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COMICS! |OT| March 2013. Pinching Dr. Banner? Bad idea; Hulk pinches you back.

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Predictions go that
Ghost Peter will die
which is whatever - I read SSM when something big happens (I only have issue 1 and 5), but I can see that the way that Slott writes
Ghost Pete
isn't the same way he writes him regularly, and honestly is making him
unlikeable on purpose

I miss Peter.
Read AoU. It has the Peter you know and love!
Okay. Cap is now standing and means business. Can't wait to see what comics superstar Brian Michael Bendis has planned. I really feel like he is going to make Marvel pay for not milking this as a premiere event.


Dunno if anyone actually reads Stormwatch, but here's its cover.

question about Batman & Robin #18:
who was C.K.? the only one I could think of was Clark Kent, but why would he be giving Damian a list of movies? have they even met before?

You know I just remembered Tomasi did the Final Crisis Requiem issue, he is fantastic at these.

This article addresses it but doesn't reference any issue where they appeared together.

Edit: It should also be noted that this is a review.

When Bruce is looking through his son’s notebook, he discovers a note from “C.K.” attached to a list of movies that Damian would like, including On The Waterfront, My Left Foot, and To Kill A Mockingbird. The blue paper, yellow Post-It, and red ink are clever visual hints at the identity of “C.K.”: the primary colors of Clark Kent’s Superman costume. It makes sense for Clark and Damian to develop a friendship considering they’re both people trying to fit into roles that are against their inherent nature. Clark is an alien posing as a human, and Damian was an assassin posing as a superhero sidekick.


Started a new teaching job so I now have no free time. Finally finished catching up on this weeks new books.

Avengers Arena was great. Funny to think that most of us made fun of the concept when it was announced, but Hopeless has really been hitting it out of the park. Maybe my enjoyment is helped by the fact that I never read anything with these characters in the past except for the BKV Runaways volumes and Annihilation, so I have no clue if his characterization is consistent with what came before. Are the Braddock Academy kids new, or were they in a different title previous to this? Kev Walker has been killing it as well. The guy definitely deserves more acclaim.

Manhattan Projects was probably my book of the week. I can never tell where this book is going, but it's always filled with crazy Hickman ideas. Still waiting for the return of the true Albert Einstein. That has to be coming at some point. Also, props to the fill in artist for matching Pitarra's style. I was afraid the change would be jarring, but the characters have stayed pretty consistent. Browne's lines are cleaner, but it works.

Uncanny X-Men 3 was the best issue of the series so far, but I was sort of lukewarm with the first two. Looking forward to seeing where Bendis is going with this team.

Wolverine #1 was ok. I will give it an issue or two more because I like Paul Cornell, but I wasn't blown away.

I agree with others that Batman and Robin 18 was better than Batman 18. Having caught up on Batman Inc recently, I still think that Morrison Batman is the best current batman. I like Snyder's run on Batman so far, but it isn't blowing me out of the water. His Detective stuff is better. Maybe Batman will pick up if Year zero remains mostly crossover free.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Manhattan Projects was probably my book of the week. I can never tell where this book is going, but it's always filled with crazy Hickman ideas. Still waiting for the return of the true Albert Einstein. That has to be coming at some point. Also, props to the fill in artist for matching Pitarra's style. I was afraid the change would be jarring, but the characters have stayed pretty consistent. Browne's lines are cleaner, but it works.

YES. Can't wait. Alternate dimension Albert Einstein is super bad ass, though... the panel of him drunkenly kicking an illuminati luchador through a portal into space was the best of the series so far.

I agree with others that Batman and Robin 18 was better than Batman 18. Having caught up on Batman Inc recently, I still think that Morrison Batman is the best current batman. I like Snyder's run on Batman so far, but it isn't blowing me out of the water. His Detective stuff is better. Maybe Batman will pick up if Year zero remains mostly crossover free.

Also agree here.


