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COMICS! |OT| March 2013. Pinching Dr. Banner? Bad idea; Hulk pinches you back.

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I'd check out Halycon, a one trade mini that didn't get turned into an ongoing but is fun, and Invincible that's been going on for awhile.

i'm not finding a lot of books to read on Marvel Unlimited since i read a lot of the minis they had before my sub ended last year. They have The Fearless....that any good?


Does Vol 1 cover the first 5 (and only so far) issues?
This cover is awesome:

I love it.

EDIT: These too, I love these:

Is there anything you don't read?
Recommend me some Valiant stuff brah.
Well they are having a Harbringer and Bloodshot sale on Comixology.

Shit I don't read: The Ultimates, Hellboy, Manhattan Projects, Liefeld titles, Fables of course, shit like Suicide Squad and cancel label X titles like AoA, Xtreme.


Well they are having a Harbringer and Bloodshot sale on Comixology.

Shit I don't read: The Ultimates, Hellboy, Manhattan Projects, Liefeld titles, Fables of course, shit like Suicide Squad and cancel label X titles like AoA, Xtreme.

You should be reading MP, that book is fantastic.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
The Manhattan Projects is excellent, and will eventually be brilliant.

Read some new comics today:

Green Arrow #18 - I'm really enjoying this. Creepy villain, great art. Kind of weird reading 2 bow & arrow books, and this isn't nearly as good as Hawkeye, but it's worth my time so far.

Prophet #34 - I think what I love most about Prophet is how the scope of the story is shifting. Most stories start small and spiral out to something big and epic but this started huge and continues to focus down into something more personal.

Witch Doctor: Malpractice #4 of 6: Pretty solid book, as usual a nice mix of humor and horror.
Hi comic GAF.

I have about 2 weeks to produce a 6 page A3 comic and I wanted to do it without dialogue in a similar style to Moebius' Arzach.

Are there any comics without a script/dialogue that you could recommend for me to check out? I need more ideas.



No Scrubs
Hi comic GAF.

I have about 2 weeks to produce a 6 page A3 comic and I wanted to do it without dialogue in a similar style to Moebius' Arzach.

Are there any comics without a script/dialogue that you could recommend for me to check out? I need more ideas.


A few years back Marvel did an issue of Amazing Spider-man with no text, just art. I think it was during JMS's run right after Aunt May found out Peter was Spidey, before she confronted him about it. For the life of me I can't remember what issue it was. It was a good one too.

EDIT: It was Amazing Spider-Man 39. Marvel did a whole month of silent issues.
Believe it or not, there's a fantastic silent GI Joe issue featuring SnakeEyes from way back. I'll try and find the issue number.

Edit: found it - http://www.yojoe.com/comics/joe/joe21.shtml

Ooooh danke. Much appreciated :)

A few years back Marvel did an issue of Amazing Spider-man with no text, just art. I think it was during JMS's run right after Aunt May found out Peter was Spidey, before she confronted him about it. For the life of me I can't remember what issue it was. It was a good one too.

Thanks for the heads up, I'll have a poke around.
New Avengers #7

Is it finally going to happen?

Edit: Also, Stefano Caselli will be the next artist on Avengers. Mike Deodato will be the next artist on New Avengers.

Team T'Challa.

I've been catching up on Black Panther based on the stories posted here last month-Black Panther is the fucking man.


Neo Member
If anyone is looking for Marvel codes, PM me and we can work something out. I have codes for Avengers, New Avengers, Captain America, Thor, Spidey, All new Xmen, Uncanny Xmen, Wolverine and the xmen, Uncanny Xforce (from 26 to current I believe) Iron Man and Uncanny Avengers. I also have Avengers vs Xmen, I think the code in issue one expires pretty soon. Im hoping to find someone that wants to do this monthly.


I read a few Hellblazer TPB's and liked them a lot. Is the new Constantine supposed to be different at all, or are they just starting the numbering over because of the new 52?


I read a few Hellblazer TPB's and liked them a lot. Is the new Constantine supposed to be different at all, or are they just starting the numbering over because of the new 52?

Deaged and reintegrated back into the regular universe (so no cussing and no fucking) with a non-Brit writer (probably copious misuses of bollocks and bloody hell and such in the days ahead) and boring art.

