Grayson continues to be better than anything you're currently reading.
Batgirl Endgame #1: What the fuck did I just "read"?
This is why you should be careful with what Messi recommends :V
This is why you should be careful with what Messi recommends :V
It's just bizarre. It's a silent issue for no seemingly good reason. The panel flow is confusing in several spots that the silence doesn't help, like, why is the girl texting Batgirl with frowny faces. What the fuck is the context? Then at one point she leaves the bus to get away but then is back on it randomly and Batgirl drives it off a bridge???
Oh and then it just ends. Hard stop.
Fire / Ice adorbz.
Grayson continues to be better than anything you're currently reading.
Fire / Ice adorbz.
what book is this?
Justice League 3000
It's gonna be a long wait until June for JL3K1
Supergirl: Emanuela Lupacchino continues to draw the most gorgeous everything. Hnnnngh. And she packs every panel with detail. It's criminal this series is ending.
Also random Maxima coming onto Kara.
Its like a match made in heaven.
Don't you mean Tamaran?
I don't know what that is and I wont respond to it.
The name of Starfire's race and home planet.
The name of Starfire's race and home planet.
Yo, Messi, what's it like back there on the band wagon?
Yes it is. But hopefully people will take a chance with the relaunch and embrace it.
The Starfire love. Where were you when she was on Red Hood and the Outlaws?
I looked at my Comixology acccount, and found I had over 600 issues.
I have no idea how it got that high. >_>
Axis really does go out of its way in its quest to be shittier than Age of Loltron.
I read an interview with Giffen and it sounds like DC is ok with the sales, but yeah it'd be great to see it take off. There's some fun stuff coming up in the relaunch:. Porter posted his designs for the last one on twitter.Gal Gardner, future Supergirl, New Gods, and Starro
I am around 1.100 issues. And this is my Marvel stuff only.I looked at my Comixology acccount, and found I had over 600 issues.
I have no idea how it got that high. >_>
Oh wow.
Axis really does go out of its way in its quest to be shittier than Age of Loltron.
heh i'm at 14,122 :/
So i'm making my way through Nova and its much more enjoyable than i would have expected. I'm about to wrap up #9
Why is that guy in the back pointing at Apocalypse's belt buckle?
We can all see it.
It's huge.
Just finished the second season of Breaking Bad... Krysten Rytter is just a wonderful woman...
Wow, Messi and I couldn't be further apart on this. Most romance stuff in movies makes me wretch, but I think that's just my immaturity. Any kissing or similar in a film has me reaching for the sick bag most of the time. It's pure cringe.
I've only seen 8 of the 50 romantic comedies in this list for instance.
And before anyone says "you'll sit through the worst of violence but not any showing of skin" I can't watch most horror stuff either. I like the ridiculous ones with goofy villains like Nightmare on Elm Street or Friday the 13th (I got into both of those after reading Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash 1 and 2), or comedies like Army of Darkness or Shaun of the Dead, but most of the time, NOPE NOPE NOPE.
She co-created him! His Ultimate U name is also a referenceI've only seen 4 of those movies. Huh.
Also, before I forget again: Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe did what seems like a pointless, random Ann Nocenti nod/reference/name drop. Just weird and caught me off guard...
She co-created him! His Ultimate U name is also a reference
Nope, I haven't touched anything in quite some time. Just not feeling like it, for some reason. That's why I'm not posting much here, not following the thread either.Hey hey, kd-z. You been reading any comics?
Please share your thoughts on SHOWA as soon as possible! It sounds really intriguing.IST order is finally here. More Manga than Comics this time though. They usually ship Fedex Ground for me, but used USPS (slow!) this time.
WTF. People like this actually exist, with 30 more people actually agreeing with this statement and 49 more wanting to share it with the world.
Black Hood #2 is this week, right?
I don't want young Jean and Eva to go away![]()
The Adventures of Young Jean & Eva Bell
Do you guys have any recommendations for comic podcasts?