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COMICS! |OT| March 2015. Warning: can be hazardous to your financial health.


Would Super Tails lie to you?

It's bad that I can't tell whether this is fan fiction or from a comic book.
Loki: Asgard Ninja #1

Due to the ewing hype, might as well get this done. And it is lovely.

Mahvel should really establish a dictum where anyone trying to put the sentence "avengers don't kill" in a book gets instafired, tho.
So I posted once or twice back in the November thread asking for recommendations during a Comixology sale, so now that I have had a chance to read through some stuff I figured maybe I should actually start posting in the thread more often.

I'm one of those people that Marvel dreams about, as I actually went from liking their movies to using that as an excuse to actually start reading comics. Before that, I had only ever read the occasional graphic novel that I had got from the library (and a few TMNT comics from when I was a kid) due to lack of storage room. Thankfully Comixology and my iPad solve that issue. I then read Fraction's Hawkeye, which is absolutely amazing and completely sold me on buying more stuff. It is still probably my favorite run that I have read of any comic.

Awesome to hear your impressions. Glad you enjoyed Superior Foes, it was my favorite Marvel book from last year and I rave about it a lot. I see you already tried Ant-Man so that's good.

If you're still interested in TMNT, you should definitely give the current series that IDW is publishing a shot. It's great stuff.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Have you ever read Immortal Iron Fist by Fraction and Aja. I presume you'd like that a lot since you love Hawkeye.

Yep, I actually read that not long after, based entirely due to Fraction's and Aja's involvement. I really enjoyed it, especially as I had pretty much zero knowledge of the character going into the series. I was always curious how much of the writing was Fraction (there were definite parts where you could tell) and how much was Brubaker, who I admit I also am a big fan of (along with Rucka) thanks to Gotham Central.

I have also picked up Sex Criminals, although it is still sitting in my backlog of stuff.

Awesome to hear your impressions. Glad you enjoyed Superior Foes, it was my favorite Marvel book from last year and I rave about it a lot. I see you already tried Ant-Man so that's good.

If you're still interested in TMNT, you should definitely give the current series that IDW is publishing a shot. It's great stuff.

I should specify that I was reading the Archie TMNT comics. To be fair to myself, I was a kid and all I cared about was that they looked like the toys and cartoon, not necessarily the quality. I assume the IDW series is more closely related to their actual comic origins?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
She Hulk #8, what an issue!
being sued (and like in Uncanny Avengers
he's old
and I don't know why), She Hulk vs
incoming (
in the courtroom that is
Jamie Madrox's dupe
as a sleazy lawyer, awesome start to this new arc. Oh and Pulido back on art thank god.
I should specify that I was reading the Archie TMNT comics. To be fair to myself, I was a kid and all I cared about was that they looked like the toys and cartoon, not necessarily the quality. I assume the IDW series is more closely related to their actual comic origins?
I have no experience with any prior TMNT comics but I'm pretty sure it's a completely original and new origin and story. So it's easy to start without any previous experience or anything.


She Hulk #8, what an issue!
being sued (and like in Uncanny Avengers
he's old
and I don't know why), She Hulk vs
incoming (
in the courtroom that is
Jamie Madrox's dupe
as a sleazy lawyer, awesome start to this new arc. Oh and Pulido back on art thank god.

How many issues left for She-Hulk?


I was always curious how much of the writing was Fraction (there were definite parts where you could tell) and how much was Brubaker, who I admit I also am a big fan of (along with Rucka) thanks to Gotham Central.

It's a question that people ask a lot and Brubaker has actually talked about this:

AVC: What was the co-writing process like on Gotham Central? You’ve done that for a couple books now. How does the work get divided, and what do you think having two writers brings to the story?

