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COMICS! |OT| March 2013. Pinching Dr. Banner? Bad idea; Hulk pinches you back.

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Uh, so should I be reading this? It looks like I should...


Indestructible Hulk #1-#3 were way more enjoyable than I expected them to be. I've never been a big Hulk fan, but I love all the super science characters in the Marvel universe. So Banner trying take back his good name with scientific innovations WHILE whoring Hulk out to SHIELD was right up my alley. But it felt like the story lost momentum with #4 and #5. I didn't really see (or should I say sea) the point of his underwater adventure. Just felt like a pointless side story with no real impact. Maybe they'll come back later, but it just didn't add anything for me and was a very brief diversion from introducing Banner to his new nerd team.
The point of the underwater stuff was for Hulk tryna get his fuck on with that hot blue Atlantean.
Uh, so should I be reading this? It looks like I should...

Unfortunately Dex-Starr hasn't been in as many issues as he should which is a God damn tragedy. There are a couple; He has a fight with Midniter in the Stormwatch Crossover and then he went to get a rematch but they haven't continued that storyline yet.

But the fact that he exists, is Atrocitus' cat, and the fact that he has fucked people up for touching his cat, is pretty awesome.

His origin is in Final Crisis: Rage of the Red Lanterns #1, I believe?


What is it? I like the art on that page.

It's a 200 page hardcover graphic novely thing.

Harlan Ellison, science fiction's brightest luminary, has joined forces with multi-award winning artist Paul Chadwick, creator of the incomparable Concrete, to bring you SEVEN AGAINST CHAOS, a graphic novel that is singular, powerful and unpredictable. This extraordinary odyssey of mystery and adventure will take you to the rim of reality and beyond.

In a distant future, Earth is in grave danger: The fabric of reality itself in unraveling, leading to catastrophic natural disasters, displaced souls appearing from bygone eras, and sudden, shocking cases of spontaneous combustion. The only hope for Earth's survival is a force of seven warriors, each with his or her special abilities. But can these alien Seven Samurai learn to get along in time to find the source of the gathering chaos and save all of reality?
- amazon write up page

On the page, "7 Against Chaos" follows the classic setup of a team brought together to combat a growing threat, but the writer hoped to add wrinkles of sci-fi strangeness to set it apart from its forbearers. "I set it up as an intergalactic mystery where the mysterious, Yul Brenner-like figure -- call him Christopher for want of anything better -- is searching for people and you don't know why. You go through these seven separate episodes where he recruits one each -- just like in the Kurosawa. He finally brings them together for a 'mission impossible' force, if you will, that can only by their talents solve the huge mystery that lies at the core of the story. It takes a full novel to unravel that mystery. There's action and adventure all along the way, and each character emerges with a very strong personality."

Unfortunately Dex-Starr hasn't been in as many issues as he should which is a God damn tragedy. There are a couple; He has a fight with Midniter in the Stormwatch Crossover and then he went to get a rematch but they haven't continued that storyline yet.

But the fact that he exists, is Atrocitus' cat, and the fact that he has fucked people up for touching his cat, is pretty awesome.

His origin is in Final Crisis: Rage of the Red Lanterns #1, I believe?

Dex-Starr is literally the only redeeming part of Red Lanterns. That book was so meandering, at least in the first ~10 issues.
Dex-Starr is literally the only redeeming part of Red Lanterns. That book was so meandering, at least in the first ~10 issues.

And yet is has maintained it's sales numbers. Ex:

Red Lanterns #1 - 66,546
Red Lanterns #8 - 36,170
Red Lanterns #17 - 35,839

Pretty impressive. :p It just refuses to die. Tie ins obviously help. But it seems to have a dedicated following that will buy it no matter what.


Dex-Starr is literally the only redeeming part of Red Lanterns. That book was so meandering, at least in the first ~10 issues.

I've heard that's the point of it. Only read the first issue myself [I keep up with the previews though (gonna mainline all 20 when Milligan is done, I think)] but the idea that these are GUYS THAT PUKE BLOOD who all sit around talking about how cool they are but not doing anything kinda rules??


