Does she get a own villain in the issue or is the against someone from Peter rouge gallary?
I did manage to get Silk digitally and it was better than Gwen, I just didn't wanna say anything since I was hyping Spider-Gwen to high heaven.
It's actually in the article I posted last page.
LOL, I didn't actually click on that link since I got confused and thought it was the same ComicVine one I had read, which didn't mention anything about that. Onto Newsarama I go haha!The Carol corps are the only ones buying it so I doubt it.
I have no problem with them name dropping the fans to try and drum up support. Plus I like the name. The book needs all the help it can get right now.
Its in the story Cheska
I did manage to get Silk digitally and it was better than Gwen, I just didn't wanna say anything since I was hyping Spider-Gwen to high heaven.
Hey, c'mon. We're comic-gaf. We can say things to each other.
Liked Gwen better.
I did manage to get Silk digitally and it was better than Gwen, I just didn't wanna say anything since I was hyping Spider-Gwen to high heaven.
Lime in the sand!
Silk is and will always be awful. Spider-Qwen is more interesting overall despite being a tired concept.
If you looked up OT comics discussion in a dictionary, there would be a picture of the op of that new batman thread.
They’re steeped in realism, and they’re a little bit edgier than Marvel’s movies.”
Did some reading finally..
Savage Sword of Criminal was pretty awesome... Anyone else read this?
(Criminal One-Shot)
It was really cool how the comic switched back and forth ...
Maybe spoiler ?Thought it was pretty cool.From The comic "Savage Sword" that Teeg Lawless was reading,, and someone would interrupt him and it would go back to Criminal comic.
That quote from the WB CEO in it's original context was for WB's direction with the movies not their comics.
That quote from the WB CEO in it's original context was for WB's direction with the movies not their comics.
The Batman news really concernce me in some kind of way.
What's the general consensus here on The Boys? I'm loving Preacher, but I'm almost done with that and I'm thinking of starting The Boys next
It wouldnt me surprise if the Iron Bat turns out to be the same guy who is going to be the Arkham Guy.I'm wary, but in Snyder and Capullo I trust. I think they have earned me giving the new direction a shot at least.
Did Snyder make any references to Knightfall in Zero Year (like say, the TV news panels aping DKR, or the "I shall become a bat" from Year One)? I feel like this could be his take on it.
What's the general consensus here on The Boys? I'm loving Preacher, but I'm almost done with that and I'm thinking of starting The Boys next
It wouldnt me surprise if the Iron Bat turns out to be the same guy who is going to be the Arkham Guy.
Are there any hints regarding Kingdom Come? I havent read it yet, but I know that Bruce let a couple of Bat-Bots patrol in Gotham.
Since Rocksteady maybe spoiled by themself who the Arkham Knight is... Attention, maybe Arkham Knight Spoiler:Oh shit son, you could be right.
The Arkham Knight is an original character underneath the mask. Snyder sounds like he's thought of this new guy years ago.
Thats what they say. Like they said that Black Mask wont be the Joker or Deathstroke having a major role.The Arkham Knight is an original character underneath the mask. Snyder sounds like he's thought of this new guy years ago.
Thats what they say. Like they said that Black Mask wont be the Joker or Deathstroke having a major role.
This one still annoys me. He was all over the marketing.
I heard every character in Arkham Knight is actually the Joker. Unconfirmed though.
Nope that's confirmed.
What's with all the Tumblr crowd hate? Frankly, I'm happy that we're empowering voices to help make comics more progressive.
What's with all the Tumblr crowd hate? Frankly, I'm happy that we're empowering voices to help make comics more progressive.
What's with all the Tumblr crowd hate? Frankly, I'm happy that we're empowering voices to help make comics more progressive.
What's with all the Tumblr crowd hate? Frankly, I'm happy that we're empowering voices to help make comics more progressive.
Absolutely. Plus the tumblr crowd usually leads to more girly books.
Seems Erica Henderson will be working with Archie. She posted this on Instagram. Seems the thing on the right is a contract.
Could she be the artist on the Archie reboot post Fiona Staples.
I think Tumblr tends to represent an entirely different audience than typical comic fans so theres little crossover and a tendency to 'otherize'. I think generalizing Tumblr is kind of shitty. We can do better.
Absolutely. Plus the tumblr crowd usually leads to more girly books.
...yeah?Do tumblr kids even buy comics?
Didn't you just call tumblr home to the corniest people on the internet like recentlyI have no problem with Tumblr. I poke fun at how the site is all about trends, and that if you follow said trends you can identify what is currently hot and either profit off of it, or find success in multiple industries by targeting said demographic.
Friends don't let other friends read new52 Suicide Squad. Ask them why they're angry with you.
That is no friend.
Read her solo series from Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner. It is currently running and is fantastic upbeat hijinks and is closer to old harley than they have been in some time. I am not saying it is old Harley but this book has no interest in being grimdark like Suicide Squad. It about Harley and her cast of characters having fun. If you enjoyed jimmy and amandas Power Girl you will love this. It even has a 3 issue crossover.