Who? I thought Johns was writing that book.
First two issues are Johns and Andrew Kreisberg, then they hand it over to Sterling Gates, who managed to get a couple of good issues out of The Rob on Hawk and Dove.
Who? I thought Johns was writing that book.
Dead parents drive rich orphan on personnal vendetta against the criminal world.
Can't wait.
that said I loved the Batman Zero issue. on a hopefull note maybe Morrison gone, Snyder will get the chance to drive Batman and have some of his ideas made cannon.
he can do meaningfull and smart stuff. Morrison is often hit or miss.
if Comixology ever works again. .
It was really crazy that Snyder hyped up this Joker story for months and then Morrison smokes him on actual impact only like two weeks later.
So weird.
Not really when you consider he's been hamstrung by Inc the whole time. DotF works, but reading it again and thinking "What if he killed Damian in the last issue?" adds the missing punch. That said there is no way he would have been allowed to do such a thing. Damian and everything associated with him was probably off-limits. It'll be fun to see what he can do when he doesn't need to worry about messing up the main book/is allowed to play with everything.
Fuck that. I really like Snyder's Batman (more so than most people here at least), but no one but Morrison should be allowed to write, let alone kill, Damian.
The punch that was missing from Death of the Family wasn't that no one actually died, but that whatever the Joker said/did to make the others lose faith (or something) in Bruce wasn't revealed at all. It was a story that just skipped the climax and went straight to the resolution.
Comixology's working perfectly over here, but the fact that I'm not American might be able to explain that.
Comixology is still shit here. Can not get my cart page to load all day now. Pointless promotion IMHO.
So is the year off a way of avoiding the wholething. Will we come back and fallout ofDamianand the death in the family stuff would have passed.Damian death and bruce coping with that
Due to the nature of the New 52 in bringing new origins to many in the comics, a question has remained what has and hasn't happened with Batman? Snyder's plan is to show us how Batman found his calling and what challenges he first encountered. The story will be an 11-issue story beginning with June's issue #21 with art by Greg Capullo.
Can you people recommend me some good graphic novels and comics to read.
I have only read Watchmen, Sandman and Scott Pilgrim. Loved all 3 of them a lot.
I want to try my hand at proper conventional superhero comics. I am interested in X-Men since I like the movies and the old X-Men cartoon. So can you people recommend me which series I should start reading which has the origin of the mutants as well.
Also how are the new Watchmen spinoff comics?
why? you can download them whenever. 500 new comics for me doesn't seem pointless, even if only like 30 of them are currently on my iPad lol
Can you people recommend me some good graphic novels and comics to read.
I have only read Watchmen, Sandman and Scott Pilgrim. Loved all 3 of them a lot.
I want to try my hand at proper conventional superhero comics. I am interested in X-Men since I like the movies and the old X-Men cartoon. So can you people recommend me which series I should start reading which has the origin of the mutants as well.
Also how are the new Watchmen spinoff comics?
If I can't get their website to load a page for me, so I can add any of the free comics to my cart, and then have it actually STAY in my cart all the way through the procedure so that they become mine to read, before the promotion ends. Then yes it's a pointless promotion to me.
I'm not even talking about dowloading the books, I can't even add the few books I want to my cart and have them stay there. I have to try and load the page with the list of books 5 - 10 times before it'll actually load. Then I'll click to add them to my cart and click check out and get another round of can't load page errors, and then the your cart is empty page.
Also how are the new Watchmen spinoff comics?
I only read the Silk Spectre one because I'm a huge Amanda Conner fan, and I thought it was pretty good.
Oh I just assumed everyone was using the apps.
Where my new books at DC?
Thanks. Looked up Preacher. Sounds interesting, will definitely give it a read. Looked up the wikipedia pages of those X-Men series as well and I pretty much dont know most of the characters. I was hoping for some series which is like the start of X-Men and tells the origin of all the characters.Read Preacher. It's 9 volumes and one of the best comic runs ever.
As far as X-Men go, get Whedon's Astonishing run, Mike Carey's Legacy run, Remender's X-Force and Morrison's All New X-men.
Quickly going to say Y: The Last Man to get it out of the way.
^^ Preacher is godly.
Locke and Key is awesome as well, and there's only like 3 more issues to go until it ends.
11 issue Origin Run?
Why so long? Just because Nolan's movies are way too long and a slog to get through doesn't mean the comic should be as well.
Fuck, Miller did it in 4.
I presume it's just to get out of Morrison's way as he finishes up Inc, so he can go off and do his own thing.
He doesn't have 11 more to go does he? I thought just 4...
Is Daniels Action Comics this month or the next? Need to jump back on after Morrison phones it in.
Court of Owls was definitely too long for its own good. I couldn't say about Black Mirror becauseSo what is wrong with long runs? His Black Mirror and Court of Owls were long. This is suddenly a bad thing?
Court of Owls was definitely too long for its own good. I couldn't say about Black Mirror becauseI dropped Detective after the first story (the leg hallucination thing? Vultures? I can't even remember.)
Batman Family solicitations for June are up on Bleeding Cool. I thought Batman, Inc. #12 was supposed to be Morrison's finale? The solicitation for the issue doesn't make mention of this at all, unlike his final issue of Action Comics. Maybe he's not leaving the book with #12?
Batman Family June 2013 solicitations