Gonna post links to the Superman and Flash WTF covers, since they're both a little spoilery (especially the Flash)
This whole WTF cover project is one of the dumbest things DC has done. I guess the global renumbering/reboot beats it though. And the new logo. And killing Vertigo.

... DC just sucks now.

Hickman writing alpha flight!!!! Also Deodato art doesn't look bad at all. though he still ahs those crazy page layouts
That's Deodato??? Wow, back in the day I thought he was like a less polished Erik Larsen.
Batman inc speculation: via bleeding cool

Grant is doing an extra issue with issue 13. Chris burnham may still be on the book pulling a tony daniel and writing it and drawing it.

seems it will exist post Morrison for sure.
I've heard that's the point of it. Only read the first issue myself [I keep up with the previews though (gonna mainline all 20 when Milligan is done, I think)] but the idea that these are GUYS THAT PUKE BLOOD who all sit around talking about how cool they are but not doing anything kinda rules??

They actually do do stuff it's just that they've been off in their own little corner not really interacting all that much with the rest of the Lantern titles until recently. They had a self contained arc early on that had potential and fleshed them out a bit but since then, yeah, they've meandered a bit. It definitely feels like there is potential, the writer just doesn't know what to do with it.
First pages from Kathryn and Stuart immonens graphic novel:

Russian Olive to Red King

It's two parallel narratives detailing the final days of a relationship. Red King is the man left at home struggling unsuccessfully with an overdue deadline and the unexplained disappearance of his partner, Russian Olive, who may or may not have survived a plane crash in the northern bush. It's also got petroglyphs and Chekhov. Sounds like a scorcher, right?

Read More: http://www.comicsalliance.com/2013/...-kathryn-immonen-graphic-novel/#ixzz2ObIfJhoO



Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Finally read Amazing 698-700 and Superior #1. I can see why people got so mad, I was getting upset while I read it too. Even after I quit collecting in the early 90s (right when all the artists jumped ship to Image), I still read my brother's issues of Amazing each month when I came home from school on weekends. It was comforting to read Spiderman's one liners and enjoy the rest of the Spiderman formula. It's weird that you can't buy a monthly book where that's happening now.

I was not mad about One More Day, I never read it after I heard how terrible it was, but I had read the Back in Black issues when Spidey was all emo and I knew that wasn't sustainable.
First pages from Kathryn and Stuart immonens graphic novel:

Russian Olive to Red King

It's two parallel narratives detailing the final days of a relationship. Red King is the man left at home struggling unsuccessfully with an overdue deadline and the unexplained disappearance of his partner, Russian Olive, who may or may not have survived a plane crash in the northern bush. It's also got petroglyphs and Chekhov. Sounds like a scorcher, right?

Read More: http://www.comicsalliance.com/2013/...-kathryn-immonen-graphic-novel/#ixzz2ObIfJhoO

This looks, and sounds cool. I just recently discovered that Stuart was married and that they worked together on books. Have you read Moving Pictures?




FF #5


How is this series so far? I just recently discovered that it exists, but I don't know anything about/haven't heard any impressions.

The first issue was a moderately enjoyable heist-type book. If more issues get on Marvel Unlimited i'd probably check it out, but it didn't grab me.
The first issue was a moderately enjoyable heist-type book. If more issues get on Marvel Unlimited i'd probably check it out, but it didn't grab me.

First arc was promising, but it's gone downhill tbh. Only one artist (Clay Mann) on the team is even good and the writing was never that strong.

That's disappointing, but kind of what I feared. Gambit is due for a book of a high quality like Hawkeye has finally gotten. Hopefully someday it'll happen.



this is a thing people do i guess

ALSO! ZAUCER OF ZILK: COMPLETE is out this week for 7 bones. Very cool comix if you missed it in issue form!!
First pages from Kathryn and Stuart immonens graphic novel:

Russian Olive to Red King

It's two parallel narratives detailing the final days of a relationship. Red King is the man left at home struggling unsuccessfully with an overdue deadline and the unexplained disappearance of his partner, Russian Olive, who may or may not have survived a plane crash in the northern bush. It's also got petroglyphs and Chekhov. Sounds like a scorcher, right?

