Feel free to switch out creep for mysognist or jerk.
Also, where is that gif from?
True, but then that opens up an even bigger list
and it's from the 1995 cinematic treasure Hackers

Feel free to switch out creep for mysognist or jerk.
Also, where is that gif from?
Guys I'm concerned. What if the lumberjanes have no homes. This is a never ending camp with no mention of parents. Maybe the world has ended and they're all orphans at the last sanctuary protected by a wizard God.
Think about it.
Read issues #1 to #11 of Black Science finally. Really good stuff and I'm looking forward to the next arc.
Also read the first Deadly Class TPB. Interesting, but I'll want to read more before I get too excited.
I started Harley Quinn. I'm only three issues in, so maybe I'm missing the brilliance so far.
I have Trees and Low lined up, along with Spider-Gwen.
Read issues #1 to #11 of Black Science finally. Really good stuff and I'm looking forward to the next arc.
Also read the first Deadly Class TPB. Interesting, but I'll want to read more before I get too excited.
I started Harley Quinn. I'm only three issues in, so maybe I'm missing the brilliance so far.
I have Trees and Low lined up, along with Spider-Gwen.
what the heck is it with taking a cute thing and trying to make it deep and metaphysical by artificially injecting tons of sadness into it
is it because of adventure time
it's gotta be right
so good
Kevin Wada variant for All-New Hawkeye #2:
so good
okay seriously what the fuck's up with those holes on Kate's costume how is that even a thing
Yeah I was wondering about those as well, they just scream anime fanservice stuff lol.
Its a great series. I wish issues would come out faster. Have you read Amelia Cole yet? I like Bandette more but also really good.I am re-reading Bandette as I bought the physical hardcover. Just a beautiful, hilarious book. It's exactly the kind of thing I like.
Everything dies.what the heck is it with taking a cute thing and trying to make it deep and metaphysical by artificially injecting tons of sadness into it
is it because of adventure time
it's gotta be right
never seen adventure time.
Its a great series. I wish issues would come out faster. Have you read Amelia Cole yet? I like Bandette more but also really good.
Also has anyone read giant days? The preview showed promise.
Everything dies.never seen adventure time.
She's looking like Desire in that coverMy bad Wada is doing the covers on the next Catwoman run. The first one he has shown off is awesome.
okay seriously what the fuck's up with those holes on Kate's costume how is that even a thing
haha true at the bolded
Alright, I believe you when you say he is not a creep. Harassment is not a one time thing though. By his own admission, he crossed a line. I don't think I've seen anything about how Val DOrazio was a jerk to him, so maybe we've given a limited account of it.
If the ComicsAlliance editors can make a case for him as a different guy, then I suppose we can accept it while acknowledging it happened although not all will be OK with that. Ten years is certainly long enough to change.
If you were to go back not even ten years ago in my college days, you would see some comics with mysogynist undertones. Not until I had dissassociated myself from some people and befriended some others who were active feminists did I see those undertones in my work and then worked to never repeat them.
Which kind of raises a question, is there a statue of limitations on stupid shit a creator has said or done in the past? And how do we weigh current actions/attitudes of the creators vs previous behavior? If Orson Scott Card decided to change his attitudes, would the majority of us who decided to not support his work be open to his future work? Honestly, I don't know if I would.
Kevin Wada variant for All-New Hawkeye #2:
so good
You guys reading ANH? I'm tempted to start it, but, you know, issue #22.
Guys I'm concerned. What if the lumberjanes have no homes. This is a never ending camp with no mention of parents. Maybe the world has ended and they're all orphans at the last sanctuary protected by a wizard God.
Think about it.
I was there, he and I and several others were writing a book together at the time. Val had come into conflict with a few of our friends at the time (who were mentioned in one of the many articles this week), and was a jerk to them. I think saying "Go cry about it, Val." (His exact words, there was no "little girl", trust me, we all remember.) is tone deaf, hurtful, and insensitive. But it's not being a creep.
Limited account is probably the best description you could use. Most recent articles are ignoring that David contacted Chris first this round and Val had erased much of her online presence from the time, and this was before the days of "Gotcha" screenshotting.
This is probably the only place I'd bother clarifying all this stuff, because it's a pointless task and no one wants to blame the victim of this sort of thing. No one deserves to be harassed, and Chris acknowledged that in his apology. My only goal is to better illustrate the Chris I know factually to exist.
For the record, the reason I thought Val was a jerk back then was because she called Final Crisis a failure because it sold less than Secret Invasion. Still makes me mad just having to type that idea out.
Guys I'm concerned. What if the lumberjanes have no homes. This is a never ending camp with no mention of parents. Maybe the world has ended and they're all orphans at the last sanctuary protected by a wizard God.
Think about it.
Sounds like the next installment of Runaways.
Is that new Runaways series only for Secret Wars or will it be an ongoing?
Isn't Secret Wars supposed to be the new status quo of Marvel?
Isn't Secret Wars supposed to be the new status quo of Marvel?
I am. Worth a look if you enjoy Clint and Kate.Nice!
You guys reading ANH? I'm tempted to start it, but, you know, issue #22.
I don't know what's going on with anything Secret Wars. I don't know if they're minis, ongoings, etc. Marvel's just announcing stuff everywhere.Is that new Runaways series only for Secret Wars or will it be an ongoing?
They are all minis disguised as ongoings.I am. Worth a look if you enjoy Clint and Kate.
I don't know what's going on with anything Secret Wars. I don't know if they're minis, ongoings, etc. Marvel's just announcing stuff everywhere.
You forgot AlphaIs 2014/2015 the first year where Marvel rolled out new characters that stuck? So far:
Mrs Marvel
That's really impressive.
Is 2014/2015 the first year where Marvel rolled out new characters that stuck? So far:
Mrs Marvel
That's really impressive.
Oh, Silk and Spider-Gwen stuck alright. Because they're Spider-People.
ku ku ku ku ku
I'm hoping Red Hood/Arsenal will be the broest of bro comics. Like Paul Walker and Tyrese Gibson level of bro love from 2 Fast 2 Furious.
This is the sad truth.
Is 2014/2015 the first year where Marvel rolled out new characters that stuck? So far:
Mrs Marvel
That's really impressive.
Sorry Messi, I was making a joke about spiders sticking to things. It wasn't actually a deeper commentary on how spider-characters are easier to establish to the mainstream.
sticking don't count unless it's past the 8th issue mark
Really? Because Elektra and She-Hulk both made it and got cancelled anyway.
*Awaits Silver Surfer cancellation announcement*
I have one but its still wrapped. You want to hurry, its going OOP soon.Anyone have the Infinity Guantlet omnibus? I just saw a friend's and I want it.
i said forget about it cuh
Silver Surfer is getting a "Last Days" issue. It's ending.