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COMICS! |OT| March 2013. Pinching Dr. Banner? Bad idea; Hulk pinches you back.

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So I've been catching up on Avenging Spider-Man since I was just itching to read some true Peter Parker stories I hadn't read yet. I know it is meant as a more fun kind of team up story book, but why does it seem like no one respects Spidey? Sure Reed and Daredevil do as they have a very close friendship but the only one of the Avengers people that seem to give him any respect in the book is Captain Marvel (I still want to call her Ms. Marvel.) I guess you could say he and Hawkeye have the kind of friendship where they make fun of each other and I know he kind of has that with Wolverine and Spider-Woman as well but the guy is a seasoned veteran in his early 30's and he is still treated like a kid. Him being awestruck with Captain America made no sense since they've been on the same team for years as well. The anniversary story with Aunt May was just embarrassing, aside from the terrible art (like, seriously?) knowing that he already revealed his identity to her back in the first Morlun arc just made the whole thing stupid, and her character is so superfluous at this point hat Slott shipped her to Boston just to get rid of her. If there is one character that should re-learn his identity it's her.
So I've been catching up on Avenging Spider-Man since I was just itching to read some true Peter Parker stories I hadn't read yet. I know it is meant as a more fun kind of team up story book, but why does it seem like no one respects Spidey? Sure Reed and Daredevil do as they have a very close friendship but the only one of the Avengers people that seem to give him any respect in the book is Captain Marvel (I still want to call her Ms. Marvel.) I guess you could say he and Hawkeye have the kind of friendship where they make fun of each other and I know he kind of has that with Wolverine and Spider-Woman as well but the guy is a seasoned veteran in his early 30's and he is still treated like a kid. Him being awestruck with Captain America made no sense since they've been on the same team for years as well. The anniversary story with Aunt May was just embarrassing, aside from the terrible art (like, seriously?) knowing that he already revealed his identity to her back in the first Morlun arc just made the whole thing stupid, and her character is so superfluous at this point hat Slott shipped her to Boston just to get rid of her. If there is one character that should re-learn his identity it's her.

The Hawkeye issue in particular really makes Spider-man seem like a rookie compared to Barton. Parker's been a superhero back when Barton was a villain Marvel tries so hard to keep Spider-man as the every-man they tend to overlook continuity that contradicts it.
About Uncanny X-Men 3

So on issue 2 of the comic, everything that Magneto said "that he wants Cyclops burned for everything he'd done and for killing his friend (Xavier)" was all a ruse? His intention the whole was quite the opposite? Instead of making Cyclops and his team looked bad it was the other way round? Am I getting this right?

Am I the only one here who hates Cyclops? This dude seemed cool with Xavier being sacrificed for the good of the mutant race, like the ends justify the means. Quite an excellent issue despite my hate for Cylops


About Uncanny X-Men 3

So on issue 2 of the comic, everything that Magneto said "that he wants Cyclops burned for everything he'd done and for killing his friend (Xavier)" was all a ruse? His intention the whole was quite the opposite? Instead of making Cyclops and his team looked bad it was the other way round? Am I getting this right?

Am I the only one here who hates Cyclops? This dude seemed cool with Xavier being sacrificed for the good of the mutant race, like the ends justify the means. Quite an excellent issue despite my hate for Cylops

Nah man I can't stand Cyclops either. But that
"Go to hell."
was still badass. And yeah, you seem to be about right.
Comics superstar Brian Michael Bendis needs to get to work on more Scarlet and Brilliant. I'm dying to know more. And please release the next Ultimate Edition of Powers.


Cyclops was right.

Wonder what issue 4 is going to be like. Trying to pull some recruits away from the JGSoHL?

Oh I agree, I just think he's an asshole. But that's a long standing bias I've head against him. From the time I started reading X-Men back in '92. :lol

Splatt said:
Ugh... could Gorr's origin be any more cliche. Fuck.

Agreed. This issue of Thor: God of Thunder was god awful. Having adored every issue before this one, I still hated it.
Today was mostly a good day.

Fearless Defenders #2 It's getting kinda interesting, but this issue ended too quickly. I like
that they are going to be giving Dani her Valkyrie powers back
The art is going to end this book prematurely.

Avengers Arena #6: Yes yes yes! This book is still one of the hidden gems of Marvel NOW. That final page...

X-Men Legacy #7: The other hidden gem of Marvel NOW. The story was fun and the art has a nice Allred-lite feel to it. Very unlike other superhero comics. Wins this week due to Agent Brand getting spit on.

Wolverine and the X-Men #26: We were all rooting for you, Jason! This issue was dire. Drawn out retelling of Dog and Logan's origin story. I'm sick of this arc already. Worst of the week.

Uncanny X-Men #3: Amazing! Light on the action, but it's got great momentum.
I love that they revealed Mags as a double agent. I knew this was going to happen and I'm so happy about it.
Eva rocks. I love her. #CyclopsWasRight


Dial E for E.D.I.T.O.R.I.A.L.I.S.M.A.Y.B.E.M.A.K.I.N.G.T.O.O.M.A.N.Y.C.R.E.A.T.I.V.E.D.E.C.I.S.I.O.N.S.L.A.T.E.L.Y.