Read More: http://www.comicsalliance.com/2013/...-kathryn-immonen-graphic-novel/#ixzz2ObIfJhoO

Nothing on earth beats these dudes

Jedeye Sniv

Batman inc speculation: via bleeding cool

Grant is doing an extra issue with issue 13. Chris burnham may still be on the book pulling a tony daniel and writing it and drawing it.

seems it will exist post Morrison for sure.

I hope Burnham isn't writing it tbh. He's not exactly a sure fire thing as a writer and unless he's stellar, it feels like they're wasting a title on a lesser writer (like with Tony freakin Daniel insisting on writing all the time. YOU'RE NOT GOOD, STOP! Even JH Williams is not particularly well suited to scripting his own stuff). I also worry that it will slow down his pace too much.


Flash #18
Transformers Robots In Disguise #15
FF #5
Wolverine And X-men #27
Young Avengers #3

That's it for me this week.


We're like a year and a half into the N52, and there is still no Booster Gold monthly book. DC really needs to fix this problem.

A few details on the 'Avengers: Endless Wartime' OGN by Warren Ellis and Mike McKone (Bleeding Cool)

An abomination, long thought buried, has resurfaced in a war-torn land. But now it wears an American flag. Faced with another nightmare reborn, Captain America will not stand for yet more death at the hands of a ghost from his past. Haunted by his greatest shame, Thor must renew the hunt for a familiar beast. At their side, an assemblage of allies united to end the threats no one of them could face alone. They are soldiers. Warriors. Comrades-in-arms. Mighty heroes led by a living legend, stronger together than apart. They are the Avengers.
Releasing in October, $24.99 and comes with a digital code. Supposedly Marvel is planning a whole series of these, released like the Season One OGNs but this time featuring A-list talent on creative, instead of being a testing ground for unknowns. They want to recruit the best industry talent around and have them build a library of quality standalone material, this time.

A few details on the 'Avengers: Endless Wartime' OGN by Warren Ellis and Mike McKone (Bleeding Cool)

Releasing in October, $24.99 and comes with a digital code. Supposedly Marvel is planning a whole series of these, released like the Season One OGNs but this time featuring A-list talent on creative, instead of being a testing ground for unknowns. They want to recruit the best industry talent around and have them build a library of quality standalone material, this time.

If Ellis doesn't phone it in, this has the potential to be quite nice


A few details on the 'Avengers: Endless Wartime' OGN by Warren Ellis and Mike McKone (Bleeding Cool)

Releasing in October, $24.99 and comes with a digital code. Supposedly Marvel is planning a whole series of these, released like the Season One OGNs but this time featuring A-list talent on creative, instead of being a testing ground for unknowns. They want to recruit the best industry talent around and have them build a library of quality standalone material, this time.

Yessssssssss this is exactly what i want, including a digital code is a great thing too and i hope it sells well and transitions into more characters than just the top tier avengers. I didn't like the Season One OGN premise but this will hopefully be good even though it feels a little same-old-Avengers centric much like DC only releases OGN of Batman.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air

A few details on the 'Avengers: Endless Wartime' OGN by Warren Ellis and Mike McKone (Bleeding Cool)

Releasing in October, $24.99 and comes with a digital code. Supposedly Marvel is planning a whole series of these, released like the Season One OGNs but this time featuring A-list talent on creative, instead of being a testing ground for unknowns. They want to recruit the best industry talent around and have them build a library of quality standalone material, this time.

man marvel has stepped there game up so much....
I think these new graphic novels won't be longer if any than the season one books, which were bout the size of two floppies. HD a forward by Clark Gregg absolutely disgusts me. Quit it with this bullshit please Marbel.


If Amazon is listing that OGN for October then it's probably coming out in September since Amazon never gets anything when it releases.
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