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COMICS! |OT| March 2013. Pinching Dr. Banner? Bad idea; Hulk pinches you back.

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eh, it was alright. This whole reformatted universe thing isn't as cool as it sounded when they finished the first Artifacts story arc.

I know, right? The first issue was abysmal, but this one wasn't bad. Is it me, or
was there some sexual tension there between Widow and Moon Knight

i liked the old top cow universe so hopefully this ends with some combo of both.

also yea that was defintly a thing between the 2


I'm pretty far behind as far as comics go. I have a pretty big backlog of graphic novels and TPBs that I still need to read. I haven't collected comics faithfully since the early/mid '90s, and back then I was mainly a DC guy (with a few exceptions, like Peter David's Hulk, etc).

The New 52 worth following? I figure since I really didn't follow comics for the last decade or so I'd be lost.

Wonder Woman, Dial H, and Batman Inc are the standouts, though Batman Inc would be best to read the pre-new 52 batman inc trade and morrison's Batman and Robin series before that. You could also try Batman by Scott Snyder in trade format. He's writing a one year new 52 origin for Batman starting in June, that would be a good time to hop on the monthly issues. Green Lantern is getting a whole new writing team across all their books in June too, another spot to jump on something.


Ultron was okay. Pretty light affair.

Widow had a fuuuuucked up face now. Wonder how all of this will be retconned in the end.

Spidey is still obviously Peter.


No Scrubs
Ultron was okay. Pretty light affair.

Widow had a fuuuuucked up face now. Wonder how all of this will be retconned in the end.

Spidey is still obviously Peter.

I think this is an alternate universe that eventually spills into the 616.
Or something like that.


I think this is an alternate universe that eventually spills into the 616.
Or something like that.

I'm thinking they try to escape that universe and that's how the Ultron robots have a run in with the Fantastic Four in the Fantastic Four AU issue.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Thor is bad ass. \m/

Saved Nowhere Men for the last read. Such a promising book, really excited to see where this goes.

What should I replace Batman with on my list? I heard Revival is good, but if anyone has any suggestions for newish ongoings to read, I'm all ears.


No Scrubs
I'm thinking they try to escape that universe and that's how the Ultron robots have a run in with the Fantastic Four in the Fantastic Four AU issue.

Still doesn't explain the Superior AU. Also did anyone but me notice the
overlapping pictures of Otto and Spidey on Fury's wall?


Still doesn't explain the Superior AU. Also did anyone but me notice the
overlapping pictures of Otto and Spidey on Fury's wall?
I noticed that but I don't think it was necessarily on purpose. Ock was his main villain after all.

I'm thinking maybe some robots come through a portal at Horizon?


Still doesn't explain the Superior AU. Also did anyone but me notice the
overlapping pictures of Otto and Spidey on Fury's wall?

What do you mean? If it's an alternate universe he could have taken his body back by then.

I noticed that but I don't think it was necessarily on purpose. Ock was his main villain after all.

I'm thinking maybe some robots come through a portal at Horizon?

Maybe Ultron wants to expand his reign further than that universe? idk why else he would send robots through a portal. Also, did Ultron take out everything on Earth? If so, wouldn't that upset the balance with the Celestials and eventually create a conflict between Ultron and the Celestials?


No Scrubs
I noticed that but I don't think it was necessarily on purpose. Ock was his main villain after all.

I'm thinking maybe some robots come through a portal at Horizon?

Going from the released pages it seems like it takes place in that universe. Maybe Otto tried something dumb and gets zapped over.


If we really want to do a book of the week, we can just keep a running tally

Uncanny X-Men 3: 1
Manhattan Projects 10: 2
Avengers Arena 6: 1


Batman and Robin 18 got me about to shed man tears, y'all.
The letter...the last page.
Tomasi has been killing this book since the beginning. Nice to see more people are starting to give it props.
Batman and Robin 18 got me about to shed man tears, y'all.
The letter...the last page.
Tomasi has been killing this book since the beginning. Nice to see more people are starting to give it props.

Been killing it on the character moments, definitely. The villains of the first couple arcs weren't the best bats in the belfry, though.