It's not out yet but based on his appearances in (post-Milligan) JLD, I'm not holding my breath. And for what it's worth, I thought the preview was real bad.
Hi comic GAF.

I have about 2 weeks to produce a 6 page A3 comic and I wanted to do it without dialogue in a similar style to Moebius' Arzach.

Are there any comics without a script/dialogue that you could recommend for me to check out? I need more ideas.

Some years back marvel had a "nuff said" event where all it's books were silent for a month. The new x-men one by Morrison and Quietly was really great
I read a few Hellblazer TPB's and liked them a lot. Is the new Constantine supposed to be different at all, or are they just starting the numbering over because of the new 52?
Hi Wool,
I've only recently picked up Hellblazer after encouragement from a friend. Really enjoying them so far. She's not happy about Constantine's role/character change for the New 52 and, if you're interested of course, has written an article on the subject for a small blog called PixelBedlam. She made some good points, the article's called... "DC Takes The Fire Out Of Hellblazer" (Google should guide you there if you want another opinion of course!)

big giant

Marvel Comics Chief Creative Officer Joe Quesada returns to interior comic art, joining Brian Michael Bendis, Bryan Hitch and Carlos Pacheco the illustrate the closing pages "Age of Ultron" #10
saw this reading comicbookresources......everyone gets to draw the last issue :p
Bryan Hitch@CBR said:
We knew I had time for about five issues before my deal expired, and I was happy to extend a short while to complete the series if it ran to six or maybe seven issues, as seemed possible. It was politely indicated to me that it wouldn't be necessary and thank you for the work, and so, as planned, off I went to the heady world of creator owned[.]
So, given that Hitch has pages in the final issue, #6-10 = pure padding? Sounds like it.


So, given that Hitch has pages in the final issue, #6-10 = pure padding? Sounds like it.
Could just be they wanted a new artist for the second half because from the solicitations say there's a shift in tone and something happens involving Wolverine and Sue Storm travelling back in time to visit the classic Avengers and creating a new universe.
The simple truth as to why Hellblazer was canceled is sales. That title was an under 10k seller. It's likely they'd want to expand that audience and incorporating into JL: Dark and the greater 52 universe is capable of doing that.

big giant

Could just be they wanted a new artist for the second half because from the solicitations say there's a shift in tone and something happens involving Wolverine and Sue Storm travelling back in time to visit the classic Avengers and creating a new universe.
Point being, it sounds as if Hitch drew something like an ending - probably leading into whatever the Exciting New Status Quo is going to be - and they've slotted a bunch of inconsequential stuff in between.
Gave in on Fearless Defenders last night, finally. You know, there were actually a bunch of panels that weren't at all terrible!

I'm on board


Deaged and reintegrated back into the regular universe (so no cussing and no fucking) with a non-Brit writer (probably copious misuses of bollocks and bloody hell and such in the days ahead) and boring art.

It's not out yet but based on his appearances in (post-Milligan) JLD, I'm not holding my breath. And for what it's worth, I thought the preview was real bad.

How do you misuse those?

The simple truth as to why Hellblazer was canceled is sales. That title was an under 10k seller. It's likely they'd want to expand that audience and incorporating into JL: Dark and the greater 52 universe is capable of doing that.

It was outselling The Unwritten, which is still going strong, for the last 3 months that I checked Nov 2012, Dec 2012 and Jan 2013. A lot of Vertigo stuff is in the same ballpark e.g. Fables sells around 15,000 which is cancellation territory in the new 52. I do think you're right that they moved it over because they felt they'd get more sales by folding it into the main universe.


Ultimates #21: I think i'm officially off of the Ultimate Universe right now, not really interested in what's going on in this issue.


I thought the first arc was wild and fun and "reconstruction" feels like the after party clean-up.

Does anyone want my Ultimates #21 digital code? I don't think i'll need it since i'm not impressed and won't be rereading it, but someone might like it? First quoter and all that.

Also, Silent Hill Revelations was weird and not that very good, especially the end.

Aquaman #17 was not very good, though it had a nice fishy splash page.


How do you misuse those?

