Not yet 😞 I should collect it at some point soon.
It shows some more Beast "goodness".
Not yet 😞 I should collect it at some point soon.
The art when Land isn't on Uncanny X-Men is so much better. But we know land is coming back soon. I like these characters but Land is killing me.
RE: Green Arrow #1's art
Talking to someone about the issue/Schmidt's pencils. They said"I didn't know thick Black Canary was a thing I wanted, but now I really do".
Scarlet was so good. And then "To be continued... Next year."
RE: Green Arrow #1's art
Talking to someone about the issue/Schmidt's pencils. They said"I didn't know thick Black Canary was a thing I wanted, but now I really do".
No thanks Bendis. I'm done.
My tears nourish you, don't they?
At least Invincible has been releasing on time.
Kirkman is good at deadlines it seems.
My tears nourish you, don't they?
At least Invincible has been releasing on time.
I liked Bendis' book, but this one is not as good as that and it doesn't even have Young Jean.The fact that All New X-Men is a decent read, Battle of the Atom and horrible young Jean aside?
We haven't seen the Trial of Hank McCoy yet, but according to Eva it's supposed to occur in every timeline, including this one. I don't know if that'll ever be followed up on, but it's out there.So far beast has:
Taken a verbal lashing from The Watcher.
The end of Uncanny, him driving off.
Also keep in mind in Eva's weird future, she fights some Mega Beast thing. Wonder if it's a slow build up to show the slow folly of Hank McCoy.
I'm not sure how much more I can take, close to dropping and this is pretty close to my X-Men dream team
So bummed he's coming back
The more you guys talk about All New X-Men the worse it sounds. Keep up the good work guys.
I like how Hopeless is handling Hank vs Bendis. Moving Jean off the team means all that focus goes to other characters.Now that you mention it, that is really interesting. He's becoming more like the current Hank, even though like most of the O5, he didn't want to.
I like how Hopeless is handling Hank vs Bendis. Moving Jean off the team means all that focus goes to other characters.
Yeah, but it hasn't been that great anyways. What are the others doing? Warren's off somewhere moping and Bobby's arc begins and ends at "I'm gay." All Scott did was whine for a little bit and get the shit kicked out of him.
In the 10 issues we've gotten so far there has been stories forwith the next arc seemingly focusing onWolverine, Cyclops, Beast, and Evan. I enjoyed the previous run, but personally I like how different this run is from what Bendis was doing after 41 issues. I'm also convinced that writers have no idea what to do with Bobby past or present post-schism.Angel and Wolverine
Anyone read Han Solo?
How was it?
It was pretty good, not great or anything but it's worth a look.
I did enjoy Cyclops' arc to a degree. I do think he was way too whiny, and it grated on me a bit. Angel and Wolverine, though, I just haven't particularly liked. They haven't really had anything as individuals and it feels like it's just been about their relationship. Granted, they had something, but it didn't feel great. I didn't bring up Evan or Idie because I speaking specifically to the O5. But yeah, Bobby is nothing. He exists.
Although, if they're doing arcs in pairs, then Bobby and Idie will get an arc.
Warren and Laura are awful. It's a shame because Laura is a superstar in her own book. Here she's just kind of shitty and stupid.
And Warren is kind of a whiny bitch for a dude with cosmic powers
And I didn't realize that Klaus was already on episode 6. Has anyone been reading that?
Yo! It's been cool. Straightforward, kind of a so-evil-it's-comical villain but terrific main character and origin story. I'm really looking forward to reading the new issue. I'll even go so far as to say I'm a little sad it's ending.
Finally starting to read the Giant-Sized X-Men OHC, and I already love it. First comic experience with X-Men. Even the OLD stuff is great and I usually have a hard time reading the older comics. That Classic X-Men #1 issue by Claremont was genuinely great. Like dialog and character personalities were startlingly well-done for the time period.
Here's what is in the OHC:
I'm only up to the X-Men Origins stuff but yeah it's great stuff. I know there are decades of great X-Men comics I can read after this, but I'm going to go to All-New X-Men after this since I already have a few OHC volumes of it. I can always go back and start reading older stuff afterwards.
