yeah, Conquest is kind of lame but the original Annihilation is fucking fantastic, like a Marvel Star Wars.

That doesn't sound impressive at all.
yeah, Conquest is kind of lame but the original Annihilation is fucking fantastic, like a Marvel Star Wars.
That doesn't sound impressive at all.
That doesn't sound impressive at all.
Why does Luke look like He-Man
Finally got to read Batman Inc #8 out of my dcbs shipment, amazing book. That one page fight withDamian against the monster damian with his arm on fire summed up my relationship with DC right now. "Call this monster off."
I need to catch up on Wonder Woman and Dial H to see if they can redeem the DC universe after Batman Inc is gone.
Wonder Woman is great.
I have never ever read a WW book, but I love this new version.
Dick and Damien is definitely the better duo, and Morrison is the only one who can write Damien.
Paul Dini did a good job writing Damian
more like... PUNDER WOMAN!!
What's he up to anyway?
Joe Quinones provided an update on the Zatanna/Black Cannery graphic novel with Paul Dini. He had some pages to show, which looked amazing, and mentioned that the reason for the delay are two-fold: (1.) That he was not the original artist (can’t remember who he said was) and (2.) The New 52 also threw a wrench into it, too. Nevertheless, he says its back on-track and I assume could be released sooner rather then later.
What's he up to anyway?
Dini did the scripts for the Arkham games right?
I don't know if it's a spoiler or not but evil Spider-Man
Spoiler ahead...
Evil Spider-Man shoots a guy in the head in front of an enraptured audience.
What sort of devilry will be required to make everyone forget this atrocity?
I don't know if it's a spoiler or not but evil Spider-Man
Spoiler ahead...
Evil Spider-Man shoots a guy in the head in front of an enraptured audience.
What sort of devilry will be required to make everyone forget this atrocity?
I don't know if it's a spoiler or not but evil Spider-Man
Spoiler ahead...
Evil Spider-Man shoots a guy in the head in front of an enraptured audience.
What sort of devilry will be required to make everyone forget this atrocity?
The public approves and the super hero community will forgive and forget once Evil Spider-Man is evil no more.
yeah, Conquest is kind of lame but the original Annihilation is fucking fantastic, like a Marvel Star Wars.
Yeah I know what you mean, the entire cosmic run had that epic feel that hasn't really been matched in the normal Marvel stuff.Anihilation just had the scales of everything right. For some reason, in any fiction, it is getting harder and harder to feel the awesomeness of huge space battles, but I definetly remember feeling that with Anihilation.
Yeah. I mean, they always point out the last time someone went berserk and blew up a planet or committed genocide and how it ended up OK in the so Spidey is safe. after all he only killed a murdering, emotionless sociopath.
As I mentioned previously, I'm just getting back into reading comics. With the abscence of Wizard and such that were pretty much the defacto comic news places back when I was reading, what're the best places to get comic book news nowadays? I've been using but they're site is pretty light on good content.
As I mentioned previously, I'm just getting back into reading comics. With the absence of Wizard and such that were pretty much the defacto comic news places back when I was reading, what're the best places to get comic book news nowadays? I've been using but their site is pretty light on good content.
It's pretty good brah, but then again I read everything. How is Bendis Moon Knight?Basically every nu era Harbinger and Bloodshot is on sale. worth it?
I don't know if it's a spoiler or not but evil Spider-Man
Spoiler ahead...
Evil Spider-Man shoots a guy in the head in front of an enraptured audience.
What sort of devilry will be required to make everyone forget this atrocity?
The American Vampire special will arrive on June 12th. Seems like Albuquerque more or less took the lead on writing "The Long Road to Hell".
Bite them Back is by far the best arc in the excellent AV series... loved those covers, too.
It's pretty good brah, but then again I read everything. How is Bendis Moon Knight?
Related question to that American Vampire arc :Does Travis really think Skinner killed his parents or is he just after him because the killers were looking for Skinner?
I think Travis knows Skinner Sweet was the cause of his parents death
Those AmVamp covers made me start buying the series. Props to Benjamin Birdie for posting them last January.
It is my favorite Snyder series. I know he has started to get a lot of hate here on this forum but I think his writing has been decent in everything I've read.
Those AmVamp covers made me start buying the series. Props to Benjamin Birdie for posting them last January.