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COMICS! |OT| June 2016. The Manhattan Project

Had to take the slipcases off of my two Absolute editions so that they would fit in my over-oversized book shelf. Looks good, though, but I don't know what to do with the slipcases now. I will probably eventually get more Absolutes or more Library editions that will warrant me taking the Absolutes out and finding another spot for them.

Whoa, you bought The Massive library edition?


10 Cloverfield Lane is not my type of movie, it's like the parts in tv shows that bug me because they move slowly and you just want it to get where it's going faster.

edit: okay it moved.
All-New X-Men #10
Well this is a step back from the past couple issues. Back to the quagmire of boredom that was the first arc. So much promise here, too. I feel like the O5 are the Red Hood and Arsenal of Marvel: they have no idea what the fuck to do with these characters. Much like the author, this book is indeed hopeless.
I know he is, I meant they dont stretch out that part of the story (
him turning into a "good guy"
) for 6 issues.

Also Scarlet Witch was on of those "MU good" comics (aka its fine since its "free")

It's still going but it hasn't really gotten any better. I just dropped it.

Yes and that book is not a good book. New artist every issue doesn't help.
Damn. I was kind of thinking about checking it out, since Wanda really grew on me as a character with Remender's Uncanny Avengers. I'll steer away, though.
Is anything from Secret Wars still relevant at all anymore lol? I feel like it didnt really do anything at all that impacted the current line up accept
get rid of FF and Cyc (Which still hasnt been explained lol)
Pretty much had less impact than Axis which didnt have much accept a minor run on Iron Man that I can remember.
A lot of that stuff has been brought over:
being healed up has given him an opportunity at a fresh start, which he's taken if you've been reading Invincible Iron Man.
-T'challa starts the Ultimates in order to avoid the same mistakes as the Illuminati whilst still dealing with the same issues. Pretty much the entirety of Ultimates shows the aftereffects of SW
got murdered, though it still isn't fully explained.
Sue, Reed, Valeria, and Franklin are all adventuring.
-Ultimate End works in conjunction with the main book to bridge Miles Morales from 1610 to 616.
-Thors shows
Ultimate Mjolnir entering 616
-The Uncanny Inhumans uses the same concept as Inhumans: Attilan Rising, with
Black Bolt running an underground club called "The Quiet Room," while Medusa rules over New Attilan.
-A-Force is a direct continuation of the SW tie-in,
which has Singularity in it, and it explains a multitude of extras from SW entering 616, such as Dazzler Thor.
-X-Men '92 and Old Man Logan are direct continuations of their respective SW books, with Old Man Logan SW tie-in acting as a bridge between the OG series and how Logan ends up in 616.
-The Maker is running around in The New Avengers with his evil-ass shenanigans.

That's all the stuff I noticed that carried over, since I'm only going off of tie-ins I read. If anyone else wants to point out anything then feel free.


You should probably spoiler tag that SW stuff since people are still reading it in this thread.

Also, I actually like what All New X-Men is doing with
Apocalypse and Evan
right now.
You should probably spoiler tag that SW stuff since people are still reading it in this thread.

Also, I actually like what All New X-Men is doing with
Apocalypse and Evan
right now.
Okay, I fixed some of it.
I like the idea, but I feel like the execution is botched. This past issue was pretty boring, which has always been the case with
. The inital issue that started this arc was good, it's just that this one was super boring. The next will improve, hopefully. I will give the issue a little leeway, however, since I was really tired while reading it.


Is anything from Secret Wars still relevant at all anymore lol? I feel like it didnt really do anything at all that impacted the current line up accept
get rid of FF and Cyc (Which still hasnt been explained lol)
Pretty much had less impact than Axis which didnt have much accept a minor run on Iron Man that I can remember.



The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Huh the Mafia III writer is Haden Blackman, interesting
They hired him when he sent in the resume and they saw the last name. He still hasnt attended a face-to-face meeting, just keeps sending in script revisions


I'm glad I learned not to care about Marvel events any more. Also, I'm still alive, though nobody cares.

Been continuing to expand my Image and IDW stuff. I've been re-reading Mirage TMNT and man, that moment where Leo
impales Shredder with his sword
is hardcore. People who only know the cartoon don't know what they're missing.
All-New Wolverine #9
This was fun. Why is this on the Road to Civil War?

Invincible Iron Man #10
Still super good. Deodato putting in work. Why is this on the Road to Civil War?

Civil War II #1
Marquez da gawd, but what is this? I legitimately don't know how to feel about this. "Ulysses can do things!" "But what if he does things?" "Well then he does things!" "But what if said things are us?" "Then maybe said things are us!" "CAROOOOOL!" "TOOOOONY!"

It feels wrong. I am dedicating myself to this, though

Gods of War #1
I have no idea what this is.

The New Avengers #12
I fucking love this book. Never stop making me happy.

Amazing Spider-Man #1
Is this a CW2 mini or is the book really getting a renumbering already? Also, what's the deal with
Harry Osborn? I thought he was dead.
Other than that, I really dig the premise of the book. Plus it's always nice to have some Peter in my life.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Thanos, Drax, Annihilation Prologue, Nova have all been great so far. Ronan's mini has not been than great at all. The story has been weird and nonsensical. The art is sloppy and just as hard tot follow. Not a big fan of Jorge Lucas.