I'm not British (I've read a lot of Garth Ennis Hellblazers though) so I can't really give anything super concrete...but in the post-Milligan JLD those phrases (and other weird British-isms) are used more as *signifiers* of Britishness. They're often interjected at bizarre points into John's dialogue rather than being natural parts of it, I think. Azzarello had a problem with John's voice too but he circumvents it because the whole run is off-kilter like that.
Was thinking about dropping Indestructible Hulk after the first arc. But the thought of Walt Simonson drawing Thor again and Matteo Scalera coming on as artist with the DD arc are keeping me interested.

Plus I love Waids characterization of Banner and premise of the book.
I thought the first arc was wild and fun and "reconstruction" feels like the after party clean-up.

Does anyone want my Ultimates #21 digital code? I don't think i'll need it since i'm not impressed and won't be rereading it, but someone might like it? First quoter and all that..

Heck I'll take it just to see what's going on.


Sometimes i feel like Marvel is just trolling for fun. There is a large update to their Unlimited library today, probably coinciding with their panel at tmw's SXMSMSWMX thing, and it's almost ALL random issues of modern books. Avengers Assemble issue #7 and nothing else because it has Thanos on the cover. #14 and 15 of Punisher when 11-13 aren't up yet. Scarlet Spider #9 when 6-8 aren't up yet

I shall wait until after the panel tmw to see if there is actually a plan for Unlimited before emailing them with my discontent for another round of randomness. I don't want to hear any complaints for tepid Unlimited memberships if Marvel goes out of their way to make sure it's a mediocre service in both updates and the comic reader. No fullscreen viewing mode......


Was thinking about dropping Indestructible Hulk after the first arc. But the thought of Walt Simonson drawing Thor again and Matteo Scalera coming on as artist with the DD arc are keeping me interested.

Plus I love Waids characterization of Banner and premise of the book.
Yeah, I know what you mean. Banner is the best part and the Hulk action scenes kind of suck so far. I hope this next arc will change that. Hulk really needs to fire on all cylinders to be great.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Yeah, I know what you mean. Banner is the best part and the Hulk action scenes kind of suck so far. I hope this next arc will change that. Hulk really needs to fire on all cylinders to be great.

I don't know, I really enjoyed this last issue's Hulk action. The Banner scenes do steal the show (which is a refreshing) but I was feeling the Hulk cannon.


No Scrubs
Yeah, I know what you mean. Banner is the best part and the Hulk action scenes kind of suck so far. I hope this next arc will change that. Hulk really needs to fire on all cylinders to be great.

Honestly I like Banner better than Hulk, so I don't mind all that much. He's just a lot more interesting to me than his big green alter ego.
I don't know, I really enjoyed this last issue's Hulk action. The Banner scenes do steal the show (which is a refreshing) but I was feeling the Hulk cannon.

Yeah it was cool to see the Hulk fight underwater the way Yu draws the Hulk as huge force of nature is refreshing to see.
Yeah, I know what you mean. Banner is the best part and the Hulk action scenes kind of suck so far. I hope this next arc will change that. Hulk really needs to fire on all cylinders to be great.

The Hulk actions scenes have just been basic in terms of action for a Hulk book but with the Frost Giants and Thor in the next arc I'm sure that'll change.


I don't know, I really enjoyed this last issue's Hulk action. The Banner scenes do steal the show (which is a refreshing) but I was feeling the Hulk cannon.
It was definitely the best issue so far for Hulk action.

Picked up the Gotham by Gaslight trade, looking forward to getting into it.


It's been an absolute joy to read so far, last week's issue in particular was hilarious with the entire issue being the Moloid kids trying to sabotage She-Hulk's date with Wyatt Wingfoot. Fraction and Allred are a really good team, they'd be a much, much better fit for Young Avengers than Gillen and McKelvie given what the first two issues of that have been like.


I'm not British (I've read a lot of Garth Ennis Hellblazers though) so I can't really give anything super concrete...but in the post-Milligan JLD those phrases (and other weird British-isms) are used more as *signifiers* of Britishness. They're often interjected at bizarre points into John's dialogue rather than being natural parts of it, I think. Azzarello had a problem with John's voice too but he circumvents it because the whole run is off-kilter like that.

That's weird. Can't say that I've noticed it in Lemire's JLD, but then I never did read Milligan's JLD and I don't have that much exposure to Constantine but I'm aware of his character and some background.

Do you have any examples?
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