Been killing it on the character moments, definitely. The villains of the first couple arcs weren't the best bats in the belfry, though.

I always took it as the character moments were the real show, and the villains were just a means to an end/there to provide stuff for B&R to punch. Though that is a fair criticism.
I always took it as the character moments were the real show, and the villains were just a means to an end/there to provide stuff for B&R to punch. Though that is a fair criticism.

I mean, they were good enough that I kept reading through a year of indifference to the antagonists, right? I agree with you. It's kind of miraculous the stories stayed as enjoyable as they did in the face of two arcs of villains derived from the most mediocre new 52 stereotype. I mean, Nobody? Terminus? If damian and alfred weren't the best dudes ever I couldn't have endorsed that. No villain is badass enough to salvage those names.
Injustice (the comic) is far better than it has any right to be. Crazy entertaining, and the best Elseworlds story in ages. I do have to say that the end of the first issue is still almost impossible for me to finish without almost getting sick to my stomach. So fucking wrong.

But I'm hooked.

Reigun, I agree and posted the same thing. It's been some time since a comic made me cry but this one hits all the right notes. Batman & Robin 18 is a masterclass, but to be fair they had a powerful subject to attack. A leg up in the game.


Injustice (the comic) is far better than it has any right to be. Crazy entertaining, and the best Elseworlds story in ages. I do have to say that the end of the first issue is still almost impossible for me to finish without almost getting sick to my stomach. So fucking wrong.

But I'm hooked.

Reigun, I agree and posted the same thing. It's been some time since a comic made me cry but this one hits all the right notes.
I hope the game is fun even if it's ugly as fuck. Love me some fighters.


I mean, they were good enough that I kept reading through a year of indifference to the antagonists, right? I agree with you. It's kind of miraculous the stories stayed as enjoyable as they did in the face of two arcs of villains derived from the most mediocre new 52 stereotype. I mean, Nobody? Terminus? If damian and alfred weren't the best dudes ever I couldn't have endorsed that. No villain is badass enough to salvage those names.
I didn't even remember Terminus. Seriously, I just had to google him. lol

I remember Damian jacking Jason's mask though.


Hold dat shit, Todd.

Jedeye Sniv

Loved Batman #18 T__T

I miss Damian!! *whaaaaaaaaaaa* T__T

Damn they aren't wasting any time with Harper. Please don't let her replace Damian... and so soon.... sigh

It's going to be a whole year before Snyder's even back in the present day, Harper won't be Robin for a good while yet (if ever).

Getting kinda sick of this lame whining about a possible story a way off in the future. Wait for it before you start bitching, people.

Jedeye Sniv

Right so I just recently caught up with last week and before's titles and...

Awwwm that's so sweet. I think you're the one person on the internet who didn't get spoiled.


Pizza Dog
So based on the recommendations here I went onto Comixology to preview a few of the Marvel Now books, hoping that one of them will hook me and give me more than a cursory knowledge of superhero stuff. I ended up picking up a bunch and so far I think it's going pretty well. The only superhero comics I've read in the past have been graphic novel type collections, Batman (TDKR, KJ, LH, Y1 etc), Superman (Red Son, Lex Luthor Man of Steel), Kingdom Come and New Frontier etc so I'm starting out with only basic knowledge of a lot of these characters. It's really a first-impressions type deal. Forgive me if I sound like a dumb newbie. What I've read so far:

Avengers - I've read the first couple of these. I picked this up hoping to get more familiar with more of the characters in the Marvel universe, I know that the Avengers lineup in the comics changes around and I figured knowing the big names that stick will give me something to latch onto while I'm finding out about the others. I was confused by there being Avengers, Young Avengers, Avengers Arena and New Avengers, do they all take place in the same continuity like the Batman comics do or are they different groups? Anyway, it seems good so far, the art when Tony Stark's setting things up is great. Will stick with it and see what happens.
Hawkeye - I knew Hawkeye existed as a character, and I knew he was an archer, but before the Avengers movie that's pretty much the extent of what I knew about the character. I'd seen this recommended a bunch so I took a look and I'm really glad I did. The art style is amazing, the limited colour palette and sketchy style to it really add to this "regular guy" style characterisation they've got going on. The first issue is really really sweet too. I hope this stays this good, definitely sticking with this one.
Wolverine - Saw this was out this week so grabbed it. Not sure whether I expected more because it was a #1 issue but it didn't seem to kick off with any sort of big start. Obviously there's more coming so I'll see what happens next week but of the three I've read so far this is the least interesting #1.

