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COMICS! |OT| June 2016. The Manhattan Project

So sad. The Surface Pro 4 that arrived today was DOA. T_T

Talked to Microsoft, who said they couldn't do anything and offered to talk to Amazon for me, which took me by surprise. That was really cool of them.

Amazon couldn't actually just exchange it either, because it was a third party seller, even though it was fulfilled through Amazon. So I am now returning it and have placed an order for another one. Fingers crossed this one is alright...

Also got $10 credit out of it, but not before I actually asked if I'd get anything for the hassle of returning (though to be fair, that part is super simple, UPS is being sent to pick it up, I'm just miffed that I have to wait 'till Friday for the new one I ordered to show up now...).


Finished East of West Year One. It was really good. I think Hickman really nailed the last issue. It does have a bit too much mature content for my tastes, which I was surprised by given its T+ rating (which I think is the same as quite a few DC titles, none of which have explicit gore, f-bombs, and nudity like this). Anyway, pretty great stuff.

Not sure what I will move onto next.
i still look at Bendis' All New X-Men and Uncanny X-Men with absolute disdain for how unambitious and grossly superficial the plotting was across so many issues.

Great art though! 7/10.
I still love everything in his Uncanny X-Men run before the whole Omega Mutant mess which contributed absolutely NOTHING to the story.

finding out Age of Apocalypse Beast was behind the sentinel attacks was meh as well


Ann Nocenti worked on Amazing Spider-Man and there was another woman whose name I sadly forgot. Also not sure what her position was, but Stan Lee spoke in high tones about her.

All decades ago.
Nocenti also did Inhumans: By Right of Birth. Arguably one of the best Inhuman stories.
I think the really interesting thing about 80's Marvel vs now is that you didn't really have "well you're black/a lady so we'll put you on the black/lady book" thing you kinda have now. There's a funny anecdote where Christopher Priest (who ended up quitting comic because of that) talks about how when Joe Quesada called him up for Marvel Knights he was super excited because he thought he was gonna get Daredevil. He was actually really disappointed when they offered him Black Panther instead cuz he thought the character sucked at the time. It took a while for him to realize he wasn't going to get to write Spider-Man/Wolverine etc comics again like he did in the 80s when they only gave him stuff like Captain America and the Falcon or The Crew.
And now he's writing Deathstroke, which may mean Slade gets an actual good book. Oh my god, do you...do you really think he won't be a jobber anymore? Oh god, is the world ready for that?
Been reading lil justice league for a couple years and haven't seen anyone here talk about it.

I like the B:TAS reference.
I still love everything in his Uncanny X-Men run before the whole Omega Mutant mess which contributed absolutely NOTHING to the story.

finding out Age of Apocalypse Beast was behind the sentinel attacks was meh as well

Did we read the same book? The Omega Mutant is exactly what causes Scott to close his school, give up his entire inheritance, and disband both his revolution and his X-Men. If you want to talk about arcs in X-books that contributed nothing, look no further than Ultimate Adventure in All-New. THAT was filler incarnate. A whole trade's worth of filler.

Dark Beast was dumb, mostly because it just sort of happened. Like "Oh, he's in here! And now he's dead!"
Maybe it's not that Nocenti is a bad writer but that she just wrote a terrible version of Catwoman. I know I thought the couple of Catwoman issues I read from her were really bad.

Wasn't her Klarion series supposed to be bad too? DC didn't even bother to collect it into a trade.


I am waiting for word of mouth before I buy any books this week. No need to spend 15 bucks when I got 5 library editions stacked in front of me.
Did we read the same book? The Omega Mutant is exactly what causes Scott to close his school, give up his entire inheritance, and disband both his revolution and his X-Men. If you want to talk about arcs in X-books that contributed nothing, look no further than Ultimate Adventure in All-New. THAT was filler incarnate. A whole trade's worth of filler.

Dark Beast was dumb, mostly because it just sort of happened. Like "Oh, he's in here! And now he's dead!"

