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COMICS! |OT| March 2013. Pinching Dr. Banner? Bad idea; Hulk pinches you back.

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I think it has more to do with the fact that at any point a pre-teen can just grow powers randomly and with no warning, which is frightening.

Plus I point you all to spider-man, nobody like him and when they do they all quickly go back to hating him again. So it's not just the mutants people don't like.

Spider-man had a decade long smear campaign run against him by JJJ.

Well, the main fear is that humans can become mutants at puberty without any wild exposure/triggers. "What if my son/daughter is suddenly different?" The Fantastic Four went to space and got hit by a once-in-a-lifetime energy shower, Captain America had a top secret drug, Iron Man invented a suit of armor, etc. Mutants are feared because anyone can become one at any moment. I'll agree it's still a bit muddy simply because we're dealing with cape comics and 70 years of continuity, but the general idea is that anyone can become a mutant in the blink of an eye, living an ordinary life.

I hate to appear to be spamming this thread, but I enjoy discussing X-Men and mutant politics :/

I suppose I see your point. But due to said continuity, those once in a lifetime accidents happen pretty often. Look at all the current and former non-mutant teen heroes.


No Scrubs
Spider-man had a decade long smear campaign run against him by JJJ.

I know this is true, but actually having someone actually type it out is just really funny. It's like one of those things that we all know is true but no one really bothers to say out loud.

I suppose I see your point. But due to said continuity, those once in a lifetime accidents happen pretty often. Look at all the current and former non-mutant teen heroes.

You've also got people kicking up anti-mutant sentiment. We don't always hear about it, but we still know it happens since we'll hear about it every now and again.


Without having read the issue (I didn't really feel the two issues of UA, and with all the delays, I haven't gotten back to it), I believe part of the issue that the story of the X-Men has been for so long to learn how to be proud of being different. Part of that is owning the word mutant and not being ashamed. The whole "M-word" thing as I'm understanding it flies in the face of that for people on some level.

Hmm, I want to read this issue now. Could I understand it without having read all the previous issues?


Without having read the issue (I didn't really feel the two issues of UA, and with all the delays, I haven't gotten back to it), I believe part of the issue that the story of the X-Men has been for so long to learn how to be proud of being different. Part of that is owning the word mutant and not being ashamed. The whole "M-word" thing as I'm understanding it flies in the face of that for people on some level.

Hmm, I want to read this issue now. Could I understand it without having read all the previous issues?

Yes. Red Skull wrecked some stuff and incited mob violence against mutants before being defeated (and escaping). You are now caught up.

EDIT: There was a couple of epilogue pages in #4 that will be important later, but not for #5.
What's the argument behind liking paperbacks over hardcovers for collections? Ease of readability? I thought liked hardcovers since they hold up well on the shelf but when reading them they seem a bit tighter to hold.

They cost more, sucks holding them to read sometimes and the the dumb slipcover over the top. If anything put the hardcover and paperback out at the same time


They cost more, sucks holding them to read sometimes and the the dumb slipcover over the top. If anything put the hardcover and paperback out at the same time
Yeah, this. I hate that Marvel and DC just randomly will release some books as hardcover and some as trades. Trades are too thin to be hardcover imo. Plus the extra $5-$10.
A fear of mutants would be realistic if the Marvel universe didn't have thousands of non-mutant heroes who are just as powerful/dangerous and are adored by the public.

Thousands? If anything I think the number of loved non-mutant heroes (I don't think anyone really likes the Inhumans) is pretty small and particularly small in comparison to the number of non-mutant villains.
That's always being the strange disconnect between "well, we love The Thing big lovable rock man, but fuck Jubilee, mutie/gene-joke/freak, etc"
The Thing has an explicit in-universe explanation for non-Yancy Street humans liking him: Reed actively markets their team as a positive.


Yo! Comic gaf!
What's a good graphic novel that deals with heroism?
Like any character, I just feel like reading about a hero, a character who would do anything to save anyone. I don't care about his/her personal issues. I just want people being saved.
Does this exist?


Back from my ban, really enjoyed Batman Inc #9 (BAT COW!) as usual...but from the other half of Grant's evil insane mind I dont think I've ever wanted to stop reading a book more times in 40 pages than I did in Action Comics #18. Glad to be done with that.

Uncanny Avengers #5, the call backs to Lord Archangel/UXF and where the next arc is headed made me giddy. Didn't care much for the m-word one way or the other but Remender could have used alot more restraint in how he handled it on Twitter.

Age of Ultron works pretty good as a weekly book, given the padding these events get
Yo! Comic gaf!
What's a good graphic novel that deals with heroism?
Like any character, I just feel like reading about a hero, a character who would do anything to save anyone. I don't care about his/her personal issues. I just want people being saved.
Does this exist?

Self-contained? All Star Superman.

edit: longer running? Maybe Astro City or Tom Strong?


Yo! Comic gaf!
What's a good graphic novel that deals with heroism?
Like any character, I just feel like reading about a hero, a character who would do anything to save anyone. I don't care about his/her personal issues. I just want people being saved.
Does this exist?
The Spider Island stuff in Amazing Spider-Man maybe? It's a light affair with Spidey fighting for all of New York!


Yo! Comic gaf!
What's a good graphic novel that deals with heroism?
Like any character, I just feel like reading about a hero, a character who would do anything to save anyone. I don't care about his/her personal issues. I just want people being saved.
Does this exist?

Underwater welder.


The Spider Island stuff in Amazing Spider-Man maybe? It's a light affair with Spidey fighting for all of New York!

I'll veto the shit out of that. Because of REASONS.

If you want to get pretentious and heady and weird and grandiose and wonderful, get Flex Mentallo. It's required reading if you want to live life, pretty much.
Ok so I got Superior Spider-man #6 only to find out it deals with Ultron, good job warning me Marvel that I should read Ultron. >.>^

Someone let me know in a PM what happened and why Doc is in a post apocalyptic world please with Ultron bots.

On the DC side I have Superman and Teen Titans.

Superman was ehh, could have been better. I don't like the new gig Cat thought of honestly as a job but I am liking the prophecy with Superman. Orion and Superman throwing down is the event to look forward in the next few months and how Wonder Woman fits into that mess.

Teen Titans, whoa some weird stuff going on. Robin seems to have become unhinged. At least Superboy is back so the team is kinda complete.


Yo! Comic gaf!
What's a good graphic novel that deals with heroism?
Like any character, I just feel like reading about a hero, a character who would do anything to save anyone. I don't care about his/her personal issues. I just want people being saved.
Does this exist?

Astro City - Life in the Big City


Ok so I got Superior Spider-man #6 only to find out it deals with Ultron, good job warning me Marvel that I should read Ultron. >.>^

Someone let me know in a PM what happened and why Doc is in a post apocalyptic world please with Ultron bots.

Sounds like you picked up Superior Spider-Man #6AU which came out this week and is an Age of Ultron tie-in issue. Superior Spider-Man #6 came out last week.


Finished the second ult collection of New X-Men and loved it. The only downside is that it makes me think less of All New X-Men's first six issues, I liked them initially even though they are the typical bendis-slow pacing, but in comparison now they just feel so shallow and make me wonder if Bendis had an idea for this series past " wouldn't it be neat it..."
So glad to see Uncanny Avengers finally picking up steam amazing what a great artist can do for a series can't wait for dat BASED ACUNA. I want to see the reactions from other mutants on Alex's stance on the "m" word could lead.

GOTG was a good start always love Mcniven but I really dont like Starlords new mask :/ .
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