I fucking love today's artist, the only thing I appreciate more then a good artist is a consistent one who can keep a schedule. I still put a lot of loyalty in writers but I also respect writers who stay loyal to artists.
Creative teams that have a strong releationship are the best. Matt Fraction and Chip Zdarsky probably have the most fun together in the entire industry and put out a successful book. Chip's career suddenly jumping to writing multiple books isn't a coincidence.
Too bad, there are only a handful of such strong creative teams.
One of the things that's happen over the years, particularly at Marvel, is having artists rotate arcs or having "new series artist" like every four five issues, lol. I'm fine with that in theory, but you don't have unity of creative voice for the whole run, and it makes seem that much disposable, cogs in the machine cuz this mothafucka has to come out every month with or without you.
But if that's the only way we get Frazier Irving or Frank Quitely on a Batman book, I'll take it. You just gonna have niggas referring to it as "Morrison's Batman" instead of "Morrison/Kubert/Williams III/Quitely/Burnham/Stewart/Irving/Paquette's Batman", cuz what a mouthful.
that is one of the things I like about Image now, they'll take breaks in-between their trade-size stories so they keep the same aesthetic throughout. Every single issue of Saga is gonna be by BKV and Fiona Staples, nobody else.