Baron von Loathsome
My hair is reddish brown though. That's pretty Irish.
You 'ave t' get th' accent right, though, laddie.
My hair is reddish brown though. That's pretty Irish.
You 'ave t' get th' accent right, though, laddie.
You offending my people bro? You want trouble bro?
The All New Hawkeye team wants to differentiate itself from the old Hawkeye in a significant way by releasing it on time.
Ooh, it appears tha' I've lost me lucky charms.![]()
Mahvel won't reboot AND the x-men will stay in universe?
Called it.
It's times like this I wish I'd saved JC's signature anime girl gif.
Which will finish first, Hawkeye or Hunter X Hunter?
There is no Marvel MOBA. Marvel Heroes is a Diablo clone with MMO elements and Infinite Crisis is a DC game.
You 'ave t' get th' accent right, though, laddie.
Hey, I liked what I played of Marvel Heroes even though it hated my laptop's GFX card (new PC can't get here soon enough). It's just very hard to justify another loot-whore game in my life when I've double dipped on Diablo III, my friends only want to play Borderlands and Path of Exile's amazing business model exists (seriously, how does that game make any money?).
COMICS! I finished Hawkeye vs. Deadpool last night. Really fun mini, loved the cartoony art style as well. Deadpool, Clint and Kate make quite the team.
Mahvel won't reboot AND the x-men will stay in universe?
Called it.
Big numbers frighten them until they reach a big milestoneWhat's the point of relaunching stuff 1 year after they relaunched stuff.
Does Marvel hate the number 20 or something.
What's the point of relaunching stuff 1 year after they relaunched stuff.
Does Marvel hate the number 20 or something.
Mahvel won't reboot AND the x-men will stay in universe?
Called it.
That doesn't actually answer the question though.
Earth 2 is part of the DC universe. But it's not Earth Prime.
I made a list of Convergence, post Convergence and Secret Wars books I'd be willing to try during the events.
46 books.
Fucking hell lads.
I'll get most of those Marvel books for $1
Ok Kipp
But when you continue this way, there wont be a Comic Con anymore #EverythingIsConnectedGotta save that $$$ for Comic Con
Gotta save that $$$ for Comic Con
But when you continue this way, there wont be a Comic Con anymore #EverythingIsConnected
The Kate/Clint relationship is the best thing to come out of Fraction/Aja's Hawkeye. That's by far my favorite part of it, among everything else that is good about it.
Ok Kipp
Real talk:
Even though I'm making way more money now, that just means I want to save more money, so I gave myself a monthly budget of $250 to spend on entertainment and whatnot. Even though I've set aside that small amount of money to spend without guilt on fun things, I hadn't bought anything this whole month until I just splurged and bought that Hulkbuster Lego set at Target since it was on sale for $24.
I've now gone into the mindset that I need to save my entertainment budget in case a month comes where I want to spend more than $250 on fun things.
I'm saving the money I've set aside from my savings specifically to spend. I'm the worst.
When Kipp deposits money in the bank he thinks that he needs to save more money because he just lost some.
I lol'd
The scary part is that there's a tiny bit of truth in it... When I invested about 90% of my savings into index funds a while back, I was like "Oh geez. I gotta save money. I've barely got any left."
I lol'd
The scary part is that there's a tiny bit of truth in it... When I invested about 90% of my savings into index funds a while back, I was like "Oh geez. I gotta save money. I've barely got any left."
Saving money is for suckers. You could buy hot toys with that money. Or more IST orders.
Saving money is for suckers. You could buy hot toys with that money. Or more IST orders.
Real talk:
Even though I'm making way more money now, that just means I want to save more money, so I gave myself a monthly budget of $250 to spend on entertainment and whatnot. Even though I've set aside that small amount of money to spend without guilt on fun things, I hadn't bought anything this whole month until I just splurged and bought that Hulkbuster Lego set at Target since it was on sale for $24.
I've now gone into the mindset that I need to save my entertainment budget in case a month comes where I want to spend more than $250 on fun things.
I'm saving the money I've set aside from my savings specifically to spend. I'm the worst.
#deadOoh, it appears tha' I've lost me lucky charms.![]()
Hell Kipp, I wish I was more like you. Dropping serious cash on this new PC the next few weeks, and I'm making it worse by buying games as "benchmarks". This week alone, I bought MGS Ground Zeroes, Game of Thrones, Blackrock Mountain, Dragon Age: Inquisition and Wolfenstein: New Order. Granted, they were all on sale except Blackrock because LOL BLIZZARD, but still. Mortal Kombat X is the last one until the Summer Sale for me. I think I'm skipping the Kombat Pack as well since I only want the Predator. There's more than enough characters in the core set for me.
I gotta get serious now that I have an actual job. I've lived by the seat of my pants for the last few years, now I gotta think about savings and paying my student loans and stuff. Convergence and Secret Wars are a good time to drastically cut down the pulllist I think.
I should put more money into investing but I sort of like my things. I would like to play the stock market though.
One of my coworkers had a great idea:
"I'm just going to take this check and bet it all on black."
Working through the backlog, realized i never got around to reading this thang
So i did.
Have a hard time understanding how they'd allow something like this to happen nowadays. From the way the dialogue is written and the story is formed, all the way to how it ends.
Don't know if one is supposed to pity or be glad that kraven achieved his goal.
(then again, editorial allowed Axis to happen, so giving no fucks ain't exactly a new concept to them)