Woah This is an aweomse cover. Is this a variant?I adore this cover. Love this series so very much and she is my total fave.
Also wtf the series takes place in England!?
Woah This is an aweomse cover. Is this a variant?I adore this cover. Love this series so very much and she is my total fave.
Now you have. Now go read the best book you've just now heard of.
Woah This is an aweomse cover. Is this a variant?
Also wtf the series takes place in England!?
Thank youhighly unlikely. Spider-Gwen will get one if anything but Silk ain't anywhere near hardcover territory. The Spider-Women crossover event is only being collected in paperback as an example.
No its the regular cover and up its always been set in England. Sometimes it doesn't feel like it at all though. They are all going to University.
Also wtf the series takes place in England!?
I'm not defending a book, I'm defending someone calling it bad when if you look at the evidence here and across the Internet from fans and critics, most like it. What is more detrimental to a discussion, trashing something because you didn't like it or defending something you know other people will enjoy?
Nah, she does some really great work. But she's more interested in doing super-limited art prints these days than drawing comics. #CashGrab
Now you have. Now go read the best book you've just now heard of.
Alright guys, last chance to be credited for the Civil War 2 OT. Which would it be? No Bendis jokes as much as I want to, I want the OT to be not as snarky.
Captain America #1 is sold outCant relieve the hype...
Civil War II #1...
It had great art. Dialogue at times was cringey. Waaaay too dramatic.
I have no problem with her wanting to be a writer and wanting to do art prints. She seems to have fallen in with that crowd. If it makes her happy and makes her money then why not. Who am I to accuse someone of cash grabbing.
Which part?Weird problem to have
5 issues is a long time to wait before deciding whether you like a book or not IMO.
Alright guys, last chance to be credited for the Civil War 2 OT. Which would it be? No Bendis jokes as much as I want to, I want the OT to be not as snarky. Do I do a GAF Civil War?
A lot of people do art prints. Even comic artists, but it's not their focus. We still have our savior Annie Wu.
Sadly in germany he is."I'm not sold out"
To be fair is doesn't matter what other people across the internet say about it if the person didn't enjoy it. They are more than entitled to say they didn't like it and why they didn't just as much as the people who liked it can praise it.
I have no problem with her wanting to be a writer and wanting to do art prints. She seems to have fallen in with that crowd. If it makes her happy and makes her money then why not. Who am I to accuse someone of cash grabbing.
Another good point. the book is bimonthly so it won't take long to figure out if you dislike it or not. plus it is a 3 dollar book. You are paying 1 dollar less than a marvel book. plus DC books drop in price after a certain time period on CMX.I'll have to side with Korrupt here. With how many preconceptions we as fans come into a series with now-a-days and with how decompressed the writing has become*, 5 issues would be a fair shot if you feel it is a 5/10 or 7/10 for the first few issues.
If you hated or were completely bored with issue one or two, that is a different thing altogether.
I always aim for five issues at least (or the first trade). There are very few runs I've dropped before that.
Wait the guy who called it a pile of shit is starting the thread? Lmao wow.
"I'm worried not enough people are bagging on this comic I fucking despise. How can I amp up the antipathy."
Which part?
Yeah but a lot of artists only work on prints. Nothing wrong with that. I think its pretty clear she has no interest in drawing ongoing titles. Maybe the workload is too much.
I swerved ya, you wanted me to think i hated the book when really...eh, could be worse, could Age of Ultron.
"No Bendis jokes, as much as I want to."
Yeah, keep digging.
A comic thread in OT?
What could go wrong
Which is true but every positive or negative review on a issue is going to get a response which leads to discussion.
Tragic gave a negative impression and some of the people here gave him an informed response. the man sounded confused about a lot of things and the direction of where the book was going so we explained it.
What we don't need is people saying we are defending rebirth and putting people down. I have yet to see one person here criticize someone here for calling the rebirth books here meh.
Rebirth and ANAD turned out good.A comic thread in OT?
What could go wrong
Dammit...I like Spider Man.
Rebirth and ANAD turned out good.
Sure and I never said any of this. I just wanted it to be clear its ok to say this issue was bad in your opinion. Korupt said it isn't being fair to him. But its all we have to go on. Opinions can change over time but if the issue didn't agree with you then its fine to say it. I have read plenty of books that started out badly and turned out really well in the end.
