Rebirth Rankings!
Green Arrow>Titans>Batman>Superman>Green Lanterns
Green Arrow: I am still mystified that this is the same writer as the last few arcs I've read of Green Arrow. I was the biggest Percy hater coming into Rebirth but so far he has really completely changed my mind.
Titans: This is kind of what I thought all the Rebirth issues were going to be. Showing some effect of the main Rebirth book and transitioning to a new status quo. It being so easy for the team because of speed force seems cheap after he had trouble the whole time in Rebirth, but it was still a great read and makes me look forward to the book going forward.
Batman: Action wise I really loved this issue. The goodbye stuff just felt super weird to me though. This Batman is just back, this is issue number 1, we just went through the parents being happy thing in Batman 52. All of that just seemed super weird to go to in issue one.
Superman: I wanted more of Jon, but not so much in Superman... I'm more interested in that conversation that went on between the Trinity. I was happy with the issue, but bummed it was at the expense of Supes.
Green Lanterns: Ehhh, I liked it and I'm still in it, but I'm just not sure it's for me. I like what I read but at the end of it I'm just not sure I want to read it. I know nothing about the characters and really not much about Green Lanterns so I just don't know if this is the place to start. I'll stick around and see how I feel going forward.