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COMICS! |OT| June 2016. The Manhattan Project


Just finished Earth 2 vol 1-5

For the most part i liked it. Future's End #1 at the end of vol 5 had me super confused!

Don't know if I should get the other Earth 2 books or just be satisfied with these. Read through a couple of Amazon reviews and I'm leaning towards stopping here.

One thing, what the hell happened to the Sam subplot?
GL finds out Sam was the main target in the accident. Goes to China to investigate and even has Hawkgirl help. But I don't think they ever say why Sam was murdered or why he was involed in Apokolips tech stuff

Did I maybe miss the explanation? Or was that subplot forgotten?


semen stains the mountaintops
Doesn't look as though anyone's in a rush to tell that story though.

Yeah, seems like Del Toro is the only one who wants to make it. And it's not like the second one bombed.

So I wanted to see what all the hub-bub was about for the new Captain America: Steve Rogers and I went into two comic shops looking for it and they were both sold out.

So I assume it's gonna be sold out in all comic shops, so I look on eBay and they're going for $15-20.

Now I'm coming from a Magic: The Gathering background and I know new cards always drop in price if you wait, because supply increases and demand goes down.

But I'm assuming it doesn't work that way with comics because each store only gets their selected print run?

Would right now be the cheapest time to buy this issue?
Are there any better places then eBay?


Still watching but just want to say what is the point of the turtles knowing the ninja arts when they are baby hulks. These turtles strong as fuck


So I wanted to see what all the hub-bub was about for the new Captain America: Steve Rogers and I went into two comic shops looking for it and they were both sold out.

So I assume it's gonna be sold out in all comic shops, so I look on eBay and they're going for $15-20.

Now I'm coming from a Magic: The Gathering background and I know new cards always drop in price if you wait, because supply increases and demand goes down.

But I'm assuming it doesn't work that way with comics because each store only gets their selected print run?

Would right now be the cheapest time to buy this issue?
Are there any better places then eBay?

Popular comics usually get second printings, but as people mentioned you can get it digitally if you want from sites like Comixology.


He wrote the original Dead Space?

Yea, had no idea till I heard them talking about it in an interview on the word ballot podcast from back when he was on X-Force still.
Ellis did the creation and origin stuff and Remender did some of the plotting.

I loved the Hellboy films. Second one is far better though. Need to rewatch them soon! Perlman wants to do a 3rd really bad but from what I've heard the first two just didn't do the numbers they would have liked to do a 3rd.


So I wanted to see what all the hub-bub was about for the new Captain America: Steve Rogers and I went into two comic shops looking for it and they were both sold out.

So I assume it's gonna be sold out in all comic shops, so I look on eBay and they're going for $15-20.

Now I'm coming from a Magic: The Gathering background and I know new cards always drop in price if you wait, because supply increases and demand goes down.

But I'm assuming it doesn't work that way with comics because each store only gets their selected print run?

Would right now be the cheapest time to buy this issue?
Are there any better places then eBay?

Midtown comics has it for $4.24 still first printing

Christ, the Hellboy movie is horrible.

The first time I saw it, I hated it. Thought it was lol bad. Now I'm a prey big fan of the costumes and design, and a big fan of Hellboy 2 in general.

Damn. I do suck as her too then. My overall average is only like 3500. Lately I'm probably averaging in the mid-4K's but that is apparently not so great either.

Raw healing number is a terrible gauge of how good you are at Mercy. The number that does matter is what percentage of total damage you've healed, which shows up right below that. You can't heal damage that isn't done in the first place.

If you're pulling 4K healing and that's 50-60% of the total damage done to your team, I'd say you are more than pulling your weight. It all depends on the match. I've had games with 4K healing where I did a hell of a lot better than games I had 6K. Swapping to my pistol and dropping a Tracer before resuming heals might be more valuable and in the zone. Timely resurrections can completely change the tide.


My best Overwatch play today was after we took point A in Anubis i D'va'd my way to point b and used my ultimate to clear it and we took that too right after.

Speed to win!

Worst overwatch play was everything else.

Also read New Avengers #3....Overwatch was better. I don't like the cast outside of Squirrel Girl.


My best Overwatch play today was after we took point A in Anubis i D'va'd my way to point b and used my ultimate to clear it and we took that too right after.

Speed to win!

Worst overwatch play was everything else.

Also read New Avengers #3....Overwatch was better. I don't like the cast outside of Squirrel Girl.

I went 30-0 with Tracer today 22 kills on the point and we still fucking lost. I am so steamed by this game right now.


I know this game can be frustrating as shit sometimes. But do you know that your console can play other games, too?

Yeah, I don't play other games. This is the first game I have played in months. Me being angry about the game doesn't mean I don't want to play it.

I feel the COD mentality will go away in a month.

I don't have the COD mentality, I am playing as Mercy 95% of the time. I play mercy because my k/d is usually absolutely dreadful. I was more pointing out that I was doing my job but my team mates are complete shit.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I know this game can be frustrating as shit sometimes. But do you know that your console can play other games, too?

Also watching TMNT is helping. I'll be ready to kick some ass again when this movie is over.

I'll just pretend I'm playing against a team of Danny's and I will destroy them! Or heal someone who will kill all the Danny's for me.


I don't have the COD mentality, I am playing as Mercy 95% of the time. I play mercy because my k/d is usually absolutely dreadful. I was more pointing out that I was doing my job but my team mates are complete shit.

That's what I mean, everyone is still a Soldier or McCree and everyone doesn't adapt, they just go in gung ho. Playing as Mercy racks up me trying to heal everybody and getting whacked in the process. Plus, there is the trolling everyone is X team.


I still haven't started Uncharted 4 yet because of Overwatch. Always Overwatch. The last two days have been really bad games though so it might push me to take a break.

Or try Tracer.
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