I also picked up Deadpool, Indestructible Hulk, All New X-Men and Iron Man as I have an interest in those characters, but I haven't had a chance to read those yet. I'll post impressions when I do if anyone's interested, although I'm sure a lot of you have read those already so it won't be news to you guys.
Book Of The Week: Nowhere Men #4.

Even if it didn't have the best cover published since New X-Men #114, it fully designed a vintage book of science journalism and crammed it in the middle of the issue. And Nate Bellegarde continues to cherry pick the best aspects of Philip Bond and Frank Quitely to end up with a result that's the most thrilling cartooning of this decade. Disparate story threads making out all over the place.

It can't be topped by anything else. No chance.
All-New X-Men #9 Preview (Newsarama)

Speculative: again, I'm a little worried that Bendis is
going to have Young Jean join the other side in UXM, ignoring the fact that Rachel and Betsy even exist just so that "Auntie Emma" can instruct Jean on how to be a proper (lol) psychic, and create all sorts of drama between her, Emma and Scott. Everyone was already looking at her funny; now she's peeking into peoples' heads without permission, and Kitty's giving her the cold shoulder? I could see Bendis making Scott/Emma appeal to her as "the ones who understand" and want to help; question is, would Jean fall for it? Could she overlook Scott's role in Xavier's death? I hope not, since Jean's a big part of the reason I gave reading ANXM a shot in the first place, and if she disappears from the cast that reason is gone.

Ugh, the wait is going to be terrible.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Reading Amazing Spider-Man and these adventures he has with the Fantastic Four before Spider Island are so boring. I want to like the Fantastic Four, but in all the stories I read with them the problems and solutions all end up being some technobabble made-up randomness and feel inconsequential. "Let's go to the future of this eccentric dimension while the kids stay with this robot dragon!" If things were actually more wacky and whimsical maybe I'd enjoy it more, but most of the time it keeps trying to stay more serious than it's worth.

Granted, I never read or watched anything solo with them (besides the lackluster movies), so I'm only going by cameos I read over the years and more recently. What's the best saga for me to read so I can start finding the group and their dynamics interesting? Hickman's FF?


Xmen Legacy has some of my favorite covers since Marvel Now. Just wanted to throw that out there.

Those covers are awesome. Is the comic good? The only X-Men book I am reading is Uncanny X-Men, and its also the first one I've ever read. All of the current titles are going on at the same time in the same universe right? Uncanny #1 said something about All New X-Men being the "sister" book, but I haven't read any of that.


Those covers are awesome. Is the comic good? The only X-Men book I am reading is Uncanny X-Men, and its also the first one I've ever read. All of the current titles are going on at the same time in the same universe right? Uncanny #1 said something about All New X-Men being the "sister" book, but I haven't read any of that.

Yeah, all same universe.

Legacy is actually good. I thought it started pretty slow and right when I was about to bail it picked up. I think issue 4 is when it starts to get good.

ANXM is one of the best Marvel has right now, pick it up from #1 and don't look back. You're going to thank us later.

Wolverine and the Xmen has a good jumping in book (I think) two issues ago if you're into that.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Those covers are awesome. Is the comic good? The only X-Men book I am reading is Uncanny X-Men, and its also the first one I've ever read. All of the current titles are going on at the same time in the same universe right? Uncanny #1 said something about All New X-Men being the "sister" book, but I haven't read any of that.

All New X-Men is the best X-Men book currently running. IF you're reading UXM, you should DEFINITELY add ANXM to it. I really dislike WATXM but some people like it.

I may have to change my vote from TMP 10 to Nowhere Men 4. Sorry Acid :/

Fantastic Four are just boring no matter if its Hickman or Fraction writing it IMO

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