Unconfirmed Member
I can't wait to read Gotham by Gaslight. I've been waiting a half a year at least waiting for this edition to come out.
She is beyond art. A true vision of grace and beauty. What a goddess. Even Mother Nature tried. Danielle Moonstar is the best comics character of all time.
dat art though
I hear good things about American Vampire. But I can't read it. Because Twilight. #TeamNoVampiresEverForAnyReason
Question about Age of Ultron: who the hell is Spidey in the first issue? I know Superior has a tie in but the banter in this issue was clearly Peter and not Ock. This is going to be a mess.
Marvel Comics Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada returns to interior comic art, joining Brian Michael Bendis, Bryan Hitch and Carlos Pacheco the illustrate the closing pages "Age of Ultron" #10
The real question is how many are sticking around to find out?
I'm in the minority but I didn't think it was that bad. But this all raises the question, when the hell is this actually happening?The real question is how many are sticking around to find out? My guess is that when this time-shift(?) occurred, it was Peter, then once "they go back", it will be Doc Spidey helping to fix it.
I hear good things about American Vampire. But I can't read it. Because Twilight. #TeamNoVampiresEverForAnyReason
Question about Age of Ultron: who the hell is Spidey in the first issue? I know Superior has a tie in but the banter in this issue was clearly Peter and not Ock. This is going to be a mess.
Nrama: It's been said that since everyone knew this story was coming so it didn't take much maneuvering to make it fit with the current Marvel slate. So that's Superior Spider-Man in the first issue?
Bendis: Yes. But it's not going to be a major Superior Spider-Man chapter. There's not going to be any big reveals about Peter or Otto in this. For those following, yes, it fits right in. For all intents and purposes to these characters, it's Peter.
The fact that this book exists annoys the shit out of me.Deadpool Killustrated #2 is good. I'm looking forward to seeing how it plays out in the end. This series is much better than the previous one.
Question about Age of Ultron: who the hell is Spidey in the first issue? I know Superior has a tie in but the banter in this issue was clearly Peter and not Ock. This is going to be a mess.
I hear good things about American Vampire. But I can't read it. Because Twilight. #TeamNoVampiresEverForAnyReason
your loss
sounds like you'll have to skip out on wood's x-men too
I think he is exclusively DC and anti-Marvel.
I hear good things about American Vampire. But I can't read it. Because Twilight. #TeamNoVampiresEverForAnyReason
also, does this mean he doesn't read Hawkeye? who likes comics and doesn't read Hawkeye?
Yeah he's a baby about people making DC jokes.I think he is exclusively DC and anti-Marvel.
I think he is exclusively DC and anti-Marvel.
I would assume it will always be a spinoff. We're not even done with the Court in regular Batman.Talon is my favorite DC title out of the few I read. I want to know how it will go if the series stops being a spinoff Bat title.
I was making a reference to Fialkov's recent Comicvine interview where he talked about how people wouldn't read I, Vampire because of Twilight. Pretty hilarious stuff.
Found myself having to admit that I was soured on Vampires and it was one of the reasons I didn't get it. So I was pretty much that guy that he was talking about.
Question about Age of Ultron: who the hell is Spidey in the first issue? I know Superior has a tie in but the banter in this issue was clearly Peter and not Ock. This is going to be a mess.
Green Lantern book stuff solicits in June :O
I'm checking them out myself but they seem very spoilery so beware.
I might buy them all. Currently only getting Green Lantern combo pack while i wait for this crossover to end.
Fialkov's GLC/Red Lantern's looks good, those solicits built my interest for them
But this while Superior thing had been planned for quite a while according to Slott. So either Bendis wasn't in on it or Ultron was written ever further back.It was written before Superior happened, so it's Peter being written but Bendis and co. are just going to pretend now that it's Ock.
But this while Superior thing had been planned for quite a while according to Slott. So either Bendis wasn't in on it or Ultron was written ever further back.
But this while Superior thing had been planned for quite a while according to Slott. So either Bendis wasn't in on it or Ultron was written ever further back.
also, does this mean he doesn't read Hawkeye? who likes comics and doesn't read Hawkeye?
I dropped that shit at Issue 2.
Mother of god at that Thor cover. Holy sheeeeet. Loving the hell outta that series, best Marvel Now for me by far.
.....i bought the first trade and liked it, yet i don't feel eager to read the second because of vampires. It's just not an interesting subject matter in I Vampire. I also read the first American Vampire trade and liked it more, i'll read the next one.
Still...vampires. Needs more zombies. I wouldn't say it's because of Twilight though, i watch True Blood and that's awful.