EB: [...] I wanted to do a story about the guy who was the Iron Fist before Danny Rand. That was the thing that always bugged me about Iron Fist. The thought that Danny Rand was the only one, somehow. Yet they had this costume, and this legend of this person who would be the Immortal Iron Fist. I’m like, “Well, these guys are all a thousand years old, and they have this Immortal Iron Fist costume sitting there. There had to have been previous Iron Fists.” That was my main thought on that. “Okay, well, we need to do a story on the previous Iron Fist, who, it turns out, didn’t actually die.” And so Matt and I plotted out the first six issues pretty tightly together. And for the first issue, we divided it up pretty evenly. And then once it was done and lettered and everything, we did a pretty major polish over the lettering, because we had just written too much stuff. I think we were both trying too hard to make sure it was… You’d have to see the non-published version and compare it to the published version. We made some mistakes that you can make when you’re co-writing, where you each accidentally write some similar stuff.

But for the most part, it went pretty smoothly. And after the first arc, and even toward the end of the first arc, Marvel was really pushing me to step away, and Matt didn’t really need me so much. So I was co-plotting, and then I would pick certain seasons to write or rewrite. And all the way through issue 14, from that point on, Matt always wrote the first draft, and then I would go in and tweak stuff or rewrite a few scenes. Certain stuff, I would just take. And when Matt’s first kid was born, there was an issue where we divided up the scenes, and I wrote half and he wrote half, and then I sort of polished everything and made it all fit together perfectly. Because that’s the thing about co-writing: When you do break up the scenes, when you put them all together… Like with Greg and I, we’d plop a thing out, and then we’d have the beat-by-beat outline, and we’d kind of race to see who could finish their half first. And if you finished your half last, you had to be the one to make all the scene transitions look good. [Laughs.] So whoever finished last got to do the cleanup.

His answer is more in-depth but that gets what the division was (also his full answer has Gotham Central too). Basically, it's what you expect -- the most Brubaker-y was the first arc (which even if you hadn't read this interview you would know because it's the one with the pulp Iron Fist) and it got more Fraction-y as it went along.



Neo Member
Making my way through Morrison's Batman run and just finished The Return of Bruce Wayne and Batman and Robin Vol. 3. Batman and Robin is such a fun comic and volume three was easily my favorite. I really look forward to seeing where the story goes with Batman Inc.

On a side note, and I know this gets asked a lot, but what tablets do you guys use? I'm not necessarily looking for one that reads comics, I only have a handful of digital comics, but just something that is good for everyday use so I'm not using my laptop for everything. What tablets do you guys prefer?


but I am taking tiny steps forward
It's a question that people ask a lot and Brubaker has actually talked about this:

His answer is more in-depth but that gets what the division was (also his full answer has Gotham Central too). Basically, it's what you expect -- the most Brubaker-y was the first arc (which even if you hadn't read this interview you would know because it's the one with the pulp Iron Fist) and it got more Fraction-y as it went along.


That's really interesting. I've always wondered about that. Thanks for sharing that!

Making my way through Morrison's Batman run and just finished The Return of Bruce Wayne and Batman and Robin Vol. 3. Batman and Robin is such a fun comic and volume three was easily my favorite. I really look forward to seeing where the story goes with Batman Inc.

On a side note, and I know this gets asked a lot, but what tablets do you guys use? I'm not necessarily looking for one that reads comics, I only have a handful of digital comics, but just something that is good for everyday use so I'm not using my laptop for everything. What tablets do you guys prefer?

Batman & Robin is so good. Batman Inc is my favorite bit of the run though, partially due to the writing, but probably mostly due to Burnham's art. Glad you're enjoying it though!

And for my digital reading (which is pretty rare) I have a Nook HD+ that I got for $100 refurbished a year ago. It's not ideal, but it's pretty much the best possible value for a tablet. It's got a good enough size/resolution that you can easily read full pages without zooming. I think most people will recommend an iPad though. That's probably the ideal comics tablet. But you also have to pay quite a large sum of money for it.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
How many issues left for She-Hulk?

I don't know, marvel Unlimited is like 6 months / issues behind

X-Men #19 - this book continues to be one of my favorites, I did not see this coming back with the first issues. The X ladies continue their space adventure, now involving the Shi'ar. X-Men in space is usually a recipe for a fun story and this is no exception. Special mention to the art which is fantastic.

WATXM #8 - I've been pretty harsh on this new volume but this issue was actually pretty good. Logan and Ororo go on a date inside The World an end up staying there for a year (well a year in The World time). I like wolverine and storm together, it makes sense with all their history. Good art too.

