liamquane asked: What is your favorite film of the Marvel Universe and Why?
BrianMichaelBendis: I really like Capt. America Winter soldier. it just hits my soft spots.
RonFett asked: Has the forthcoming Secret Wars altered your original direction for Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man or is everything unfolding the way you intended? I'm asking because Secret Wars is going to be starting soon yet there are lots of plot points in Ultimate Spider-Man that haven't even been touched on yet (like the Spider-Man twins). LOVE your work by the way.
BrianMichaelBendis: We have a few more issues to go so stay tuned and I've known about secret wars for years. literally. you just heard about it but we've been planning for a long time.
Ianras asked: Are you going to revise Fortune and Glory now that you have seen what a completed movie/tv project looks like from beginning to end?
BrianMichaelBendis: I don't think I would ever revise it but the sequel may be in order.
carletonseth asked: What are your favourite books you are currently reading?
BrianMichaelBendis: Lazarus, bitch planet, demon, sex criminals, Casanova, the wicked and the divine, trees, shaft.
RyanMHolt asked: Cannot wait for Powers!!! What ever happened to Peter trying to track down 616-Miles that was teased at the end of Spider-Men? Has that been shelved or will it be explored in the future? Do you think Spider-Gwen will eventually have the legacy that Ultimate Spider-Man has now?
BrianMichaelBendis: spider-men 2 is still very much a thing. keep an eye in the sky. its a big year for reveals with marvel's secret war coming. as far as spider-gwen, only time will tell. but i wish every creator the complete joy we have has with USM. sincerely.
dayofthedead204 asked: Hi Brian, Thanks for doing this ama, I’m a huge fan! I have three questions: I’ve heard you’re a fan of Alan Moore’s work – what are your top three favorite titles he’s written? When will we find out who is Miles Morales in the main Marvel Universe that was hinted at the end of “Spider-Men?” This is a little off topic but what do you think about The Transformers franchise? Do you have a favorite Transformer? Thanks Brian!
BrianMichaelBendis: Promethea, the league of extraordinary gentlemen century books, and the last Superman story. yes. never been much of a Transformers person. that has eluded me. and the movies don't help, do they?
but if you get a chance to watch the Transformers movies with RiffTrax... perfection