I guess you missed my post where I said that I look at trades while at Barnes & Nobel (or my LCS) lol.
I buy arcs in trades, rarely do I buy events mang.
Anyways, thanks tumblr for feeding me this by Phil Noto:
Now that is What The Fifty Two Certified!
i usually love Noto but something about his Clint rubs me the wrong way. i think it just be how short and feminine his stupid sleeves look.
Probably a safe a bet as any. We'll find out in a few months.
Lame if true.
I think because he made the shirt look like a t-shirt versus the form-fitting version that's usually displayed in the comics.
Funny enough, there were times in Hawkeye #8 where I thought Clint's t-shirt sleeves were too short in how they were drawn.
...meh i thought hawkeye was wearing that shirt in his comic now though.
i'm always waffling on whether or not I want to get back into comics
the DC reboot put a bad taste in my mouth, because it was unnecessary. I liked where the DCU was pre-reboot.
I want to get back into Marvel, but I keep flying into a rage because of what they did to Spidey and Jeph Loeb's ongoing crusade to ruin everything he touches.
Superior is actually rather great.i'm always waffling on whether or not I want to get back into comics
the DC reboot put a bad taste in my mouth, because it was unnecessary. I liked where the DCU was pre-reboot.
I want to get back into Marvel, but I keep flying into a rage because of what they did to Spidey and Jeph Loeb's ongoing crusade to ruin everything he touches.
Earth 2 is the only good DC book right now
Earth 2 is the only good DC book right now
Noto's pin-ups are so nice they've tricked people into thinking he's a good comics artist.
Batman #19's WTF cover revealed (Comics Alliance)
I'm basing this on absolutely nothing, mind you, but how incredibly pissed would people be if#19 ended on a cliffhanger -- like say, Bruce firing that gun at Gordon -- and then the next issue is "Year Zero" and people have to wait another eleven issues to find out what happened next?
Dial H cover is interesting.
Batman #19's WTF cover revealed (Comics Alliance)
I'm basing this on absolutely nothing, mind you, but how incredibly pissed would people be if#19 ended on a cliffhanger -- like say, Bruce firing that gun at Gordon -- and then the next issue is "Year Zero" and people have to wait another eleven issues to find out what happened next?
I love you comics.
So what will the big marvel event be for the summer? Nothing beyond age of ultron?
Hey ComicGAF. Didn't even know you existed.
I was wondering if you guys maybe could help me. I've run across this Marvel character I have no idea who it is. Maybe anyone of you knows who she is?
She utilizes those swords and has a projectile launcher on her arm (similar to Black Widow's).
She's actually(Earth-2 spoilers)Fury, Wonder Woman's daughter
She's actually(Earth-2 spoilers)Fury, Wonder Woman's daughter
Anyone else find it a little... odd, is the word I shall use, that DC is willfully defeating the purpose of these gimmick covers?
So what will the big marvel event be for the summer? Nothing beyond age of ultron?
awesome.Dial H cover is interesting.
Based on that infinity cover, we can assume one of two things about spider-man:It takes place before AoU because you can see the Spider-Man here is in the Superior costume, or the future was changed meaning that Peter never gains back control. Given the preview covers for future Superior Spider-Man issues, there's def going to be a struggle mentally between the two.
Superior Spiderman spoilers:Based on Age of Ultron which takes place in the future, it's safe to assume Peter Parker resumes control AND coops Otto's scientific intellect and spider-bots.
Nrama: It's been said that since everyone knew this story was coming so it didn't take much maneuvering to make it fit with the current Marvel slate. So that's Superior Spider-Man in the first issue?
Bendis: Yes. But it's not going to be a major Superior Spider-Man chapter. There's not going to be any big reveals about Peter or Otto in this. For those following, yes, it fits right in. For all intents and purposes to these characters, it's Peter.
It is not Peter Parker.
Nothing indicates that Peter Parker will be backexcept for the solicits of issue 9
Pretty much. Honestly as far asgoes, I am not prepared to predict this shit anymore. Slott actively uses solicits to troll us so I trust nothing.issue #9
Pretty much. Honestly as far asgoes, I am not prepared to predict this shit anymore. Slott actively uses solicits to troll us so I trust nothing.issue #9