All-New Wolverine #9
This was fun. Why is this on the Road to Civil War?

Invincible Iron Man #10
Still super good. Deodato putting in work. Why is this on the Road to Civil War?

Civil War II #1
Marquez da gawd, but what is this? I legitimately don't know how to feel about this. "Ulysses can do things!" "But what if he does things?" "Well then he does things!" "But what if said things are us?" "Then maybe said things are us!" "CAROOOOOL!" "TOOOOONY!"

It feels wrong. I am dedicating myself to this, though

Gods of War #1
I have no idea what this is.

The New Avengers #12
I fucking love this book. Never stop making me happy.

Amazing Spider-Man #1
Is this a CW2 mini or is the book really getting a renumbering already? Also, what's the deal with
Harry Osborn? I thought he was dead.
Other than that, I really dig the premise of the book. Plus it's always nice to have some Peter in my life.
It's a CW tie-in and Harry came back after OMD.
I read Batman #1 first and really enjoyed it. King's Batman is a smart tactician. New characters were intriguing. Like to see those origins. Finch's art was pretty damn good with Bellaire colors. Only 2 weeks away from the next issue!


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
That won't happen*

*Unless more skins get released

Found this on Amazon, this wasn't announced right??


Great to see that they are including the essays. Those were great.
It's in the September solicitations but it seems like they've been ignored entirely by the Internet. Near as I can tell no comics sites have shared them. They're all too busy trying to get hits with video game news.

Can be gotten here, or the images are hosted here.

Seven to Eternity, Surgeon X, Eclipse, Glitterbomb, and Hadrian's Wall are the titles premiering this month.
Titans Rebirth was pretty good. I don't have much experience with the team but it ties in well with the DCU going forward. Between the Aquaman issue a month or two ago and this issue, Brett Booths art has grown on me. It's charming.


CMX unlimited is pretty good for trying stuff I wouldn't otherwise. Those old crimrmsnd Sci Fi collections are pretty neat and a bit grim pre comic code.


I have most of the absolutes that have released thus far, and man they are a pain in the ass to shelve in case. And they're impossibly hard to pull out once you do lol.
Started on The Girl from H.O.P.P.E.R.S. Jumping between the large HC (which is missing some smaller stories) and the smaller paperback is a bit of a pain but definitely worth it for oversized Jaime Hernandez art.

Maggie's downward spiral is a bit sad and everything is looking rather ominous. I want more hijinks. But we still get some Maggie™ moments like this.

Thanos, Drax, Annihilation Prologue, Nova have all been great so far. Ronan's mini has not been than great at all. The story has been weird and nonsensical. The art is sloppy and just as hard tot follow. Not a big fan of Jorge Lucas.

I really enjoyed the Thanos mini at the start. Nova had the most complete character arc in the whole cosmic run for me. Some great payoffs in the latter half.
IST's discount on Dark Horse books has jumped up to 45%. That means Usagi Yojimbo Saga volumes for $14, Goon Library editions for $22 and Hellboy LEs for $27.50!
Fuh I am so in love with Rebirth. I fucking LOVE the consistent cover design. Close up on the rebirth one shot and then Struzan style group shot on the first regular series issue. So perfectly highlights DC's strengths of each charac and title having their own unique ecosystem.

Fuh I am so in love with Rebirth. I fucking LOVE the consistent cover design. Close up on the rebirth one shot and then Struzan style group shot on the first regular series issue. So perfectly highlights DC's strengths of each charac and title having their own unique ecosystem.

I like having you back in this thread. I love that enthusiasm and passion


Found this on Amazon, this wasn't announced right??


Great to see that they are including the essays. Those were great.

Oooh, I shall be buying copies of that for a few people.

My pull list this week was WicDiv, being a dirty trade/MU waiter continues to pay off. I did buy Lazarus volume 4 the other day.

Well, except for the fact that MU's download function seems to get worse and worse. It corrupts the licenses at the drop of a hat.
So is this actual batman number 1? This Rebirth stuff has me confused

Yeah, what the Rebirth issues were supposed to be is kind of confusing. Not sure if they were supposed to be a catching up issue, a statement of the future status quo, or just a transition issue into the new books? I guess all of the above?
Black Canary #12
Well this was a fun ride. Had some nostalgic stuff in there, and I feel like this is setting up for her being in the Green Arrow book. Fun ride while it lasted.

Action Comics Rebirth #957
Well this is...interesting. Although
Doomsday wearing a fucking gas mask and suit is hilarious to me
. We'll see where this really goes. Although, was Luthor being a part of the Justice League not publicly known since this Clark has been on this Earth? Because if so,
Clark's outrage, while understandable, seems unwarranted.

Detective Comics Rebirth #934
Digging this super hard, except I'm not sure I'm feeling Cass' codename even though it does make sense, and her costume is cool, but it looks too much like a Talon. Also
is a weird fucking pull.
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