VanWrinkle, I forget if you've read it but, if you haven't, check out the X-Statix omni when you can. It may be going OOP and it's amazing. I slept on it too long.
It's nice to see
Yeah I scooped a copy off Amazon for ~$50 and it was totally worth it. It's like 1200 pages and it's so, so good. I think you'd like it a lot.I know man I really need to get it. I've been wanting it forever. It's just hard to make that ~$60 purchase. I should just get it though, since it probably won't be that cheap for much longer.
Warren and Laura are awful. It's a shame because Laura is a superstar in her own book. Here she's just kind of shitty and stupid.
And Warren is kind of a whiny bitch for a dude with cosmic powers
It's been grating to read, though. Everyone's getting their collective ass kicked by Blob, what does Warren do? "Laura y u do dis?!" all the damn time. Doesn't even help for most of it. Fuck that kid.Their relationship is kinda just there to give Warren something to do and give Wolverine someone to care about as a sort of representation of her growth as a human being Hopefully that changes when they get a bigger focus.
Finally starting to read the Giant-Sized X-Men OHC, and I already love it. First comic experience with X-Men. Even the OLD stuff is great and I usually have a hard time reading the older comics. That Classic X-Men #1 issue by Claremont was genuinely great. Like dialog and character personalities were startlingly well-done for the time period.
Here's what is in the OHC:
I'm only up to the X-Men Origins stuff but yeah it's great stuff. I know there are decades of great X-Men comics I can read after this, but I'm going to go to All-New X-Men after this since I already have a few OHC volumes of it. I can always go back and start reading older stuff afterwards.
Yeah I scooped a copy off Amazon for ~$50 and it was totally worth it. It's like 1200 pages and it's so, so good. I think you'd like it a lot.
I wish I could experience Claremont's run through the Dark Phoenix Saga for the first time all over again. You lucky son of a bitch.
Civil War II #1
Why isin this universe?Jean GreyI thought she died in the Dark Phoenix saga? I assume this is a new Jean Grey?
Young Jean Grey brought forward through time with the other original five X-Men by Beast. That story is in Bendis' X-books, and they're still around.
Does this mean there in this universe there's now a double of 5 X-Men? Besides Scott, which I think died in Secret Wars, unless he was brought back.
Older Scott and Jean are both dead (poetic), so there's only doubles of Bobby, Warren, and Hank.Does this mean there in this universe there's now a double of 5 X-Men? Besides Scott, which I think died in Secret Wars, unless he was brought back.
Two Beasts (one blue, one not)
Two Ice Men (one gay, one super closeted or something, I don't know)
One Angel? What happened to the old one? Last I saw was in X-Force.
One Jean Grey, otherOne Cyclops, other died in Secret Wars or something.died in Morrison's New X-Men
There are 3 Beasts, 2 Icemen, 2 Angels, 1 Jean and 1 Cyclops
Where are you getting three Beasts from? There's only two. Dark Beast is dead.
When did Dark Beast die?
Bendis took him out a while ago.
I dont remember that at all. Well thats a waste of a good character. What about that other evil Beast, the white one. Wasnt he coming back for something?
Dark Beast was the explanation for the Sentinel attacks and the X-Men's broken powers during Bendis' Uncanny. They finally exposed him and it turned out he was dying from super cancer or something and was taking revenge on them as his last act. He ended up dying right as they stopped his final attack. As for white Beast, are you referring to Sublime Beast? Because that's strictly a Morrison's New X-Men thing, with Here Comes Tomorrow. There's not a reason for him to come back unless timeline shenanigans happen again (which is entirely possible given that it's X-Men).
He was in E for Extinction with a army of evil Beasts lol
Ah fuck I didn't read that tie-in, so I had no idea. I didn't read the Age of Apocalypse SW tie-in either. I kinda regret that. I'll read them at some point. Only X-Men ones I read were X-Men '92 and Old Man Logan.
You really should read E. Most of the x-men tue ins were shit but that one was good in its strangeness, and great as a parody of the Morrison run (but of course you would have to have read that run)
I'll check it out eventually. I just need to feel the urge to do so and then actually do so.
"Aw Jeanie"