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COMICS! |OT| June 2016. The Manhattan Project

I haven't read Titans yet but honestly at this point I'm kind of dreading it.

I thought the big hint was that
Uncle Ben and a bunch of other dead Spidey characters not named Ben Riley would be coming back to life
due to that massive combined cover they revealed a while back.

They've recently implied there's more to it than that.


I thought the big hint was that
Uncle Ben and a bunch of other dead Spidey characters not named Ben Reilly would be coming back to life
due to that massive combined cover they revealed a while back.
Marvel released a gif featuring panels from throughout Slott's run and says "everything you've been told is wrong" with a conspiracy being revealed tomorrow.
Worth mentioning again for those who missed it that
popped up kind of randomly in the latest Spider-Man & Deadpool to
rub OMD in Pete's face.
Its been a really long time since it's even been mentioned, so this is significant.


They've never really broken it down, sometimes the weekly notes in the old tp's mention who did what. My impression was Johns and Morrison did the bulk of the work as the book went on, with Morrison more on Booster Gold and Johns more on Black Adam. Renee is Rucka's favorite too.

Yea I thought there was some sort of discussion that was in the back of the omnibus or after each arc where the individual writers talked about their individual story lines. Kinda like a director commentary to a DVD. Cant seem to find where I saw it now though.


They've recently implied there's more to it than that.

Yeah, I just read up on it on the whole "the conspiracy revealed" teaser along with current speculation being that
all of this may be due to the Jackal returning and cloning people as implied by the FCBD comic that also connected him to the Egyptian god Anubis due to Anubis being depicted with a jackal head...or so i've read since I never got the comic myself. Given what's going on in Moon Knight's book as of issue 2, it doesn't seem that far-fetched if one can believe that Marvel would allow anyone to touch the Clone Saga with a ten-foot pole, much less write about anything that came from it aside from that Scarlet Spider book that starred Kaine years ago.


Worth mentioning again for those who missed it that
popped up kind of randomly in the latest Spider-Man & Deadpool to
rub OMD in Pete's face.
Its been a really long time since it's even been mentioned, so this is significant.
Also, the current arc of ASM has
The characters bringing stuff that happened right before OMD and Aunt May is seemingly dying again
What is OMD?
One More Day.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
How were the heroes reborn books after Onslaught?


There was already a Teen Titans cartoon. Remember?

I didn't know that. :( Before I started reading comics last year, I didn't care about ANYTHING comics related except the live action movies. Like, I was aware of the Batman animated series, but that was the extent of my DCAU knowledge.
How were the heroes reborn books after Onslaught?

Exceptionally bad. Awful, awful stuff all round. And that was my opinion as a small child. I doubt they've gotten better with age.

You kids who cry about Marvel ruining the X-Men have nothing on what us Avengers kids went through in the early and mid 90s.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Exceptionally bad. Awful, awful stuff all round. And that was my opinion as a small child. I doubt they've gotten better with age.

You kids who cry about Marvel ruining the X-Men have nothing on what us Avengers kids went through in the early and mid 90s.

Of course you realise that it is in fact 90s people, aka "not kids" that cry about them killing the X-Men :p
Of course you realise that it is in fact 90s people, aka "not kids" that cry about them killing the X-Men :p

I actually meant to type "You people" (WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU PEOPLE?) but it's late here.

There were Avengers kids?

