For most of the deaths in Issue #21, there was no doubt that these characters were gone. But with Marcus, you cut away and gave us what felt like a flashback. Can you definitively say that Marcus is dead?
He got stabbed in the heart with a sword, and he's a 15 year old kid. Also, that wasn't a flashback at the end -- that was an alt-version of reality, a final dream. That was the day he and his family went on the boat, and the schizophrenic woman jumped and killed his parents. Only in this version, when they said, "Hey, let's go do that," Marcus says, "I don't want to." And they say, "Okay, let's go for a walk in the park instead." So that's really sort of Marcus' last thoughts that you're getting at the end, which is as close to a happy ending as he was ever going to get.