Dial D for D.C.W.I.L.L.L.E.T.B.I.G.T.I.M.E.A.U.T.H.O.R.C.H.I.N.A.M.I.E.V.I.L.L.E.D.O.W.H.A.T.E.V.E.R.T.H.E.F.U.C.K.H.E.W.A.N.T.S.B.E.C.A.U.S.E.H.A.V.I.N.G.H.I.M.W.O.R.K.F.O.R.T.H.E.M.R.A.I.S.E.S.T.H.E.I.R.P.R.O.F.I.L.E.C.O.N.S.I.D.E.R.A.B.L.Y.M.E.A.N.I.N.G.T.H.A.T.T.R.A.D.E.S.O.F.H.I.S.W.I.L.L.P.R.E.T.T.Y.M.U.C.H.S.E.L.L.T.H.E.M.S.E.L.V.E.S.B.A.S.E.D.O.N.N.A.M.E.A.L.O.N.E.B.E.C.A.U.S.E.D.E.S.P.I.T.E.W.H.A.T.Y.O.U.M.I.G.H.T.T.H.I.N.K.T.H.E.Y.A.R.E.N.O.T.T.H.A.T.S.T.U.P.I.D.A.L.S.O.T.H.I.S.I.S.A.N.A.N.N.O.Y.I.N.G.G.I.M.M.I.C.K.B.U.T.I.F.E.L.T.I.H.A.D.T.O.J.O.I.N.I.N.N.O.M.A.T.T.E.R.H.O.W.U.N.P.R.A.C.T.I.C.A.L.D.I.A.L.I.N.G.T.H.E.S.E.S.E.N.T.E.N.C.E.S.W.O.U.L.D.E.N.D.U.P.B.E.I.N.G.

the chris

So I've been catching up on Avenging Spider-Man since I was just itching to read some true Peter Parker stories I hadn't read yet. I know it is meant as a more fun kind of team up story book, but why does it seem like no one respects Spidey? Sure Reed and Daredevil do as they have a very close friendship but the only one of the Avengers people that seem to give him any respect in the book is Captain Marvel (I still want to call her Ms. Marvel.) I guess you could say he and Hawkeye have the kind of friendship where they make fun of each other and I know he kind of has that with Wolverine and Spider-Woman as well but the guy is a seasoned veteran in his early 30's and he is still treated like a kid. Him being awestruck with Captain America made no sense since they've been on the same team for years as well. The anniversary story with Aunt May was just embarrassing, aside from the terrible art (like, seriously?) knowing that he already revealed his identity to her back in the first Morlun arc just made the whole thing stupid, and her character is so superfluous at this point hat Slott shipped her to Boston just to get rid of her. If there is one character that should re-learn his identity it's her.

I think a lot of heroes see his constant joking and self-depreciation as a way to underestimate him.



best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
So I've been catching up on Avenging Spider-Man since I was just itching to read some true Peter Parker stories I hadn't read yet. I know it is meant as a more fun kind of team up story book, but why does it seem like no one respects Spidey? Sure Reed and Daredevil do as they have a very close friendship but the only one of the Avengers people that seem to give him any respect in the book is Captain Marvel (I still want to call her Ms. Marvel.) I guess you could say he and Hawkeye have the kind of friendship where they make fun of each other and I know he kind of has that with Wolverine and Spider-Woman as well but the guy is a seasoned veteran in his early 30's and he is still treated like a kid. Him being awestruck with Captain America made no sense since they've been on the same team for years as well. The anniversary story with Aunt May was just embarrassing, aside from the terrible art (like, seriously?) knowing that he already revealed his identity to her back in the first Morlun arc just made the whole thing stupid, and her character is so superfluous at this point hat Slott shipped her to Boston just to get rid of her. If there is one character that should re-learn his identity it's her.

being a chatterbox in dire situations would make people in a group not care for him i would assume. but all the big names respect him regardless. especially wolverine

then again, im sure noone would really like to be in the same room as beast pete, so safe mode is better for everyone

Prodigy in the Young Avengers! Speed is back!

Wolverine Costume Variant By Mike Del Mundo
• Ever wonder what the super hero equivalent of a terrible soul-sucking talent-wasting temp job is? You haven’t? Oh go on. Actually, don’t. We’ve done it for you and written a story about it. This one.
• Wonder what Tommy (aka Speed) has been up to? Discover herein.
• Wonder why mutant David Alleyne (aka Prodigy) hasn’t been even in the background in any one of the eight thousand X-books? Discover that herein too.
• Existential horror turns cosmic horror as something emerges from the shadows of the past. It seems the Young Avengers have yet one more thing to worry about.
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99
I think a lot of heroes see his constant joking and self-depreciation as a way to underestimate him.

being a chatterbox in dire situations would make people in a group not care for him i would assume. but all the big names respect him regardless. especially wolverine

then again, im sure noone would really like to be in the same room as beast pete, so safe mode is better for everyone

Yeah but that is my point, they shouldn't. He's been around long enough and done enough for them to know that he is an incredible asset and not one to underestimate. The guy have taken out a bunch of the people who constantly degrade him and is a danger to the ones who outpower him as well since he is a genius. I'd like to see Hawkeye take on Juggernaut alone for example. While they are friends who most likely just like to push each others buttons from time to time some of them like Hawkeye and Wolverine tend to be really condescending to him, I mean he could snap Clint in half and have beaten Wolverine in combat. (Lets not forget that he took out the entire X-Men during Secret Wars.) That's not to say he doesn't deserve it from time to time but it's just borders on the ridiculous sometimes.