We existed! But coming from the UK reprints, which always had old strips as well as newer ones, I was raised on the classics. One of the first comics with actual comic characters (so not Sonic, Power Rangers, Transformers or Thunderbirds) I read was a big, thick book (close to omnibus page count but not as physically big) of classic Avengers I got on a ferry that had this as the cover:


And after that I was hooked. It was hard to get Avengers books but I got most of them because my godmother would buy a massive amount of comics from the back issue bins at London comic shops and mail them to me every Christmas. Once Marvel Heroes Reborn (the UK reprint book) dropped Hulk for Busiek/Perez Avengers, I got to read everything and have missed very little since. MHR was relaunched as Avengers United (and has been renamed as Avengers Unconquered, which I always loved as a name, Avengers Assembled and currently Avengers Universe) a few months later. When I purged my UK collection, the JLA/Avengers issues of United were the main things I kept. It was really exciting at the time because they were printed immediately after the US printings, which was my first experience of a comic delay as George Perez got tendonitis from drawing the cover to Book 3 and the final issue was delayed for four months, so they printed The Kree/Skrull War to fill the gap.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Can someone explain to me what the difference is between these two Howard the Duck TPB's?



I purchased 'Vol 1' recently but then realised I might not be starting from the beginning.. or do they have the same issues (plus squirrel girl in Vol 1)?


Howard has had multiple reboots in the last year or so. Top link is pre-secret wars. Bottom link is post secret wars. I've only read the first two issues of the new one but it seems to be a direct continuation of the pre-secret wars series.

Hope that helps. It really is confusing and yet Marvel and DC seem to think all these reboots make it easier for new readers. They really don't.


Punisher #6ish on MU is still not winning me over.

Black Science #21 was a decent issue
finding Rebecca up to no good at other people's expense, seemed a little tame though.

Cavs up big, that means i'm going to be good at Overwatch tonight.


Exceptionally bad. Awful, awful stuff all round. And that was my opinion as a small child. I doubt they've gotten better with age.

You kids who cry about Marvel ruining the X-Men have nothing on what us Avengers kids went through in the early and mid 90s.
Yet fans want comics to go back to those days.


So are Fabok, Reis, or Frank working on anything for DC Rebirth? I can't recall but I sure hope so.
Fabok is definitely going to be working on something in the near future. Frank and Reis are unknown,mouth you know Reis is on standby for anything big.
Yet fans want comics to go back to those days.

As far as Marvel, the only thing modern books are worse on is price and maybe paper quality (I've been digital for years, and the UK books were always noticeably better paper-wise and also had cardstock covers). And there is always Marvel Unlimited for price. Everything else is better. In terms of book quality, the 80s were better than the 90s almost across the board. I was born in 87 but I read a lot of 80s stuff because I had three significantly older brothers that liked to read a lot, one still buys 2000AD to this day. I read a shitload of 2000 AD and Elfquest, both of which were pretty inappropriate for a pre-teenage boy but they were so good. That whole era of 2000 AD with MACH 1, Flesh, Slaine (Conan But In Mythic Ireland!), ABC Warriors, Strontium Dog and classic Dredd, bliss. Reading that stuff made you feel like you were getting to see the real shit that other kids didn't.

It's impossible for me to judge for other companies because the only DC comics I read before my teens were the "Learn to Read with Batman and Superman!" edutainment comics that DC published in the mid 90s and, er, a copy of The Dark Knight Returns I got from the library that I'm 99% sure had pages missing (parts of it went over my head but I got most of it). I read a smattering of other stuff as well. Lots of Valiant actually. Solar was my jam ("Power That Defies Logic!"). It must have been cheap. It was the Justice League cartoon that pushed me to start reading DC more. Morrison/Waid-era JLA was the first DC book I followed properly, although in trade format. I had the DK Ultimate Guide to the Justice League of America so I knew a lot of the story already:

I'm pretty sure that DK book is why Kyle's my favourite Green Lantern. And I still love buying those DK books when they're on clearance, the Encyclopedias and such.
Civil War #2... what a boring issue.

I enjoyed Superman/Batman this week. Green Lantern was just okay. Not a fan of the writing.

And Amazing Spiderman is so bad now.


Worth mentioning again for those who missed it that
popped up kind of randomly in the latest Spider-Man & Deadpool to
rub OMD in Pete's face.
Its been a really long time since it's even been mentioned, so this is significant.
So its happening? Its finally happening? The big re-reconn we all hoped for?
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