The Omega Mutant arc was a waste of space and time to include and subsequently retcon the presence of a dude nobody cares about while also being a weakass way to make Scott dissolve the 'revolution'. I stand by the fact that it contributed nothing to the story. It was Naruto Shippuden worthy filler, and shows that Bendis had no idea wtf he doing storywise by the end of his run.

The whole will of Charles Xavier started off so wonderfully too...

Cyclops' students questioning what they were even training for was nice, and an arc dedicated to just that would have been infinitely better the pile of shit we got.

Then there's the fact that the whole trial of Beast thing in issue 600 was never actually resolved.


Going to read the only DC trade paperback out of the 60+ I have that I haven't read yet. Also the largest, at over 600 pages. That's probably directly related to it being the only one I haven't read, lol.


Looking through the credits, it appears there was a simultaneous point in history wherein Ed Brubaker was writing Batman and Greg Rucka was writing Dectective Comics? That's crazy. Heck of a team there.


Some good Overwatch late victory games with Tragic tonight and another non-comics gaffer, if only Freeza had played with us we might have kept my losing streak alive.

Shots fired freeza.


yea I am just going one of my famous binges this friday.

Aquaman is the one I really want to read this week.

think I might get overwatch or odin sphere as welll


Detective comics was really good. Action comics felt like it was moving too quick.Both superman rebirth books have been pretty disappointing.


Had a rough losing streak on league so I ended up staying late so what the hell

Aquaman is the best written book, detective for best art and overall favorite, and flash for story because it is a direct sequel to rebirth #1.

Flash Rebirth #1

basically a sequel to DC Rebirth #1, and a introduction to Flash. Nothing really amazing but it was solid, and had a lot of emotional moments that I liked but others may dislike.


Detective Comics #934

Pretty much everything I wanted from this. Good art, humble batman, Batwoman being written as competent and as a equal to Batman, and great introductions of the team. Basically young justice if it was only gotham characters. Tim might have his basic robin design but at least batman admits to him being the smartest robin. I think this is going to be the best team book for a while.

5/5 because I am a fanboy when it comes to the bat books.

Aquaman Rebirth #1

I held this one to a high standard because I read the first 12 issues of the previous run so I know how great this book could and can become. That being said, the writing was great, and reminded me of Black Panther by coates. The art was average-meh at best till the last two pages. Will pick up #1 now that
Black Manta is back
I like where Dan is going with the story, but the art bugged me at times. Out of all the rebirth books so far this has left me the most disappointed. After reading the rest, I will say that is this the best written out of the batch this week

3/5 sad TheFlow face easily a 5/5 if it wasn't for the art, drawings felt rushed.

Wonder Woman Rebirth #1

Let me just start off and say this one did not wow me like I thought it would. Some will love this and others will hate it. I thought it was cool reflection Of Wonder Woman's true self and what she must do to stay on the correct path. It was basically a self analysis of who Wonder Woman is by Diana herself. Nothing really happened but I believe it has potential.


Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Didn't care for Amazing Spider-Man #4. Lame save Aunt May issue. I did enjoy Mockingbird as usual. Next issue seems like it will be more interesting.

Deadpool #3 was decent. More of a Mercs for Money issue though. Poor Slapstick aint got no ding dong!

Deadpool and Cable: Split Second is not that great but atleast it has been pretty light on Cable so far.

Vision was the best of the bunch.


Soooo I just got charged by Amazon/comixology in the amount of $16.95. However, the books that I am subscribed to shouldn't amount to that much. I got Flash Rebirth, Detective Comics, Action Comics, and Vision. That should tally up to $12.96. So I am not sure where that extra 4 dollars is coming from. I emailed Amazon and I'm awaiting a response. But has anyone experienced anything like this before? Makes me wonder if any of my past charges had any mistakes that I may have overlooked :/


Had a rough losing streak on league so I ended up staying late so what the hell

Aquaman is the best written book, detective for best art and overall favorite, and flash for story because it is a direct sequel to rebirth #1.

Flash Rebirth #1

basically a sequel to DC Rebirth #1, and a introduction to Flash. Nothing really amazing but it was solid, and had a lot of emotional moments that I liked but others may dislike.


