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COMICS! |OT| March 2015. Warning: can be hazardous to your financial health.


Not really into stuff that doesn't have some sort of fantastical element, sorry. There's the odd exception but if it doesn't have aliens, superpowers, robots, elves or dragons there's a high chance i won't like it.

Agreed, there has to be something outlandish for me in order to watch a show. But it doesn't have to be the things you listed.

For example, there's this show called Person of Interest that is currently about two AIs warring with eachother over the safety and control of the world through the net.

That shit doesn't happen in real life. But it mixes elements of the real world and a grand AI conspiracy that is implausible so well.

And like you, there's the exception.
Worked off one of the image holiday sale minis. Has anyone read All Nighters? It was a five issue mini about a sort of punk girl stealing and doing things with her friends. The art is simple but cute and the characters seem good and I liked some of the slice of live stuff but good god that has to be the most unfocused 5 issues ever. I could never find a single theme, and evey couple issues it'd change focus. Maybe it was trying to do a coming of age story but it failed to convey this through on panel events or MC actions. I could see some of this pacing of was an ongoing series but it was planned 5 issues. Map it out better.

Wasn't a waste of time but not really recommended either


That sounds more interesting than a major event comic tbh, hopefully the dialogue is on point in dainty daisies

"Love, did you see the prime minister on the Telly today talking about the banks an' regulation an' all that nonsense?"

"I did, Enuice. While I feel as if our investments are still secure, my focus was less on the topic at hand and more on who he was wearing. Do you think that was Hugo Boss or some other bloke?"

"Marvin darling, how should I know? He could be wearing Armani and it would still be like putting lipstick on a pig."

"Eunice...quite down love. We don't want the others to hear you speak like that. A lady should watch her tongue. How about we get going and go for a stroll in the park?"

"In these shoes, Marvin? Are you mad? My ankles will be swolen for months!"


"Love, did you see the prime minister on the Telly today talking about the banks an' regulation an' all that nonsense?"

"I did, Enuice. While I feel as if our investments are still secure, my focus was less on the topic at hand and more on who he was wearing. Do you think that was Hugo Boss or some other bloke?"

"Marvin darling, how should I know? He could be wearing Armani and it would still be like putting lipstick on a pig."

"Eunice...quite down love. We don't want the others to hear you speak like that. A lady should watch her tongue. How about we get going and go for a stroll in the park?"

"In these shoes, Marvin? Are you mad? My ankles will be swolen for months!"

Where did Enuice go?


Not really into stuff that doesn't have some sort of fantastical element, sorry. There's the odd exception but if it doesn't have aliens, superpowers, robots, elves or dragons there's a high chance i won't like it.

And I'm not part of the hijinks club! At least I don't think I am. The only hijinks books I like are Rat Queens and Sunstone. I guess I did like Power Girl: Power Trip as well. But that's it dammit!

Sunstone is not a hijinks book. This is an insult of the greatest magnitude .
Not really into stuff that doesn't have some sort of fantastical element, sorry. There's the odd exception but if it doesn't have aliens, superpowers, robots, elves or dragons there's a high chance i won't like it.

And I'm not part of the hijinks club! At least I don't think I am. The only hijinks books I like are Rat Queens and Sunstone. I guess I did like Power Girl: Power Trip as well. But that's it dammit!
Hmm. I'm assuming you've watched firefly, Buffy and angel then. Same with DR who & xfiles. POI is secretly a scifi comic book show but CBS doesn't reliaze it.

Supernatural is greatness once it gets going.
Sunstone is not a hijinks book. This is an insult of the greatest magnitude .

I've seen what those ladies get up to, and if that's not hijinks I don't know what is.

Hmm. I'm assuming you've watched firefly, Buffy and angel then. Same with DR who & xfiles. POI is secretly a scifi comic book show but CBS doesn't reliaze it.

Buffy and Angel were a big part of my childhood. I saw Firefly years ago, but only after I saw Serenity in the cinema so most of it was spoiled for me. I wasn't allowed to watch the X-Files growing up, I was sent to bed when it came on. It would be weird to watch it now, I'm very funny about childhood stuff like that. Same reason I can't watch Star Trek: First Contact because the Borg scared me so much I slept with the light on for a week (I was eight!).

I used to be a massive Doctor Who fan (I had a Cyberman avatar for four years) but I have cooled on the show this last series. This was almost 100% the fault of cord-cutting and not being able to watch live. I still love the audio dramas and split a sub to those with my brother (he gets the CDs because he can't work a computer, and I get the digital copies). I like Capaldi and Coleman in their roles, but Series 8 didn't click for me. There weren't enough lighter episodes, my favourite was Robot of Sherwood by some distance.

