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COMICS! |OT| June 2016. The Manhattan Project


GA is back!

Raven getting a six issue mini series by Wolfman.


Interesting that they seem to be deaging her to make her more in line with the animated movie.

Is that GA cover real? Lol how did they get that past DC?


Why would you willingly subject yourself to that
I dunno, I kinda like the concept. Every article Ive read about had be made realized that nobody knew how that thing will end, but I think if a single person had written the stuff and it had been crafted well it could have been turned out cool.


who gives a shit it's time for DOOM PATROL


Written by GERARD WAY
Art and cover by NICK DERINGTON
Variant cover by BRIAN BOLLAND
Variant cover by SANFORD GREENE
Variant cover by JAIME HERNANDEZ
Variant cover by BRIAN CHIPPENDALE
Variant cover by BABS TARR
Retailers: This issue will ship with six covers. Please see the order form for details.
On sale SEPTEMBER 14 • 32 pg, FC, $3.99 US • MATURE READERS

The atoms are buzzing. The daydreams crowd sentient streets, and the creative team has been warned, “Turn back now or suffer the mighty consequence of sheer, psycho-maniacal mayhem.” Generation-arsonists unite—this is DOOM PATROL, and the God of the Super Heroes is bleeding on the floor.

A blenderized reimagining of the ultimate series of the strange, DOOM PATROL combines elements from classic runs, new directions, and things that could not be. Our entry point is Casey Brinke, a young EMT on the graveyard shift to abstract enlightenment, with a past so odd that she’s not entirely sure what is real and what is not. Along with her partner, Sam Reynolds, the pair blaze a path through the city and its denizens, finding the only quiet that exists at 3am is the chaos of the brain. When the pair answer a hit-and-run call, they find themselves face to face with a familiar figure: Cliff Steele, AKA Robotman.

“It gets weirder from here,” writer Gerard Way had to say about the book, with artist Nick Derington gripping tightly on the wheel of the ambulance. The pair’s only communication? Shouting out of the open windows while at high velocity. Who needs a new roommate? Who names a cat “Lotion”? And when do we get to see all those muscles?

Find your answers inside the pages of this comic book, as we set the stage for new beginnings, as well as the re-introduction of some classic DOOM PATROL characters, including Niles Caulder, Negative Man, Flex Mentallo, and Crazy Jane.

The debut title of DC’s Young Animal line kicks off with a removable sticker on its cover: Pull back the gyro to reveal its secrets, but be warned—there is no turning back.


I just fucking realized that Doom Patrol cover was straight-up riffing on Velvet Underground & Nico which a) shame on me and b) dope


Exceptionally bad. Awful, awful stuff all round. And that was my opinion as a small child. I doubt they've gotten better with age.

You kids who cry about Marvel ruining the X-Men have nothing on what us Avengers kids went through in the early and mid 90s.

Iron Man was okay. Ugly suit, but tying together the origins of Iron Man and the Hulk worked pretty well.

By no means good, but I think it was generally the best of a bad bunch. And a continuity reset was a blessing for Iron Man at the time...


I dunno, I kinda like the concept. Every article Ive read about had be made realized that nobody knew how that thing will end, but I think if a single person had written the stuff and it had been crafted well it could have been turned out cool.

Funnily enough, Marvel did just that when they wrote "The Real Clone Saga" years later, which was a retelling of the story as it was originally intended to be told while simultaneously condensed into a much shorter and more comprehensible (there's no
Peter is a clone but then isn't because Norman Osborne is alive again and screwed with the tests and also Ben Reilly dies
) than the stretched out story that ended up in the main books.


I just hope, PRAY, that DC releases a deluxe edition of Gotham Academy with everything that has released so far. Also a Grayson deluxe edition.
Whats the over under of Slott using Clone Conspiracy to give Ock a new body to be Superior in again

It's extremely likely. If it doesn't happen I'll be surprised. Truly. Also will Carlie Cooper come back? Is she already back? I haven't read a Spider book after Superior that wasn't either Gwen or Silk and I dropped both.
That would seem cool if I wasn't forbidden from reading Doom Patrol post-Morrison/Case.

As for Spider-Man Clone Saga 2...I think I can easily sum that up with two words

"Ayy lmao"
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