Ironically it took me going back to work to start reading a lot again (usually it's the other way around lol)


On a side note, and I know this gets asked a lot, but what tablets do you guys use? I'm not necessarily looking for one that reads comics, I only have a handful of digital comics, but just something that is good for everyday use so I'm not using my laptop for everything. What tablets do you guys prefer?

I read mostly digital now, and I use my iPad Air. Beautiful colors, nice fit for comics. My wife reads on a mini, but I just find that too small.

Looking at that Agents of SHIELD thread in OT.

I'm sad that more people aren't interested in the source material.
Wouldn't want them to miss Angar the Screamer:)


On a side note, and I know this gets asked a lot, but what tablets do you guys use? I'm not necessarily looking for one that reads comics, I only have a handful of digital comics, but just something that is good for everyday use so I'm not using my laptop for everything. What tablets do you guys prefer?

I mostly use a tab galaxy 3 10.1


It's mostly someone asking who Quake was when shown a picture of the 616 version.

Confuse them further by explaining that she is currently in space with Winter Soldier. :p

On topic, I use an old Nook HD+ to read comics despite being Canadian. I'll probably replace it with an Google tablet one day, I'm not really an Apple guy.


Is that ever coming back? Man, that was a good book. Not the easiest of reads, but it was great. It even had monster-lady sex.

Weaver finished drawing the last two issues late last year. No word when it's being published though. Come on Marvel, what are you waiting for!? I'll buy it!

And the first volume is $11 on IST. It's a steal.


Superman 39 was the kind of classic, feel good supes story I haven't seen in a while. Really enjoyable.

I don't really feel much one way or the other about Millar, but Chrononauts was a decent set up and of course Murphy's art topped it all off nicely.


You will never guess the first comic I ever got!

Amazing Spider-Man 502. The Issue, where Leo Zelinsky, the superhero tailor was introduced. It was a present.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I'm 35, how am I supposed to know my first comic, it was literally 30 years ago :(

You kids and your fancy intact memories


Jesus that last page of All - New Captain America. I refuse to accept that happened. It has to be a fake out.

And Sam Wilson IS my Captain America.

I'm 37. My first comic was an issue of X-Men during Inferno. It made zero sense to me.
My first "event" as a child was the Phalanx shit. My best friend got like every issue and made me be super careful with those holographic covers when I read them.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Finished Infinity, all of it including tie ins like I did with AvX. Great event, especially the main books of course. Tie ins are whatever, but it leads me to discover new books so I don't mind.

Hickman is truly a mad man, and Secret Wars might end up being a huge clusterfuck, but the thought that it's the culmination of years of Hickman's insanity makes me giddy.


The first comic I read was a Spider-Man from around 1973. It featured Doc Ock.

The first comic I bought myself was X-Men #99, where they go into space to fight Sentinels.(I had to look up the number, but I still remember the launch sequence where Storm is freaking out about her claustrophobia.)

The first comic I collected was Firestorm, starting with issue #1. I bought every one from that point until sometime after Jason Rusch appeared, as well as nearly every book he appeared in. Firestorm was my guy.


Ironically enough the earliest comic I recall reading was Sonic the Hedgehog 4X back in the 90s.

My first TPB would be either Batman Black and White or Batman: Arkham Asylum by Grant Morrison.
Is this PG Vs. Darkseid? Looks sick!


evacuation of Earth 2's survivors from the doomed Earth has begun and they are trying to buy time for them to get away. Alan Scott blew a hole through Apokolips for the ships to flee through and Val Zod, Kara and Red Tornado launched an attack on Darkseid himself.



evacuation of Earth 2's survivors from the doomed Earth has begun and they are trying to buy time for them to get away. Alan Scott blew a hole through Apokolips for the ships to flee through and Val Zod, Kara and Red Tornado launched an attack on Darkseid himself.

Yeah, this sounds awesome.


I have a hard time pinpointing what my first comic was, but a book that stands out in my memory is this:


As a child, I was a huge collector of superhero action figures, and I always dreamed about them making figures of Frog-man and The White Rabbit. I can't remember the quality of interiors, but I used to read this over and over and over until the cover fell off.
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