Detective Comics #934

Pretty much everything I wanted from this. Good art, humble batman, Batwoman being written as competent and as a equal to Batman, and great introductions of the team. Basically young justice if it was only gotham characters. Tim might have his basic robin design but at least batman admits to him being the smartest robin. I think this is going to be the best team book for a while.

5/5 because I am a fanboy when it comes to the bat books.

Aquaman Rebirth #1

I held this one to a high standard because I read the first 12 issues of the previous run so I know how great this book could and can become. That being said, the writing was great, and reminded me of Black Panther by coates. The art was average-meh at best till the last two pages. Will pick up #1 now that
Black Manta is back
I like where Dan is going with the story, but the art bugged me at times. Out of all the rebirth books so far this has left me the most disappointed. After reading the rest, I will say that is this the best written out of the batch this week

3/5 sad TheFlow face easily a 5/5 if it wasn't for the art, drawings felt rushed.

Wonder Woman Rebirth #1

Let me just start off and say this one did not wow me like I thought it would. Some will love this and others will hate it. I thought it was cool reflection Of Wonder Woman's true self and what she must do to stay on the correct path. It was basically a self analysis of who Wonder Woman is by Diana herself. Nothing really happened but I believe it has potential.


Thank you. I'm glad the best book is the only one I pre-ordered. Rebirth got expensive last week, and looking at my August orders is hurting my wallet with just a couple being worth picking up.


Maybe it's not that Nocenti is a bad writer but that she just wrote a terrible version of Catwoman. I know I thought the couple of Catwoman issues I read from her were really bad.

Nah, her New52 Green Arrow run was also wretched. It's the one where
cloned triplets come to have a foursome with Ollie if he'll take his plane to this mysterious island and Ollie is like "okay, nothing suspicious there then."

I bought all the singles :(

You buy lots of doomed books bro.

El Topo

Now that I have had time to let WicDiv #20 sink in, I feel that
it is a bit of a cheap move to lead readers astray with the classical "You did not see it happen, so guess what, it actually did not happen" twist. That is something that has been done way, way too many times in other fiction. It works well enough, there are some hints in previous issues (e.g. the one with Woden where he is told to move a body or the "Do not call it a comeback" line), the issue in general is really great and I appreciate that it all fits together nicely, but it still leaves a bit of a bitter taste.

Still, I'm completely sold on WicDiv again.


Alright, Action Comics was a wild ass ride and I can't wait to see more unfold. The dialogue was a bit hokey at times but it was a fun issue overall. I Iove Superlex. Plenty of "wtf is going on" in this issue, but in a good way.

Flash Rebirth was okay. It's nice to see a book directly follow up the main Rebirth special, however, not much happens. Art is cool though.

Checking out Detective next. Saving the best for last, Vision.


Soooo I just got charged by Amazon/comixology in the amount of $16.95. However, the books that I am subscribed to shouldn't amount to that much. I got Flash Rebirth, Detective Comics, Action Comics, and Vision. That should tally up to $12.96. So I am not sure where that extra 4 dollars is coming from. I emailed Amazon and I'm awaiting a response. But has anyone experienced anything like this before? Makes me wonder if any of my past charges had any mistakes that I may have overlooked :/

And this is why I don't trust their subscription service. I like clicking add to cart and knowing what I am getting.


Nah, her New52 Green Arrow run was also wretched. It's the one where
cloned triplets come to have a foursome with Ollie if he'll take his plane to this mysterious island and Ollie is like "okay, nothing suspicious there then."

You buy lots of doomed books bro.

When you buy a lot of books you have a lot of failures. I own all of new 52 Catwoman in floppies and trade.


Finished Lazarus Hardcover Vol 1. This book is dope. They really realize what they can do going into the second arc and it keeps getting better. Glad to hear it apparently gets even better. Forever is awesome.

El Topo

Finished Lazarus Hardcover Vol 1. This book is dope. They really realize what they can do going into the second arc and it keeps getting better. Glad to hear it apparently gets even better. Forever is awesome.

