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COMICS! |OT| March 2013. Pinching Dr. Banner? Bad idea; Hulk pinches you back.

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Some of the overreactions are kind of cute. Snyder has delivered three good to great story arcs so far, why the preemptive complaints? Also, we'll still have like 4 Batman titles that aren't in the past???
Well, that's according to Bleeding Cool, so who knows? Even so, I'm sure over 11 issues they can have more than one villain.

Its actually Snyder saying it. BC isn't really doing any speculating.


Some of the overreactions are kind of cute. Snyder has delivered three good to great story arcs so far, why the preemptive complaints? Also, we'll still have like 4 Batman titles that aren't in the past???

Its the 11 issues part that makes me groan.
losing faith in DC on a daily basis.
new 52 year Zero : lol

I don't care why he chose some specific brand of undies. I don't care for Snyder dissection of the character.

I thought new 52 was about new stories, better handled together and meaningfull.

it's become Marketing 101.

just as soon as Morrison leaves Batman, DC gets back in time...how fucking easy...shame on you Batman editors.

the day Capullo leaves, I won't turn around and wave goodbye.

"I remember a story my Dad once -- DAD!!! DAAAADDDDDDDDD!!!! HHHWHUYYYYYYYYYYYYY"


Oh, is it time to play "Let's make beloved stories sound horrible to prove a point about how dumb speculation on future events is at this point" ?

-"whoa dc, real fucking imaginative to just bring back Hal Jordan"
-"really marvel? killing off the human torch? booooring"
-"fucking hell dc is gonna make a weekly comic those guys are fucking desperate for cash"
-"i really think it ruins the magic if your gonna destroy the multiverse"
-"you can't make a justice league around blue beetle and booster gold"


Its actually Snyder saying it. BC isn't really doing any speculating.

Yeah, I was just talking about the Riddler part.
Well, at least this explains why there will be no major crossover with the other Bat-Family titles for the coming year.


They'll find a way to cross over with this storyline. Like, "the day Bruce Wayne was brought in for questioning and met young Barbara Gordon," or "the day Bruce Wayne visited Haley's Circus." Gotta get that sales bump.

Bailed on Snyder Batman a long time ago, but another year-long storyline AND it's a "becoming Batman" retread? Woof.


Seriously, eleven issues? I thought Snyder said he learned his lesson from Rotworld backlash.

Snyder is not the problem, he's trading carefully on Batman waters.
He has become Big Name and knows anything he does bad with Superman/Batman will cling to him like lepper for the rest of his career.

DC is the problem.

There is zero chance a guy like Snyder would have kept a meaningfull story from the past to tell after meaningfull stories from the present. and it's comics. So you can pretty much find any reason to adapt a year zero story to year +5 story.

It's DC not knowing what to do with their cashcow.
Especially since they have a meaningfull death and its architect is leaving right after.

DC simply doesn't know what to do with Robin. Snyder won't take a bet like Morrison would etc...


I'll probably buy the arc, but Savage Wolverine is now looking like a " do whatever you want with it" book instead of an actual book, much like A+X and Avenging Spider-Man. I presume Marvel is doing this partly because mini's don't sell very well.


Got no problem with the Year Zero stuff, just like I had no real problem with Doc Spidey. All I care about is a good story. It's comics, things always come back around in time.

I've generally enjoyed what Snyder's done with Batman (though I liked Owls better than Death), so I'll keep an open mind.