Surprisingly those threads are doing good. surprised somebody didn't go in the marvel thread and start a flame war like the rebirth thread.Rebirth and ANAD turned out good.
Edit: They are still missing from the OP :/
I think Korrupt is telling tragic to give King a chance considering it was cowritten book. nothing wrong with that.
Surprisingly those threads are doing good. surprised somebody didn't go in the marvel thread and start a flame war like the rebirth thread.
My problem was with how the dialogue really didn't mesh well with the plot here. The whole thing withI feel like comics should be as dramatic as possible, personally. P much all adventure narratives need drama to propel the plot forward in a compelling way. Dialogue is often a source of that drama, what is said and how it's said.
Having dramatic dialogue seems like a "must have" for a successful and engaging adventure story.
I'm not defending a book, I'm defending someone calling it bad when if you look at the evidence here and across the Internet from fans and critics, most like it. What is more detrimental to a discussion, trashing something because you didn't like it or defending something you know other people will enjoy?
Sure and I am more than willing to give him a chance. His other books are fantastic. I just thought this didn't hit like I expected it would.
If someone doesn't like a critically acclaimed book a response to that is warranted. If I read the first issue of Tom king's vision and said I hated/disliked it I would definitely get 10 responses saying whats wrong with me.ASM - very mixed feelings on this one. I think one impressive thing Slott has accomplished and maintained in his long run is bringing in that classic early ASM feel to the supporting cast. It's all very soapy, evoking Lee's run but in a fresh way and I kind of love that. That he has managed this without leaning on Aunt May at all is really impressive. Pete's friends on a lunch date without himwas really funny. The scene felt great and Slott doesn't get enough credit for stuff like this.immediately figuring out Regent's identity and slyly raising the question of why there hasn't been a massive manhunt for disabled veteran Flash Thompson
But the issue's got problems. I enjoyed Tony and Peter's banter last issue and at the beginning of the issue it's fine. Miles caught in the middle made it funnier. Buuuut thenSpidey takes a swing at Tony without his mask down, which really could have hurt him and the whole thing descends into madness. Don't get me wrong, I love hero vs. hero one-off fights and if that's all this was I wouldn't have mind it. They don't always have to make sense, they can just be fun. But then it becomes the impetus for Regent to kidnap Miles and that's stupid. That makes it a crappy plot contrivance and that's a problem Slott has a little too frequently.
Alsois totally new to the scene but everybody in New York already knows who he is? He already has a cheering section? Lol ok.Regent
Well my post wasn't aimed entirely at you at all. I think we can have a reasonable discussion where some people like the books and some don't. But yeah I think telling people to hold off on criticizing Batman until the first arc is over is a bit over the top. Many of us read comics issue to issue here and commenting on the first issue of a run, positive or negative, is not uncommon and it can be helpful in deciding whether or not a book is worth trying or if you should hold off. I'm not sure why we should make an exception for Tom King's Batman.
And I think the whole "critics like it/the rest of the internet likes it" line of reasoning isn't the best either. That does nothing to diminish the opinions posted here. Nobody paid three dollars a pop for these books thinking they weren't going to like them, everyone is entitled to express their opinions. If you see a review worth posting go ahead but don't use them as a way to try to diminish the honest thoughts of comicgaffers
Not as flashy as Secret Wars OT but it does the job.
well you did come in here saying you hated Rebirth ayye lmao.
also I am going to rage quit if we don't get this TMNT sale.
I don't trust Mei.
You forgot Civil War #0. I think its kinda important.
When is the last time you have seen me successfully drop a book? I pulled Catwoman 1-52.
i've been in two games now where a Mei has ice walled our exit spawn at the beginning of a rush to the point game.
Did you skip Dark Kingdom?Alsois totally new to the scene but everybody in New York already knows who he is? He already has a cheering section? Lol ok.Regent
lol catwoman though? even catwoman fans didn't get that far.
Did you skip Dark Kingdom?
He was doing stuff while Peter was in China, Harry even mentions it.
I hope there's a way to own a large version of this Rafael Grampa Batman variant
Superman Rebirth #1
Before I begin let me say I have never read a superman comic in my life.
that being said this comic delivered the feels and Pre new 52 did a great job of honoring this worlds superman. I think this will be the first sup book I pull.
4/5 because the art wasn't as good as the writing