I'm pretty ashamed to say I welled up quite a few times with both of the 2013 specials (
"How do you use a weapon of ultimate mass destruction when it can stand in judgement on you?", "What we do today, is not out of fear or hatred. It is done because there is no other way.", "And it is done in the name of the many lives that we are failing to save.", "I suppose we'll never know if we succeeded, but at worst, we failed doing the right thing." "For now, for this moment, I am the Doctor again."
and of course, Matt Smith's farewell speech which hit me like a truck because of where I was in my life).


Lol be careful though dude. He's getting a perm.

This guy bothers me because he sounds a bit like me when I was 15. Instead of being spiteful against a girl, I was like that against a gaming clan I was in. I didn't post pictures of any body parts like that guy but I was an attention seeking hog with a narcissistic edge that thought I was making friends with everyone but in reality, was an annoying kid that was in their faces all the time. Everyone hated me for that and I don't blame them.

I moved on rather quickly. But this guy is a painful reminder to that shameful part of my past.


This guy bothers me because he sounds a bit like me when I was 15. Instead of being spiteful against a girl, I was like that against a gaming clan I was in. I didn't post pictures of any body parts like that guy but I was an attention seeking hog with a narcissistic edge that thought I was making friends with everyone but in reality, was an annoying kid that was in their faces all the time. Everyone hated me for that and I don't blame them.

I moved on rather quickly. But this guy is a painful reminder to that shameful part of my past.

Man....that dude sounds messed up. That is not a good situation.
This guy bothers me because he sounds a bit like me when I was 15. Instead of being spiteful against a girl, I was like that against a gaming clan I was in. I didn't post pictures of any body parts like that guy but I was an attention seeking hog with a narcissistic edge that thought I was making friends with everyone but in reality, was an annoying kid that was in their faces all the time. Everyone hated me for that and I don't blame them.

I moved on rather quickly. But this guy is a painful reminder to that shameful part of my past.

Clan drama, lolololololol. I remember those days. What game did you play competitively? It was Unreal Tournament 2k3/2k4 for me.


i refuse to believe anyone is this oblivious

i also refuse to believe messi's garbage thread (which i will never forgive him for) was only the worst thread ever for a day
Man Bendis should've just kept churning out the Powers comic instead of trying to do this Powers show on PSN. And don't dont get me started on Oeming's Sinergy, somebody take his writing typewriter away......


Oh no...I read the rest of that thread


That thread is going to develop and fast.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
i refuse to believe anyone is this oblivious

i also refuse to believe messi's garbage thread (which i will never forgive him for) was only the worst thread ever for a day

Damn, you know you fucked up when frye is un-chill.
Hey, East of West is pretty decent.

And gorgeous. Even with the ghetto judge dredds. Those tubes going up their noses look super uncomfortable.

Almost caught up :(
Damn, you know you fucked up when frye is un-chill.

One of my favorite moments of when the IRC was somewhat active was when a lurker was chatting with us and said he liked frye the most because he was the chillest and frye said "dude thinks i'm the chillest"

Thought that was hilarious



I wanted to curse him out after this. I wanted to risk getting banned after trying to say some awful shit I was thinking of typing.
Almost done with Justice League season two. I'm starting the first part of Starcrossed now.
That's when the show elevates to God tier with JLU

So I decided to go with a starman reread. It's been probably 10 years since I read it...maybe a bit more. I read issue #0 of the omnibus and wow Robinson and Harris were crushing it from the very start. I also enjoyed reading the letter and vision outlined from the start. Not only am I impressed at how mapped out it was from the start but that they followed through with it. Also the dark coloring of the book gives it a totally unique look and feel. I feel the urge to binge read already kicking in.

Also this is one of the few series I keep hoping for a CMX sale to get it digitally but the omnibus seems to be well built. Not one of the ridiculous sized ones these are essentially to be OHC/deluxe editions before they were given that name. It is strange going back and reading in paper form again


but I am taking tiny steps forward
One of my favorite moments of when the IRC was somewhat active was when a lurker was chatting with us and said he liked frye the most because he was the chillest and frye said "dude thinks i'm the chillest"

Thought that was hilarious

Lol yes. I was there for that. Great times.
I remember one night I think I was in that IRC chat constantly chatting for like 3 hours straight. It was a blast.
One other aspect of my Starman thoughts I forgot to mention. What makes Starman so amazing and stands above so many series is how it tackles being a hero, legacy, family and history. I can't think of many series like it that explore legacy of comics, world building of the cities and characters, the sense of legacy and what it means to pass it down from Father to son. Jack is a new character but his whole interest is in the past. Instead of a series with a new character taking the mantle, moving forward the series with a clean slate, Robinson spends as much time going backwards and reflecting in the past.


I finally caught up with Lazarus. I haven't read it since issue seven, I loved it. Now onto WicDiv, Supreme:Blue Rose, and Wytches.
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