I feel like there are a few heroes who respect him and recognize what he have done and can do. I would list people like the entire FF, Dr. Strange, DD and most of the old New Avengers (Iron Fist, Luke Cage and Ms. Marvel first and foremost) among these people.

Sorry to go off on a rant but it just bugs me.

And I had to do a double take when I first read that arc where he does the Mark of Kaine, just fucking brutal. Have she re-appeared since then?

huhh? alternate reality or something?

Nah, he was just really pissed off.


trade waiting dc is near.......ridiculous. I'd like to get this Batman and Robin Requiem stuff in trade but who knows if i'll live that long.
So, curious. Any of you comic nerds also into Heroclix?

Got a Heroclix tournament tonight. Need 2 teams; One heroes, one villains.

My current choices: Brainiac 5, Wildfire, Star Boy, Sunboy for a Keyword Legion Hero Team, and Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, Ultimate Clayface, and a Hired Henchmen for a Keyword Arkham Asylum for villains.

I need comics in my everything.

Today's pickups go back two weeks for me...

Marvel Comics
A+X #5
All New X-Men #8
Avengers #7
Avengers Assemble #13
Thor: God of Thunder #6
Uncanny X-Men #3
Wolverine #1
Wolverine and the X-Men #26

Dark Horse Comics
Hellboy in Hell #4
Sledgehammer '44 #1

Image Comics
SEX #1

Other Publishers
Fairy Quest: Outlaws #2 (BOOM!)
The Rocketeer: Hollywood Horror #2 (IDW)

DC Comics
Batman & Robin #18 (I know... but I'm a sucker for silent issues.)

Haven't look at anything yet, may not get to until tomorrow.

there is a complete lack of people buying Age of Ultron #2.
I'm not following it. In fact I rarely pick up Marvel events unless the X-books are intimately involved.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Yeah but was my point, they shouldn't. He's been around long enough and done enough for them to know that he is an incredible asset and not one to underestimate. The guy have taken out a bunch of the people who constantly degrade him and is a danger to the ones who outpower him as well since he is a genius. I'd like to see Hawkeye take on Juggernaut alone for example. While they are friends who most likely just like to push each others buttons from time to time some of them like Hawkeye and Wolverine tend to be really condescending to him, I mean he could snap Clint in half and have beaten Wolverine in combat. (Lets not forget that he took out the entire X-Men during Secret Wars.) That's not to say he doesn't deserve it from time to time but it's just borders on the ridiculous sometimes.

I feel like there are a few heroes who respect him and recognize what he have done and can do. I would list people like the entire FF, Dr. Strange, DD and most of the old New Avengers (Iron Fist, Luke Cage and Ms. Marvel first and foremost) among these people.

Sorry to go off on a rant but it just bugs me.

And I had to do a double take when I first read that arc where he does the Mark of Kaine, just fucking brutal. Have she re-appeared since then?

clints snarky to everyone, and logan has issues. but they both respect him above all that.

if you can find it, you should check out the birthday boy short in spider man extra 2. it gives a great insight to the relationship that pete and logan have. id like to think that most people that scoff off pete most likely feel the same way. combine that with the fact that pete really cares about those capes wierdos that he associates with, and i dont really think most of them disrespect him as much as you think.
Nowhere Men #4 has the most incredibly rendered cover I've ever seen in my life. It's the prettiest thing in the world and a living testament to the incredible things that can happen when you care about cartooning and design in equal measure.

It's a gift to all of us.
clints snarky to everyone, and logan has issues. but they both respect him above all that.

if you can find it, you should check out the birthday boy short in spider man extra 2. it gives a great insight to the relationship that pete and logan have. id like to think that most people that scoff off pete most likely feel the same way. combine that with the fact that pete really cares about those capes wierdos that he associates with, and i dont really think most of them disrespect him as much as you think.

Heh I'm mostly just annoyed coming of a binge-read of Avenging Spider-Man. I mean it wouldn't be a Spidey team-up if he wasn't constantly bickering with the other person. Slott's Spider-Man/Human Torch mini was great and it had plenty of that. I just feel that sometimes the writers forget that Spider-Man is an accomplished hero. And thanks for the tip, I'm gonna try and find that.

Also, is there any story where another hero have seen Peter getting pissed off like in Grim Hunt/Back in black/When he tore up a fucking street in blind rage while fighting Shathra? I remember him throwing Logan out of an Avengers Tower window back when Peter, MJ and May moved in but that wasn't that big of a deal.
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