The series is great. The only bad thing are the horrendous covers.


I'm restarting WicDev because I forgot what happened in the 3 issues I read and I have the first 2 volumes so why not.

The only series I'm subscribed to is Black Widow so I don't forget to buy it when it comes out. Don't think I'm going to pick up anything today just going to read through the trades I have.


Aren't New issues of The Fix and Justice League supposed to come out today as well? Seems like everything is up on comixology except for those. So strange.


Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1 was great. Art was fantastic, but Morrison spoiled me with Earth One. Rucka really lays it on thick and I didn't find it quite as good as Earth One, but the best Wonder Woman ongoing we've seen in years. IGN 8/10

I also read it quick before work, I just needed a pick me up before I leave. I'll re-read again tonight to see if it clicks better.

Also, Zootopia was incredible.
Some good Overwatch late victory games with Tragic tonight and another non-comics gaffer, if only Freeza had played with us we might have kept my losing streak alive.

Shots fired freeza.

Man, I played Mercy yesterday and brought a team back from 5 seconds left to securing the payload and taking it all the way.
Good news! I survived day one of my business trip. Fortunately, my boss booked a room an hour away in a reasonably sized town instead of the Bates motel. Room has a jacuzzi even.

Bad news! I started my 240 issue long Secret Wars reading order. Deadpool's Secret Wars was a bit shite. This isn't just 4chan/Reddit humour. It's 9gag humour. Last days of Black Widow and Howard the Duck were decent but Last Days of Loki were kinda not good again.


I just finished reading the 2014 Thor run, where lady Thor is introduced. That was really good. I'm eager to catch up on the current Mighty Thor run now to see more of her. Looks like the trade just came out... unfortunately I'm kinda broke, so I can't afford it yet.

But there was a comic from 1977 included in there, and man, comics back then were pretty bad, huh? The amount of unnecessary exposition and overexplaining things reminded me of that Magneto beaten by Mr. Fantastic with a wooden gun video from that thread the other day.
Good news! I survived day one of my business trip. Fortunately, my boss booked a room an hour away in a reasonably sized town instead of the Bates motel. Room has a jacuzzi even.

Bad news! I started my 240 issue long Secret Wars reading order. Deadpool's Secret Wars was a bit shite. This isn't just 4chan/Reddit humour. It's 9gag humour. Last days of Black Widow and Howard the Duck were decent but Last Days of Loki were kinda not good again.
How did you find Hickman's run of Avengers and New Avengers overall?
There's no way to know how good or bad Klarion was. Literally nobody read it. Not even Nocenti herself.
My friend read it for the first few issues while it was dropping and told me it was terrible
The Omega Mutant arc was a waste of space and time to include and subsequently retcon the presence of a dude nobody cares about while also being a weakass way to make Scott dissolve the 'revolution'. I stand by the fact that it contributed nothing to the story. It was Naruto Shippuden worthy filler, and shows that Bendis had no idea wtf he doing storywise by the end of his run.

The whole will of Charles Xavier started off so wonderfully too...

Cyclops' students questioning what they were even training for was nice, and an arc dedicated to just that would have been infinitely better the pile of shit we got.

Then there's the fact that the whole trial of Beast thing in issue 600 was never actually resolved.
I really liked that the thing that forces Cyclops to realize that the revolution isn't working and that he needed to get his shit together was that he attempted to recruit a planet ending mutant into his school. I mean, imagine a guy who could decimate a city if he sneezes (playing up the fact that he had no real control over his powers), and then having Cyclops attempt to recruit him thinking, "this will go well."

I can kind of agree on the Trial thing. But after the initial couple arcs of All-New up until Battle of the Atom, Bendis hadn't touched the Jean Grey school stuff at all. I'm not sure what he ever had planned for that, but I think it ending with Eva, the person who has seen all of these timelines and what happens, being like, "some shit's gonna happen and it's because of your sorry ass that it does. And no matter what you do, it will happen." I mean, currently he's not even with the X-Men, so that's something.
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