Big post incoming!
Sometimes, though, that's the right thing to do.
I agree. Just thinking about it, if you're DC, you put out a cover that seems to alienate a portion of the fanbase you are trying to build. It is alright to go ahead and pull it. The creator are the creators. Let them define their book. The cover was kind of antithetical to the tone of the book, so of course people were upset.
I think Albuquerque made the best piece he could when he got the chance to do the cover. I think the editor or whoever is in charge of getting variants in order probably thought this piece was going to be something some fans could want. It turned out not to be the case. Its OK. We learn as an industry as we change.
I think it's absolutely commendable of them to step up their game like that. Personally, I feel that the best part is that none of it really feels like it is pandering.
Honestly, reading that made me very hopeful and interested in what DC will be doing. Im just supersurprised its the same people who brought us the new 52. Not that I think the new 52 was all that bad or anything but the direction DC back then took was very different from what its doing now. Im happy its like this. There's a huge infusion of new talent planned for DC. Its crazy. I dont know how it'll pan out but they definitely have my attention more than before.
Sorry, I got a bit defensive cuz I like the guy's work a lot but not for the reason you think. I'm actually not much of a fan of his Danger Girl 90s stuff but more of what he does now. I like his super stylish colorful work he puts in. I follow him on instagram and that's where I notice female fans liking his stuff and on twitter. Again I'm not saying all females think alike and I know he is purely fanservice sometimes. I'm fully aware his art get's torn apart on tumblr sites like escher girl. But I strongly disagree on his stuff being wank material for teenage boys. Have you seen his Star Wars variant?
Alright, I was being harsh when I said his stuff is for 13 year olds. Ill take it back. Assuming the first result on google from typing 'J Scott Campbell Star Wars' is the cover you are referring to, I think its OK. He's a professional artist, so its gonna be of professional quality. I think plenty of the other covers were better. Noto's sketch for the new Star Wars movie is, in my eyes, significantly better, just to give you an idea of what I think is quality.
He's never really evolved as an artist for me and his work is pretty much what someone will point at to say American comics are backward in their depictment of women.
So... what's the big deal with that? If an artist finds a niche that has an audience more power to them. Your complaints could be leveled against virtually every artist in some fashion. Adam Hughes covers are basically hot girl worship and yet those get lauded.
Yeah but Hughes operates at a much higher technical level. If an artist can get money, sure, power to them, but I don't have to like what they do or revere their work. Personally, I place artists who continue to evolve over artists who make their money doing the same thing over and over. That doesn't really make my opinion more valid than someone who doesnt mind it. But as an artist, its pretty easy to tell you which kind I respect more.
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muchas gracias amigo
So what do you guys propose? That he stops doing what he's good at and dedicate his career exclusively to Amanda Waller redesigns? Jesus fuck, people will complain about anything.
Dying at the bolded haha
About that cover tho, I just want to know who colored it. They did a really good job. I don't see a colorist signature. Time to do some digging.
i mean, we got his 2014 calendar because my wife wanted it, and the manager of our comic shop is a chick and she bought like 5 copies of it for whatever reason
so in my anecdote, 100% of his fans are women.
Well, you know way more fans of his than I do. I only ever knew one.
*Is a professional working artist, with multiple degrees in the field, gets left out of artist list by brother from another mother*
It feels bad man.
Now that I think about it, I dont think ever seen your work. You've mentioned it and some of the commercials you've worked on (iirc) but not actual artwork. You should post it.