1 1 204.22 JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #1 $3.99 DC
2 2 117.77 UNCANNY X-MEN #1 $3.99 MAR
3 3 100.00 BATMAN #17 $3.99 DC
4 4 69.88 JUSTICE LEAGUE #17 $3.99 DC
5 6 67.57 SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN #3 $3.99 MAR
6 7 63.64 SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN #4 $3.99 MAR
7 8 62.79 UNCANNY X-MEN #2 $3.99 MAR
8 9 58.09 UNCANNY AVENGERS #4 $3.99 MAR
9 10 56.96 DETECTIVE COMICS #17 $3.99 DC
10 14 56.59 SECRET AVENGERS #1 $3.99 MAR
11 11 56.56 ALL NEW X-MEN #7 $3.99 MAR
12 12 56.32 AVENGERS #6 $3.99 MAR
13 13 54.72 AVENGERS #5 $3.99 MAR
14 15 53.66 NOVA #1 $3.99 MAR
15 16 53.32 GUARDIANS OF GALAXY #0.1 $3.99 MAR
16 17 47.86 NEW AVENGERS #3 $3.99 MAR
17 22 47.16 GREEN LANTERN #17 $2.99 DC
18 26 43.64 BATGIRL #17 $2.99 DC
19 27 42.19 WALKING DEAD #107 (MR) $2.99 IMA
20 29 41.22 NIGHTWING #17 $2.99 DC
21 32 40.47 BATMAN AND ROBIN #17 $2.99 DC
22 35 38.87 AQUAMAN #17 $2.99 DC
23 21 38.66 SAVAGE WOLVERINE #2 $3.99 MAR
24 37 38.03 DEADPOOL #5 $2.99 MAR
25 18 37.95 ACTION COMICS #17 $3.99 DC
26 19 37.64 UNCANNY X-FORCE #2 $3.99 MAR
27 20 37.31 INDESTRUCTIBLE HULK #4 $3.99 MAR
28 38 37.16 BATMAN THE DARK KNIGHT #17 $2.99 DC
29 40 36.77 BATMAN INCORPORATED #8 $2.99 DC
30 44 35.63 FEARLESS DEFENDERS #1 $2.99 MAR
31 23 35.25 CAPTAIN AMERICA #4 $3.99 MAR
32 41 35.22 RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS #17 $2.99 DC
33 24 34.42 THOR GOD OF THUNDER #5 $3.99 MAR
35 5 32.75 AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #700 $7.99 MAR
36 45 32.11 SAGA #10 (MR) $2.99 IMA
37 46 31.99 EARTH 2 #9 $2.99 DC
38 30 30.66 IRON MAN #6 $3.99 MAR
39 31 30.60 CABLE AND X-FORCE #4 $3.99 MAR
40 51 30.57 STAR WARS #2 $2.99 DAR
41 33 29.90 WOLVERINE AND X-MEN #25 $3.99 MAR
42 49 29.86 FANTASTIC FOUR #4 $2.99 MAR
43 50 29.53 GREEN LANTERN CORPS #17 $2.99 DC
44 34 29.46 BEFORE WATCHMEN COMEDIAN #5 (MR) $3.99 DC
46 59 28.91 YOUNG AVENGERS #2 $2.99 MAR
47 53 28.73 THUNDERBOLTS #4 $2.99 MAR
49 54 28.49 FLASH #17 $2.99 DC
50 56 28.06 GREEN LANTERN NEW GUARDIANS #17 $2.99 DC
51 57 27.65 THUNDERBOLTS #5 $2.99 MAR
52 25 26.26 HIT-GIRL #5 (MR) $4.99 MAR
53 60 26.01 TEEN TITANS #17 $2.99 DC
54 62 25.95 WONDER WOMAN #17 $2.99 DC
55 63 24.67 DAREDEVIL #23 $2.99 MAR
56 64 24.49 HAWKEYE #8 $2.99 MAR
57 70 23.92 GREEN ARROW #17 $2.99 DC
58 66 23.79 DEADPOOL KILLUSTRATED #2 $2.99 MAR
59 65 23.78 RED LANTERNS #17 $2.99 DC
60 67 23.77 FF #4 $2.99 MAR
61 47 23.53 ULTIMATE COMICS SPIDER-MAN #20 $3.99 MAR
63 71 22.31 AVENGERS ARENA #4 $2.99 MAR
64 193 22.06 LEGEND O/T SHADOWCLAN #1 $1.00 ASP
65 72 21.60 AVENGERS ARENA #5 $2.99 MAR
66 52 21.56 X-MEN #41 $3.99 MAR
67 55 21.33 SECRET AVENGERS #37 $3.99 MAR
68 74 21.26 BATWOMAN #17 $2.99 DC
69 76 20.90 SWAMP THING #17 $2.99 DC
70 77 20.62 X-MEN LEGACY #6 $2.99 MAR
71 58 20.43 AVENGING SPIDER-MAN #17 $3.99 MAR
72 79 20.04 CATWOMAN #17 $2.99 DC
73 80 20.01 SUPERGIRL #17 $2.99 DC
74 61 19.56 AVENGERS ASSEMBLE #12 $3.99 MAR
75 84 19.53 ANIMAL MAN #17 $2.99 DC
76 86 18.80 WORLDS FINEST #9 $2.99 DC
77 88 18.58 TALON #5 $2.99 DC
80 97 17.93 KATANA #1 $2.99 DC
81 68 17.77 DAREDEVIL END OF DAYS #5 $3.99 MAR
82 90 17.76 SUPERBOY #17 $2.99 DC
83 89 17.68 HAPPY #4 (MR) $2.99 IMA
84 92 17.50 SUICIDE SQUAD #17 $2.99 DC
85 94 17.15 JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK #17 $2.99 DC
86 95 17.08 MORBIUS LIVING VAMPIRE #2 $2.99 MAR
87 100 16.18 SCARLET SPIDER #14 $2.99 MAR
88 73 16.06 ASTONISHING X-MEN #59 $3.99 MAR
89 101 15.82 HELLBOY IN HELL #3 $2.99 DAR
91 104 15.56 VENOM #31 $2.99 MAR
92 110 15.15 PUNISHER WAR ZONE #5 $2.99 MAR
93 111 15.12 ALPHA BIG TIME #1 $2.99 MAR
94 106 14.95 BTVS SEASON 9 FREEFALL #18 $2.99 DAR
95 69 14.91 ADVENTURE TIME #13 $3.99 BOO
96 81 14.90 ULTIMATE COMICS X-MEN #22 $3.99 MAR
97 113 14.73 WINTER SOLDIER #15 $2.99 MAR
98 82 14.73 ULTIMATE COMICS X-MEN #23 $3.99 MAR
99 112 14.67 BIRDS OF PREY #17 $2.99 DC
100 83 14.65 WOLVERINE MAX #4 (MR) $3.99 MAR

