I thought Messi was Olivia Wilde! Isn't the avatar from real pic event?You're living in the future reading comics. You're basically Eva Bell with a beard.
I thought Messi was Olivia Wilde! Isn't the avatar from real pic event?You're living in the future reading comics. You're basically Eva Bell with a beard.
Picked up the first trade of rat queens the other day thanks to you people. Hope it's awesome.
You're living in the future reading comics. You're basically Eva Bell with a beard.
I thought Messi was Olivia Wilde! Isn't the avatar from real pic event?
Shit. My secret is out.
I am time travelling Olivia Wilde.
Oh.... so how was Tron 3?
He can only go hours into the future. He's not a Mary Sue.
I should be getting my package with the rest of Morrison's Batman tomorrow and I was just wondering the reading order. I finished Batman and Robin vol. 2 and from what I gather I should read Time and the Batman and then The Return of Bruce Wayne, followed by Batman and Robin Vol. 3. Is that right? Does it really matter?
I just read all 10 issues. I'm in love. Hahaha Betty is the star of the series.SO ANYWAY, I read Rat Queens and I am now all caught up.
WHAT IN THE FUCK AT THAT LAST PANEL? Don't do this Wiebe and Sejic! Don't kill Hannah....
Comics make me sad sometimes.
Oh, well... that's kind of a limited superpower.
Betty is the best Rat Queen
I know Filthy has said it, Messi reads it, and a few others read it but are silent about it, but all of you who enjoy good books should seriously be reading Silver Surfer. It has hints of Dr Who, the art is stellar, the story is really sweet, and it probably Slott's strongest book on the market.
I typed out an answer, but then I checked to make sure my answer was correct and found this more comprehensive answer here.
Not all of the stuff in that list is necessary, just FYI. All of the lame, skippable tie-ins are included in that list. You've got the stuff that matters already. But yeah, that guide looks solid to me.
Sweet, thanks for this. How important are those "missing chapters" from RIP? According to this list I should have read them earlier in the run.
Sweet, thanks for this. How important are those "missing chapters" from RIP? According to this list I should have read them earlier in the run.
Absolutely read Final Crisis. Saying it's the best event doesn't really mean shit, but it's just a great run of comics that bring together so much of the DCU and its history in smart and fun ways. Also, it made me want to dig further back into the DCU, to better understand everything at play outside of the main action, which is really impressive and kind of what big-2 events should fucking do.Sweet, thanks for this. How important are those "missing chapters" from RIP? According to this list I should have read them earlier in the run.
Also: these are great fucking comics and honestly they might have saved my life because they got me out of a way bad place.
Morrison's Batman run and Final Crisis? That's awesome--Morrison's comics are powerful, man.
Absolutely read Final Crisis. Saying it's the best event doesn't really mean shit, but it's just a great run of comics that bring together so much of the DCU and its history in smart and fun ways. Also, it made me want to dig further back into the DCU, to better understand everything at play outside of the main action, which is really impressive and kind of what big-2 events should fucking do.
All of it, but especially RIP: The Missing Chapters. That whole "first truth of Batman" thing was exactly what I needed to hear at the time.
Sweet, thanks for all the help guys. Sounds like I will be checking out Final Crisis.
Watching Powers and I'm honestly not sure what to think of it so far.'s a little jarring.I don't even have to watch it to tell you it's shit. They fucked up huge on casting.
Episode 1 is the worst out of the 3 but i really, really enjoyed episodes 2 and 3. It's by far the most interesting super hero show currently on TV aside from Flash IMO.I don't even have to watch it to tell you it's shit. They fucked up huge on casting.
Yeah. Walker is supposed to be that strong V shape chested masculine figure that offers both equal parts fatherly comfort and intimidation. Not an insurance salesman.I don't even have to watch it to tell you it's shit. They fucked up huge on casting.
we FigureGAF now? Aight, look what came out this week
I need this. Is there a Bishop one?we FigureGAF now? Aight, look what came out this week
yeah, if i see this in my lcs, it'll be hard not to buy on the spotOh shit! Nice!
They had the Thanos Select in at my LCS but I slept on it and missed it. Might gav the to rectify that!
I need this. Is there a Bishop one?
Powers was BAD guys. Real BAD.
Avengers Arena and Undercover have got to be two of the most poorly concieved and executed books I've ever seen. What good ever comes out of pissing off a mass of fans of obscure teen characters and teams, people that they have followed for years, for the sake of cheap shock value?
man in a couple of hours I get to know what's the deal with that Rabum Alal fella, i'm SO HYPE