Started a new teaching job so I now have no free time. Finally finished catching up on this weeks new books.
Avengers Arena was great. Funny to think that most of us made fun of the concept when it was announced, but Hopeless has really been hitting it out of the park. Maybe my enjoyment is helped by the fact that I never read anything with these characters in the past except for the BKV Runaways volumes and Annihilation, so I have no clue if his characterization is consistent with what came before. Are the Braddock Academy kids new, or were they in a different title previous to this? Kev Walker has been killing it as well. The guy definitely deserves more acclaim.
Manhattan Projects was probably my book of the week. I can never tell where this book is going, but it's always filled with crazy Hickman ideas. Still waiting for the return of the true Albert Einstein. That has to be coming at some point. Also, props to the fill in artist for matching Pitarra's style. I was afraid the change would be jarring, but the characters have stayed pretty consistent. Browne's lines are cleaner, but it works.
Uncanny X-Men 3 was the best issue of the series so far, but I was sort of lukewarm with the first two. Looking forward to seeing where Bendis is going with this team.
Wolverine #1 was ok. I will give it an issue or two more because I like Paul Cornell, but I wasn't blown away.
I agree with others that Batman and Robin 18 was better than Batman 18. Having caught up on Batman Inc recently, I still think that Morrison Batman is the best current batman. I like Snyder's run on Batman so far, but it isn't blowing me out of the water. His Detective stuff is better. Maybe Batman will pick up if Year zero remains mostly crossover free.