Charts, they are taking over the world.

I thought DC was taking a gamble releasing JLoA and Vibe/Katana in the same month before JLoA sold those characters. Looking like it didn't pay off.


DC simply doesn't know what to do with Robin. Snyder won't take a bet like Morrison would etc...

I really enjoy Snyder's writing, but you're totally right. In one issue from his Detective Comics run, Dick
wakes up and his legs are GONE. Then, psych!
In the last issue of Batman
if the family really all lost their faces,
holy crap, that would have been so amazing to see where they went from there.
Or in Court of Owls
this guy is your brother!
Maybe? Probably not...
Snyder teases you with some huge revelation then it's back to the status quo. I'm totally fine with that, but I wish DC would just let Snyder go crazy and let his messed up ideas stick.


Got no problem with the Year Zero stuff, just like I had no real problem with Doc Spidey. All I care about is a good story. It's comics, things always come back around in time.

I've generally enjoyed what Snyder's done with Batman (though I liked Owls better than Death), so I'll keep an open mind.

Snyder is doing good.

Batman Inc gave me boners.

that's why I bitch.


There is zero chance a guy like Snyder would have kept a meaningfull story from the past to tell after meaningfull stories from the present. and it's comics. So you can pretty much find any reason to adapt a year zero story to year +5 story.

It's DC not knowing what to do with their cashcow.
Especially since they have a meaningfull death and its architect is leaving right after.

DC simply doesn't know what to do with Robin. Snyder won't take a bet like Morrison would etc...

Quick heads-up: you are making no sense. And again, we don't know shit about this story. And we don't know shit about what's happening with the Robin stuff, and we won't for at least another 48 hours, because that's when the funnybooks are out. And judging by the fact most Batman books are selling like gangbusters, I'll repeat my point: you are making no sense.

I really enjoy Snyder's writing, but you're totally right. In one issue from his Detective Comics run, Dick
wakes up and his legs are GONE. Then, psych!
In the last issue of Batman
if the family really all lost their faces,
holy crap, that would have been so amazing to see where they went from there.
Or in Court of Owls
this guy is your brother!
Maybe? Probably not...
Snyder teases you with some huge revelation then it's back to the status quo. I'm totally fine with that, but I wish DC would just let Snyder go crazy and let his messed up ideas stick.

No it wouldn't; no it wouldn't and it's been left open to interpretation.


Quick heads-up: you are making no sense. And again, we don't know shit about this story. And we don't know shit about what's happening with the Robin stuff, and we won't for at least another 48 hours, because that's when the funnybooks are out. And judging by the fact most Batman books are selling like gangbusters, I'll repeat my point: you are making no sense.

I'm making sense.

Morrison drove Batman towards the future introducing new characters that are good and establishing new and imaginitative connections between Batverse characters.

Snyder is just doing well crafted stories with no impact.
Snyder is talented, but yes I'm saying he's taking no risks at all and thus I don't enjoy his batbook as much as Morrison's.

and yes, Robin will be shit under the new 52. because he/she has to. Just wait for a Jeff Lemire Robin book annoucement and come laugh with me.

Just look at American Vampire for well handled continuity. or Severed for genuine chills.
Both are better than whatever he's done with Batman because consequences are felt.

There is no sense in putting year zero 11 arc story 2 years after new 52. none. expect DC not touching his doing good at the time properties and using the down time of Morrison leaving to tread carefully and going zero as a mean to not break all the current time batbooks.
I'll probably buy the arc, but Savage Wolverine is now looking like a " do whatever you want with it" book instead of an actual book, much like A+X and Avenging Spider-Man. I presume Marvel is doing this partly because mini's don't sell very well.
You say that like it's a bad thing; both the books you named have resulted in some great tales so far.

