Sandman Mystery Theater next week. I've heard about this series from old guys and I've heard it's quite good. I'm in for the first volume of the reprint and I'll see if I like it from there.
Sandman Mystery Theater next week. I've heard about this series from old guys and I've heard it's quite good. I'm in for the first volume of the reprint and I'll see if I like it from there.
Reading Silk #1 (which continues to be super fun btw) and they mention Secret Invasion. Specifically that a bunch of heroes were kidnapped and replaced by Skrulls for years. Years? Did Secret Invasion just retcon a bunch of shit if those heroes were supposed to have been Skrulls for years?
Reading Silk #1 (which continues to be super fun btw) and they mention Secret Invasion. Specifically that a bunch of heroes were kidnapped and replaced by Skrulls for years. Years? Did Secret Invasion just retcon a bunch of shit if those heroes were supposed to have been Skrulls for years?
I think all of them except for Mockingbird were Skrulls. Which is kind of a shame, because come on, look at some of those costumes. The Wolverine one is the original one from Hulk #181, that would have been hilarious.
Civil War: Spider-Man #1 was pretty good for a tie-in. The level of involvement of the
is starting to get a little clunky, though, and has me wondering about the sequence of events/timeline of this event. I also don't get how suddenly Ulysses' power
is set off by location-based events? That doesn't seem to be the case in the main book.
Minor nitpick, just inconsistent.
I dug the twist. Thought I had it called early in the issue but they Shyamalan'd it and twisted the twist. I don't know that character, though. What's his name?
Watching this spotlight on Darwyn Cooke panel from a little over a year ago, and man is it interesting. I'm not too far in, but Cooke talked a lot about how the modern superhero landscape just isn't made for him, and how DC never asking him to write/draw a regular series or having him as anymore than a novelty proved it. It's really fascinating. Such a tragedy that he passed away.
I just finished reading Groot's comic and it made me cry a little bit. Overall it was really good and funny and charming, but that ending is a tearjerker.
Civil War: Spider-Man #1 was pretty good for a tie-in. The level of involvement of the
is starting to get a little clunky, though, and has me wondering about the sequence of events/timeline of this event. I also don't get how suddenly Ulysses' power
is set off by location-based events? That doesn't seem to be the case in the main book.
Minor nitpick, just inconsistent.
I dug the twist. Thought I had it called early in the issue but they Shyamalan'd it and twisted the twist. I don't know that character, though. What's his name?
Does it? Hmmm I might have to pick it up then. Is it twenty bucks?
edit: oh fuck I forgot to add last month's games to my PS Plus library. Hope I didn't miss anything good.
Man, you guys. I forgot I took this picture. I went outside to go to work this morning at like 6:45am, and the lighting was absolutely beautiful. Light fog in the distant trees under a rising sun, airy clouds slowly passing through. What a sight. It almost made waking up for work at 6am not utterly miserable.
Man, you guys. I forgot I took this picture. I went outside to go to work this morning at like 6:45am, and the lighting was absolutely beautiful. Light fog in the distant trees under a rising sun, airy clouds slowly passing through. What a sight. It almost made waking up for work at 6am not utterly miserable.
Man, you guys. I forgot I took this picture. I went outside to go to work this morning at like 6:45am, and the lighting was absolutely beautiful. Light fog in the distant trees under a rising sun, airy clouds slowly passing through. What a sight. It almost made waking up for work at 6am not utterly miserable.
Brand being a badass as usual and Thor putting Tony in his place again which is always funny were the only good things about Secret Invasion (main book only, maybe the event is much better if you read all the tie ins I dunno).
Managed to find time to read Tec, Flash, and Wonder Woman.
Enjoyed them all. Tec was the biggest highlight with the focus on the Batfamily. Love Steph, Cass, and Kate so I'm all in on this. Flash was also enjoyable. I'm really glad I started getting into the character just before Rebirth. Very interested in seeing where this goes since it has the biggest connection to Rebirth.
WW was a solid setup issue, nothing more to really say. Like Batman and Superman, I'm sure it'll pick up steam once the main book begins.
Finished Daredevil S2. Was super disappointing and just plain worse than S1. Upset, but on the plus side I'm very optimistic for S3. Along with Luke Cage S1 and Jessica Jones S2.
I've always had the opposite problem, amusingly. I learned like all of my vocab by reading, so I can spell everything, but occasionally fuck up pronunciation
Honestly my sleep schedule didn't change much. I was only 21 when I started working there and I was basically staying up until 4 or 5 and getting up at noon already.
But every year in late December I have to go on days for a week. I'm usually used to it by the end of the week. Just in time to go back on nights.
whoaaa I looked up some pics of the wacky raceland issue. man this shit looks bananas, crazy art.
they crossed over mad max and hanna barbera lmao. definitely going to pick it up when the trade comes out. a bunch of assholes driving talking cars (they converse with each other apparently) trying to kill each other....greenlight the movie. wachowskis plz. george miller plz.
While my freak out was over B'wana Beast, I do agree that the Animal Man costume is over designed. The simple blue and white look that Foreman came up for the N52 Animal Man book is much better than what he came up with here.
Saw this picture, I believe it's from the new Flash Rebirth comic, so don't click it if you haven't read it yet.
That floor is so bad that I'm actually kind of annoyed that someone got away with putting that on a comic book. This dude found some shitty stock texture, pasted that there, took out the smudge tool and went to town and then called it a day.
I finished Detective and really enjoyed it... But seeing Batwoman reminded me of something. Is she a
I stopped reading her ongoing before it ended but I forget how/if it was resolved. Or was that just a what if scenario for Future's End? My memory is so hazy sometimes...