WatXM is like the only X-book with a genuine forward thinking purpose behind it I feel. ANXM can only ever be a short lived gimmick that has an end point, no matter how fun the ride; Uncanny X-Men is just... I don't even know, all the X-Forces will pale to Remenders, and we'll see what the driving point behind Wood's X-Men is beyond "CHICK FIGHTS".
WatXM though, its like the first time I've given a shit about the young students at the school potentially becoming 'the new X-Men'. Making Quire an awesome character took a lot of work, hopefully Broo will come back to his old self, and of course Kid Apocalypse is always good stuff. Idie is... ehhh, she's a bit too one track and they need to wrap up this dumb "AM I A MONSTER" bullshit with Hellfire Academy arc so she can get onto new stuff. I also really like Warbird and nuAngel rounding out the cast with SharkGirl and i guess CAPTAIN EYES. Kid Gladiator needs to come back.
Book definitely fell into a bit of a pit with AvX and the shitty circus arc, but it seems to be back on form now.
The hottest comic in comics comes to a turning point that will get you angrier than you were after Spidey #700!
Boy I remember Spidey comic writing before it was just gimmicky trolling.