally love:
Invincible Iron Man
All New Wolverine
Old Man Logan
Uncanny Avengers
All New Avengers
Black Panther
Doctor Strange
Ms. Marvel
It wouldnt be a problem if they had found a proper replacement for Brubaker, Fraction, Hickman, Remender, and Gillen leaving
DC will triumph next month. There is no way this wont happen.
Art looks super amazing.
But guys, what about Valiant
But guys, what about Valiant
Who?But guys, what about Valiant
Ewing is really good but none of the ex-DC superstars they poached are cutting it except King and DC made him exclusive.
I should clarify I unequivocally love:
Iron Man(s)
All New Wolverine
Old Man Logan
Uncanny Avengers
All New Avengers
Black Panther
Doctor Strange
Ms. Marvel
I am actually considering going through the whole line and figuring out how many books I actually love. I think the cesspool of X-Men and Inhumans makes me think the whole line stinks when most of it is actually amazing. Iunno.
But comparing it to Rebirth, ALL is better than MOST, math-wise.