So down for Staples, Zdarsky
Hell yes.
So down for Staples, Zdarsky
That Wonder Woman terrifies me, but Supergirl is tempting.
Anyone want to buy some comics? I just got back from my doctor's visit and my new health insurance doesn't cover my $600/mo prescription any longer. FML
Totally hot Archie covers/Variants for the relaunch.
Fiona Staples
Chip Zdarsky
Francesco Francavilla
Robert Hack
So down for Staples, Zdarsky
I can't be the only one who's going to read this and have a hard time getting the image of Archie fucking a spider out of my head, am I?
I am gonna go ahead and assume that is something from Afterlife and not some weird kinky sex video you found.
I can't be the only one who's going to read this and have a hard time getting the image of Archie fucking a spider out of my head, am I?
supergirl out of stock![]()
Maybe he's referring to the Stalk from Saga?
Who is Michonne? I can't remember.
Meh,SDCC .
She likes it in her spinner.
what's so meh about it now, aside from all the usual reasons to "meh" it
what's so meh about it now, aside from all the usual reasons to "meh" it
A literal ocean of nerd-sweat.
I only get to go Sunday this year barring some miracle and I'm mad about it. I'll be a meh on the outside but a ffffff on the inside.
Meh,SDCC .
This is the best cover, if only for what it promises.
This is the best cover, if only for what it promises.
Is that one of those fancy newfangled Starbucks drinks?
I was reading the editorial, and I didn't know that people thoughtWhat? That's some OT logic.Alpha was Michonne?
Of course she is. Because I was thinking about buying one.
oh man, is that the horny alien dude from the Conner run on Power Girl!?
Holy shit, they're already going back to the boob window?
All I know is based on that last page,.Alpha better watch her back. King Carl is coming for them all
Also the mini takes placeWhen Harley and Pee Gee come out of the time loop during the crossover and pee gee is wearing a wedding dress. So we can assume he has something to do with that. The sexy bastard.
Its a crossover with Jimmy and Amandas old Power Girl series where she had the boob window.
Late suggestion but I really liked Pax Romana, it's one of Hickman's earlier books:There any good time travel graphic novels? Nothing supernatural except the time travel I guess, No powers or whatever.
Vatican-backed research has discovered the secret of time travel. With it the Church plans to fix the future by altering the past. They send a warehouse of modern weaponry and enhanced soldiers to Rome in 312AD.
Isn't Stephane Roux doing the art too? Book of the year material right there.
Thanks for the well wishes, guys... I don't want to take anyone's money but I might need to sell some single issues / trades, and if that's the case I'll make a list for y'all.
I do have a copy Edge of Spiderverse #2... if only I had 6 of them, I'd be able to pay for the meds I'm out of on Friday.
This is the best cover, if only for what it promises.
Thanks for the well wishes, guys... I don't want to take anyone's money but I might need to sell some single issues / trades, and if that's the case I'll make a list for y'all.
I do have a copy Edge of Spiderverse #2... if only I had 6 of them, I'd be able to pay for the meds I'm out of on Friday.
New Hellboy statue coming out in France by a french company called Fariboles that for the first time in it's history is doing an American comic book character...
More pics at the link:
This is funny to me, being in the UK this thing is cheaper for me then the 1/4th Sideshow PF was, and because it's in the EU there isn't a custom tax fee, but for most of the rest of you it's way more then the Sideshow piece. Weird world we live in...
That Batman thread is something else. Capullo is apparently the wrong person to draw Batman fighting the Justice League in Gotham as a fight like that should be drawn cartoony.
This really is some major bullshit. Is there no other provider you can switch to?
No generic version of your meds that your plan will cover? That's seriously a bunch of bs.
Awesome. I love that era of PG. That and Zatanna were such quality female led books. It was a shame to see them go.
Sucks to hear, faux, but comb through your floppies and see if anything is selling on ebay. May not be much but I'm sure you got enough stuff to get at least one more dose of that medicine. Also, get rid of that damn Spider-Verse before the tumblrverse stops hyping Spider Gwen.Thanks for the well wishes, guys... I don't want to take anyone's money but I might need to sell some single issues / trades, and if that's the case I'll make a list for y'all.
I do have a copy Edge of Spiderverse #2... if only I had 6 of them, I'd be able to pay for the meds I'm out of on Friday.
Capullo isn't cartoony?
Do I start Stray Bullets or Doom Patrol first?
Capullo himself will tell you that he's cartoony, especially compared to the current DC roster of artists.Capullo isn't cartoony?
Doom Patrol.
Just in case the Stray Bullets book club happens later.
Capullo himself will tell you that he's cartoony, especially compared to the current DC roster of artists.
He is in my eyes. He is also perfect for drawing that fight in my eyes. He knocked it out of the park.
Capullo himself will tell you that he's cartoony, especially compared to the current DC roster of artists.
JC would need to stop getting banned for that to happen.