I have a hard time believing DC is going to get significantly better so long as Didio and Johns are holding the reins, personally. And Warner cares more about churning out properties that can be made into TV shows and movies than it does about making good comics.
That strikes me as more of a Marvel thing than a DC thing. Almost everything Marvel is doing at the moment revolves directly around their movies, how they can tie into their movies, almost at the expense of everything else. And I'd hardley call the current DC movie roster (dat timetable) or their TV shows (which have been almost universally good, imo) a churn. Outside of a brief Green Arrow hiccup their comics haven't been slavishly trying to align with their movies or TV shows, like a certain other publishing group.
The problem was that it was actively turning off the exact demo that the book is targeted at. A variant cover that's a whimsical take on a grimdark character doesn't upset anyone, but if you do a cover of Ms. Marvel murdering a puppy, it's going to upset the young female readership they're actually selling the book to. Again, I feel terrible for Rafael, as DC editorial basically stuck him in the cross hairs, but Stewart is trying to make a book for young women readers, one that's pretty light hearted, and he doesn't want them rolling into a comic store seeing this and maybe making the erroneous conclusion that their book has been replaced by something grim and ugly.
Couple things here: I was under the impression it was just a comic book meant to be broadly appealing, not specifically to a single demographic. But also it seems strange to stereotype the young female demo as one that would be universally upset by the cover. Unless we're saying that no women enjoy "grim dark" and no men enjoy "light hearted and cheerful".
Out of curiosity have you been reading the series? Because it's actually been pretty dark in its own way. Barbara has been systematically broken down by her current nemesis. Her life is in a sort of shambles, she's not being written as "Barbara" really, and shes done some particularly fucked up stuff, like beating the shit out of criminals who've done nothing but taunt her (first issue, kicks a dude in the face so hard she knocks out teeth for petty theft and harsh language who didn't attack her, I was like Barbara what are you doing), destroyed the livelihood of a family restraunt trying to stop a drunk driver, amongst other things. It's not physical body horror, perhaps, but certainly psychological.