Any impressions about Earth 2? I admit, that cover with Dr. Fate and Mister Miracle has me interested. (Also because I'm considering dropping most of my DC books given that I have been left wanting from them for a long time, and the New 52 reboot just isn't doing anything for me)


Any impressions about Earth 2? I admit, that cover with Dr. Fate and Mister Miracle has me interested. (Also because I'm considering dropping most of my DC books given that I have been left wanting from them for a long time, and the New 52 reboot just isn't doing anything for me)

Most people on here complain about Robinson's writing, but it's one of my favorite books.
Any impressions about Earth 2? I admit, that cover with Dr. Fate and Mister Miracle has me interested. (Also because I'm considering dropping most of my DC books given that I have been left wanting from them for a long time, and the New 52 reboot just isn't doing anything for me)

Earth 2 is a completely new take on the idea of "Earth 2". Essentially, it takes the concept that it was fairly similar to the Mainline Earth, except (Very minor background spoilers)
that they didn't defeat Darkseid's invasion right away; Instead they fought for 5 years before the Trinity managed to defeat the forces of Apokalips lead by Steppenwolf. The Earth is much different with many major (fictional) cities gone like Metropolis and Gotham and Firepits still smoldering across the globe. The world is more united in as far as it has a World Army. Metahumans are called "Wonders" and there is a higher tendency towards magic and mysticism as the source of powers.

I like it. It can be a bit wordier but I find it works out well for an ensemble book like it is. And Nicola Scott who does most of the interior art (and many of the covers) is just gorgeous.

It's not the JSA you knew before but a fascinating new take on them. So yeah, I'd recommend you pick up the first trade and see what you think.


No Scrubs
OK, so it looks like Batman Beyond isn't bound to the ending of JLU anymore
since Dana now knows Terry and Bruce are and were Batman.
Also Dana don't play around.


Megaman #23-
Good issue with some good action, loved how Bomb, Cut and Gutsman were trying to find a birthday gift for him.

Next month will be the major crossover, so I'll get a discussion thread for it up within a few days.

Batman & Robin 18-
Nice silent issue, but Damien's 'death' is still BS. WTF Morrison, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

Sledgehammer '44 #1-
New Mike Magnola comic set in WW2, great start, looking forward to how this story will go.

Wolverine #1-
WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME PAUL CORNELL'S WRITING THIS GAF?! Great first issue and I really like how Cornell's writing Wolverine. Alan Davis' art is great but the coloring just doesn't work well with it in this issue.

Batman #18-
Good issue overall.


Comixology has a sale on Rocketeer books, including the Cargo of Doom 4 issue Waid/Samnee mini. I suggest you buy that.

Any impressions about Earth 2? I admit, that cover with Dr. Fate and Mister Miracle has me interested. (Also because I'm considering dropping most of my DC books given that I have been left wanting from them for a long time, and the New 52 reboot just isn't doing anything for me)

It's an excellent series
Damn now i am interested ar in suicide squad


It probably doesn't have anything to do with it but the unknown soldier series vertigo put out a few years ago was by far the The best thing DC was putting out and is one of my favorite series ever.

Highly recommend it. Kind I wish DC would omnibus it
It probably doesn't have anything to do with it but the unknown soldier series vertigo put out a few years ago was by far the The best thing DC was putting out and is one of my favorite series ever.

Highly recommend it. Kind I wish DC would omnibus it

I read it while it was being published monthly. Was definitely one of their best books at the time.

I wish Vertigo was still in the same shape it was back then. I think the only reason Vertigo is still around is so that Gaiman can do his Sandman prequel. After that, DC will probably shutter it. I don't see any other reason that they would kill Hellblazer and toss Constantine into the regular DCU. Seems like such a shitty maneuver.
OK, so it looks like Batman Beyond isn't bound to the ending of JLU anymore
since Dana now knows Terry and Bruce are and were Batman.
Also Dana don't play around.

I thought she knew that already... actually, no, she did! The big issue was the proposal. When they were talking on the bridge, it was clear that she already knew.


No Scrubs
I thought she knew that already... actually, no, she did! The big issue was the proposal. When they were talking on the bridge, it was clear that she already knew.

Ah, I don't remember the episode all that well. That said it was a good issue and I'm looking forward to the next arc.
Damn now i am interested ar in suicide squad


It probably doesn't have anything to do with it but the unknown soldier series vertigo put out a few years ago was by far the The best thing DC was putting out and is one of my favorite series ever.

It's probably the Unknown Soldier from Gray & Palmiotti's backup stories in the cancelled G.I. Combat.
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