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COMICS! |OT| March 2013. Pinching Dr. Banner? Bad idea; Hulk pinches you back.

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^^^^ yep! it's basically what you're expecting if you've read any JLD - it's really awful

Yea, I was gonna post again to ask for recs. Cheers for that.

I just realized that's over 100 issues so Ennis is probably the one I'd lean toward if you're jonesin' for cash. His first arc at least (41-46) is great. 51 is another I'd definitely pick up too. It's John Smith's only issue and the "mundane horror" aspect of Hellblazer never gets as pitch perfect as that.


Ok, so Mark Smith is now running an Indiegogo campaign in order to ship international orders of Sullivan's Sluggers.

For each book pledged via Indiegogo, one International order will be posted. As someone who pledged for the Kickstarter and is still waiting on receiving the book, being located in Australia, I don't know what to feel about this. What happens if not enough books are sold via Indiegogo, to cover the 600+ international orders? I have so many regrets about supporting this project.

Am I the only GAF still waiting on this book?
I'm in the UK, and still waiting for my copy, and I feel the same way.
I mean, okay, the guy messed up the shipping prices, and originally I felt some sympathy for him... but that's long gone because of how he's acted about things since. It isn't like the International Issue is his only problem with the project anyway. Even setting aside the 'creative' side, he even messed up the shipping to the Americans, what with the book arriving in shops long before pledgers got their copies.
And as far as international shipping goes, anyone with half a brain could have realised that shipping a heavy, hardcover, oversized book wouldn't be cheap. I've paid more shipping for comics or games that are a fraction of the weight and/or size, so I certainly did... I just stupidly assumed he would have accounted for that and it would balance out with mass printing savings or something :(
It's his problem, and it shouldn't be ours. And yet he seems to be trying to shift it onto us.

Even though it might have gotten my book shipped, I was sort of glad Kickstarter stamped on his secondary campaign to sell books to raise campaign funds, partially because that isn't how Kickstarter is meant to be used, but mostly because it just didn't feel quite right. Taking it to Indiegogo isn't solving that problem.

Frankly, I find the new Indiegogo 'arrangement' rather uncomfortable. As much as he's reassured people that they will get their books, saying he'll "release" one book per pledge feels like some sort of twisted hostage negotiation, and I really don't like it.

Thing is, originally I was looking forward to the book. Now I don't even know anymore, because it's taken so long to get out there that we've seen all the ugly behind the scenes things that have happened since. I'm now convinced that Smith is a world class pratt and I no longer have any desire to read anything he's associated with. On the other hand, even if Stokoe no longer wants to be associated with the book, or the guy (because who would, at this stage?), the book will be full of Stokoe artwork, which is why I supported it in the first place.

It's going to taint my enjoyment of the book something rotten.

If it ever arrives x_x
I'm in the UK, and still waiting for my copy, and I feel the same way.

Frankly, I find the Indiegogo 'arrangement' rather uncomfortable. As much as he's reassured people that they will get their books, saying he'll "release" one book per pledge feels like some sort of twisted hostage negotiation, and I really don't like it.

Thing is, originally I was looking forward to the book. Now I don't even know anymore, because it's taken so long to get out there that we've seen all the ugly behind the scenes things that have happened since. I'm now convinced that Smith is a world class pratt and I no longer have any desire to read anything he's associated with. On the other hand, even if Stokoe no longer wants to be associated with the book, or the guy (because who would, at this stage?), the book will be full of Stokoe artwork, which is why I supported it in the first place.

It's going to taint my enjoyment of the book something rotten.

If it ever arrives x_x

It sure feels like our books are being held to ransom. It's a lose-lose situation to be honest. Why Indiegogo though? Something doesn't feel right about that arrangement. I'm sure there was a second Kickstarter project running not that long ago for the same purpose. What happened with that?


Ah, you caught me before my edit ^^
Kickstarter stamped on it because it isn't how kickstarter is meant to be used. They don't like it being used as a storefront for finished products, and there's probably something in their TOS about using it that way (It probably comes under the "Funding for projects only" part of their guidelines, actually).

Mr. Sam

I just finished reading Thor: The Mighty Avenger and I-- I want to sob. It was just getting going! Why do only the good die young?
Neil Gaiman co-writing Guardians piques my interest. I really hope this allows the more cosmic aspects that made DnA's run so great leak into the main threadline. as much as I really like Bendis' All New X-Men, I don't want the exact same thing, but in space.

Jedeye Sniv

I wonder if Gaiman will be doig a literal tour with whatever character he's bringing with him, co-writing a bunch of books as his characters make appearances. Can Marvel still use them if he's not co-writing? Should be interesting. It's a shame I have to read age of Ultron to get to there though, this thing is fucking ugly. I blame Paul Mounts, the colours are terrible.


I wonder if Gaiman will be doig a literal tour with whatever character he's bringing with him, co-writing a bunch of books as his characters make appearances. Can Marvel still use them if he's not co-writing? Should be interesting. It's a shame I have to read age of Ultron to get to there though, this thing is fucking ugly. I blame Paul Mounts, the colours are terrible.

Come now amigo, we're comic book aficinados; you don't have to read X-Force 1-115 in order to read Peter Millgan's run do you?
If you don't feel like reading this series, skip it and jump in with the new writer.