I've always rather liked this approach; that a major character has one book by one writer to tell the big, "important" stories that you MUST follow, and another book for anyone else who just wants to come in and tell the fun, "throwaway" stories readers can jump in and out of. DC used to do this, and still does with LotDK and that Orson Scott Card Superman book, but they've marginalized them by making them out-of-continuity and digital-first.


I'm making sense.

Morrison drove Batman towards the future introducing new characters that are good and establishing new and imaginitative connections between Batverse characters.

Snyder is just doing well crafted stories with no impact.
Snyder is talented, but yes I'm saying he's taking no risks at all and thus I don't enjoy his batbooks as much as Morrison's.

and yes, Robin will be shit under the new 52. because he/she has to. Just wait for a Jeff Lemire Robin book annoucement and come laugh with me.

I'm 1-0 when it comes to bets with comic-GAF pals. If you're looking to be numero dos, this is what I propose : if DC announces a Lemire-penned Robin book in either the June or July solicits -those are the most likely to have an announcement considering two books are missing from the line-, I'll get an avatar of your choosing for two months. If the opposite happens, you get an avatar of my choosing.

PS: well-crafted stories with little to no impact is the fucking modus operandi of corporate cape comics. Sorry you had to find out this way.


I'm 1-0 when it comes to bets with comic-GAF pals. If you're looking to be numero dos, this is what I propose : if DC announces a Lemire-penned Robin book in either the June or July solicits -those are the most likely to have an announcement considering two books are missing from the line-, I'll get an avatar of your choosing for two months. If the opposite happens, you get an avatar of my choosing.

PS: well-crafted stories with little to no impact is the fucking modus operandi of corporate cape comics. Sorry you had to find out this way.

Your PS is right. yet sometimes magic happens!!! so far none has happened with Snyder on DC. most certainly because his paychecks stipulate no controversy, no irreversible damage to golden chicken etc...but Morrison had the same and decided to roll them and use them to sniff coke and do the fuck he wanted with both DC's money and characters.

as far as Robin is concerned I maintain the whole Year Zero is also a mean to carpet him/her for a good year. So no Robin reveal to forsee at the moment.
Fuck this whole comic market. I don't want to live in a world nick spencer has a top 10 book with movie characters and vibe is in cancellation zone. Fuxk you.


I don't mind going back to the past

I just feel like 11 issues is a bit of a stretch unless it's an amazing story.
Even still, it's Batman's origins.


Fuck this whole comic market. I don't want to live in a world nick spencer has a top 10 book with movie characters and vibe is in cancellation zone. Fuxk you.

Dude, we're in a post "WTF-Certified" world. You can say fuck. Secret Avengers will fucking crash by virtue of being a terrible fucking book. Vibe #1 wasn't really anything special, but it can be depending on how Kreisberg then Gates handle it. Cheer the fuck up, pal.


Fuck this whole comic market. I don't want to live in a world nick spencer has a top 10 book with movie characters and vibe is in cancellation zone. Fuxk you.

Secret Avengers won't stay in the top ten past the first issue.

But Vibe is doomed. Xo Maybe by being attached to the JL DC will keep it around and cancel other titles instead.
Dude, we're in a post "WTF-Certified" world. You can say fuck. Secret Avengers will fucking crash by virtue of being a terrible fucking book. Vibe #1 wasn't really anything special, but it can be depending on how Kreisberg then Gates handle it. Cheer the fuck up, pal.
I'm just on edge. Want DC to announce the final two books to give them my money. Love Vibe and this is the only shot he will ever get...
Another loooooooooong, decompressed “secrets from the past” story from Snyder. Look forward to more terrible dialog, bad characterizations, and tired cliched narration tics that thematically linked to what’s on panel. “Old man said, criminals are a superstitious and cowardly lot...”
Dude, we're in a post "WTF-Certified" world. You can say fuck. Secret Avengers will fucking crash by virtue of being a terrible fucking book. Vibe #1 wasn't really anything special, but it can be depending on how Kreisberg then Gates handle it. Cheer the fuck up, pal.

Who? I thought Johns was writing that book.


Even still, it's Batman's origins.

Dead parents drive rich orphan on personnal vendetta against the criminal world.
Can't wait.

that said I loved the Batman Zero issue. on a hopefull note maybe Morrison gone, Snyder will get the chance to drive Batman and have some of his ideas made cannon.

he can do meaningfull and smart stuff. Morrison is often hit or miss.
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