Ok, so Mark Smith is now running an Indiegogo campaign in order to ship international orders of Sullivan's Sluggers.
For each book pledged via Indiegogo, one International order will be posted. As someone who pledged for the Kickstarter and is still waiting on receiving the book, being located in Australia, I don't know what to feel about this. What happens if not enough books are sold via Indiegogo, to cover the 600+ international orders? I have so many regrets about supporting this project.
Am I the only GAF still waiting on this book?
I'm in the UK, and still waiting for my copy, and I feel the same way.
I mean, okay, the guy messed up the shipping prices, and originally I felt some sympathy for him... but that's long gone because of how he's acted about things since. It isn't like the International Issue is his only problem with the project anyway. Even setting aside the 'creative' side, he even messed up the shipping to the Americans, what with the book arriving in shops long before pledgers got their copies.
And as far as international shipping goes, anyone with half a brain could have realised that shipping a heavy, hardcover, oversized book wouldn't be cheap. I've paid more shipping for comics or games that are a fraction of the weight and/or size, so I certainly did... I just stupidly assumed he would have accounted for that and it would balance out with mass printing savings or something

his problem, and it shouldn't be ours. And yet he seems to be trying to shift it onto us.
Even though it might have gotten my book shipped, I was sort of glad Kickstarter stamped on his secondary campaign to sell books to raise campaign funds, partially because that isn't how Kickstarter is meant to be used, but mostly because it just didn't feel quite right. Taking it to Indiegogo isn't solving that problem.
Frankly, I find the new Indiegogo 'arrangement' rather uncomfortable. As much as he's reassured people that they
will get their books, saying he'll "release" one book per pledge feels like some sort of twisted hostage negotiation, and I really don't like it.
Thing is, originally I was looking forward to the book. Now I don't even know anymore, because it's taken so long to get out there that we've seen all the ugly behind the scenes things that have happened since. I'm now convinced that Smith is a world class pratt and I no longer have any desire to read anything he's associated with. On the other hand, even if Stokoe no longer wants to be associated with the book, or the guy (because who would, at this stage?), the book will be full of Stokoe artwork, which is why I supported it in the first place.
It's going to taint my enjoyment of the book something rotten.
If it ever arrives x_x