I didn't follow the Parker vs. Doc Ock in the Spidey comics and while surprised at what happened when I learned of its aftermath in Avenging, didn't feel like I missed out on much~


Cable and X-Force #6 - 7/10
Nova #2 - 7/10
Savage Wolverine #3 - 6/10
Guardians of the Galaxy Infinite #2 - 7/10
The Private Eye #1 - 9/10
Injustice #10 - 9/10

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Ah, you caught me before my edit ^^
Kickstarter stamped on it because it isn't how kickstarter is meant to be used. They don't like it being used as a storefront for finished products, and there's probably something in their TOS about using it that way (It probably comes under the "Funding for projects only" part of their guidelines, actually).

The entire situation is pretty gross. I got my book at some point last month and I can easily say it's the worst written comic I've read in a long while. The only saving grace is Stokoe's art, which is fucking gorgeous. Otherwise, a retarded chimp with a mean hangover may as well have slapped some shit shaped like letters in dialogue bubbles. Oh, and my book has a few pages with large creases that look like a printing snafu.
At Night of the Owls, digital makes it way too easy to grab the crossovers but that Nightwing one was awwweeeessssoooommmeeeee!! #HashtagTwist

Loving this Batstufffffff
Did anyone pick up Constantine #1? How was it?

Here is my impression as someone who has never read Hellblazer; Though my roomate did and I often asked him questions in passing.

I thought the art was pretty good. Interesting use of angles throughout the issue. The writing is good. It definitely leaves alot of what is going on as a mystery; Like, it explains itself in the moment, but it didn't put too much time in backstory (though one panel does to an extent near the end). You need to hit the ground running and just go with it. So that can be pro or con depending on your taste. The ending was... not what I expected. Not from what people have been saying about "toning Constantine down" from Hellblazer. I don't know the exact level of fucked up, but its still preeeetty messed up, without going into explicit detail. You still get the idea of what happened.

I'm willing to try issue 2.
Legion #18.

Man, shit is fucked up right now. Love how they are giving an impression of just how fucked. Also,
nooooooo! Probably just a teaser until the next issue... but if it isn't... nooooooo.
Sean Murphy is doing. A cover fr some thig Batman beyond related.



Right so my attempts at getting TPBs from websites other than Amazon didn't work out so well, so I guess I'm sticking with Amazon.co.uk for now since my bro lives in UK and can get the books for me.

However there are 2 books that have eluded me for so long a time:
The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck Volumes 1 and 2
^Anyone know where to get these at not-crazy-high prices?



Check it out guys. By issue 5 of AoU Cap is still standing AND puts on a jacket. The Marvel U is changing forever right in front of our eyes.


Check it out guys. By issue 5 of AoU Cap is sill standing AND puts on a jacket. The Marvel U is changing forever right in front of our eyes.

I don't know why they act like Cap has never had his world shook. He took a beating, got shot in the chest, and got zapped into Dimension X. And he fought his way back. Literally. He's currently zapped in Dimension Z in another storyline right now. So the whole, shell shocked cap thing doesn't really wash. Especially since they've been expecting Ultron to strike for years now.
So why is DC imploding?

Did Didio finally completely lose his shit or something?

Bob Harass, or however you spell his last name. He's pissed marvel cast aside his shit ideas in the nineties so he's gonna prove himself or drag dc to the ground in the process. So, drag dc to the ground. Editorial interferenceeeeeeeeeeee
Tony Daniel offers some clarification on the Action Comics situation (Newsarama)

Diggle walked after the first issue, Daniel will script the remaining issues using Diggle's plot outline. Then he'll be gone too, to assist on "a massive project at DC" that's been in the works since the fall.

Htown said:
So why is DC imploding?

Did Didio finally completely lose his shit or something?
Does Didio even have that much juice at the company anymore? Stories I hear paint Lee, Johns, and Harras as the culprits more than him. [/grainofsalt]


Neo Member
Maybe I'll get 51 then, hellblazer has too many issues to buy wildly.

Any other standout single issues?

Issue 11, Newcastle: A Taste of Things to Come; Jamie Delano, Richard Piers Rayner

Issue 27, Hold Me; Neil Gaiman, Dave McKean

Issue 63, Forty; Garth Ennis, Steve Dillon

Issue 229, With a Little Help from my Friends; Mike Carey, John Paul Leon
Maybe I'll get 51 then, hellblazer has too many issues to buy wildly.

Any other standout single issues?

[....] His first arc at least (41-46) is great.

Listen to the man, sillymonkey. 41-46, collected under the name Dangerous Habits, is in my opinion the quintessential Hellblazer arc. Get those issues, well worth your money.

BTW what did you guys think of Punisher: War Zone by Greg Rucka?

It was......ok. I loved the first three issues (Thor having a serious conversation with Frank over beers, so damn good) but I didn't exactly feel the final issue - it was somehow lacking any real tension and punch. I liked Rucka's ending to the main Punisher-run leagues better.


Listen to the man, sillymonkey. 41-46, collected under the name Dangerous Habits, is in my opinion the quintessential Hellblazer arc. Get those issues, well worth your money.

It was......ok. I loved the first three issues (Thor having a serious conversation with Frank over beers, so damn good) but I didn't exactly feel the final issue - it was somehow lacking any real tension and punch. I liked Rucka's ending to the main Punisher-run leagues better.

so far i ended up going with #25-26 - Morrison's two issue story, 27, and 51. Hellblazer seems a little too morbid for me from some of the story arc descriptions i've read.


Bane was better.
maaaan, McNiven is nowhere near as good without Dexter Vines and Morry Hollowell.

His inkers + colourists since Brand New Day have not done him any favours.

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